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IronMQ vs Starling: What are the differences?

Developers describe IronMQ as "Message Queue for any deployment". An easy-to-use highly available message queuing service. Built for distributed cloud applications with critical messaging needs. Provides on-demand message queuing with advanced features and cloud-optimized performance. On the other hand, Starling is detailed as "A light weight server for reliable distributed message passing". Starling is a powerful but simple messaging server that enables reliable distributed queuing with an absolutely minimal overhead. It speaks the MemCache protocol for maximum cross-platform compatibility. Any language that speaks MemCache can take advantage of Starling's queue facilities.

IronMQ and Starling belong to "Message Queue" category of the tech stack.

Some of the features offered by IronMQ are:

  • Instant High Availability- Runs on top cloud infrastructures and uses multiple high-availability data centers. Uses reliable datastores for message durability and persistence.
  • Easy to Use- IronMQ is super easy to use. Simply connect directly to the API endpoints and you're ready to create and use queues. There are also client libraries available in any language you want – Ruby, Python, PHP, Java, .NET, Go, Node.JS, and more
  • Scalable / High Performance- Built using high-performance languages designed for concurrency and runs on industrial-strength clouds. Push messages and stream data at will without worrying about memory limits or adding more servers.

On the other hand, Starling provides the following key features:

  • Written by Blaine Cook at Twitter
  • Starling is a Message Queue Server based on MemCached
  • Written in Ruby

Starling is an open source tool with 468 GitHub stars and 63 GitHub forks. Here's a link to Starling's open source repository on GitHub.

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Pros of IronMQ
Pros of Starling
  • 12
    Great Support
  • 8
    Heroku Add-on
  • 3
    Push support
  • 3
    Delayed delivery upto 7 days
  • 2
    Super fast
  • 2
    Language agnostic
  • 2
    Good analytics/monitoring
  • 2
    Ease of configuration
  • 2
    GDPR Compliant
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    Cons of IronMQ
    Cons of Starling
    • 1
      Can't use rabbitmqadmin
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      - No public GitHub repository available -

      What is IronMQ?

      An easy-to-use highly available message queuing service. Built for distributed cloud applications with critical messaging needs. Provides on-demand message queuing with advanced features and cloud-optimized performance.

      What is Starling?

      Starling is a powerful but simple messaging server that enables reliable distributed queuing with an absolutely minimal overhead. It speaks the MemCache protocol for maximum cross-platform compatibility. Any language that speaks MemCache can take advantage of Starling's queue facilities.

      Need advice about which tool to choose?Ask the StackShare community!

      What companies use IronMQ?
      What companies use Starling?
      See which teams inside your own company are using IronMQ or Starling.
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      What tools integrate with IronMQ?
      What tools integrate with Starling?
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        What are some alternatives to IronMQ and Starling?
        RabbitMQ gives your applications a common platform to send and receive messages, and your messages a safe place to live until received.
        Kafka is a distributed, partitioned, replicated commit log service. It provides the functionality of a messaging system, but with a unique design.
        Fully managed, highly available RabbitMQ servers and clusters, on all major compute platforms.
        JavaScript is most known as the scripting language for Web pages, but used in many non-browser environments as well such as node.js or Apache CouchDB. It is a prototype-based, multi-paradigm scripting language that is dynamic,and supports object-oriented, imperative, and functional programming styles.
        Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.
        See all alternatives