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Automate tasks between other online services (services like Salesforce, Basecamp, Gmail, and 400+ more)
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What is Zapier?

Zapier is for busy people who know their time is better spent selling, marketing, or coding. Instead of wasting valuable time coming up with complicated systems - you can use Zapier to automate the web services you and your team are already using on a daily basis.
Zapier is a tool in the Web Service Automation category of a tech stack.

Who uses Zapier?

456 companies reportedly use Zapier in their tech stacks, including Accenture, Trustpilot, and Typeform.

1099 developers on StackShare have stated that they use Zapier.

Zapier Integrations

Slack, Gmail, Mixpanel, Intercom, and BrowserStack are some of the popular tools that integrate with Zapier. Here's a list of all 365 tools that integrate with Zapier.
Pros of Zapier
Sync cloud services
Easy setup
Scheduled tasks
Great customer support
Integrates with Trello
Gives me updates anytime, anywhere
Decisions about Zapier

Here are some stack decisions, common use cases and reviews by companies and developers who chose Zapier in their tech stack.

Needs advice

I'm using two layers of verification through Zapier automation. From the opt-in page, emails get verified on Kickbox, if they pass the first filter, then they go to NeverBounce. If approved they land on my Getresponse list.

Do you think I should be using Kickbox and NeverBounce or it's not necessary?


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Lucas Litton
Founder & CEO at Macombey · | 4 upvotes · 79.8K views

Zapier is one of our favorite tools in our stack. We automate the entire company with Zapier. When a lead fills out the form on our website, it creates an opportunity on Zendesk. We have an entire pipeline of automation that goes from our website, to Zendesk, it then creates a contract in Pandadoc and creates an invoice in Xero.

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Needs advice

Hey! We are Raisegiving, a payments platform geared towards helping nonprofits raise money and manage donors. We are looking to give our Users (Admins of nonprofits) the ability to integrate their Raisegiving account with other tools such as Mailchimp and QuickBooks.

Examples of desired use cases:

  • Users should be able to sync Raisegiving audience with their Mailchimp audience, trigger the creation of a new Mailchimp audience based on data from their Raisegiving account.
  • Donations made on our platform should sync with users Quickbooks account.

Does anyone have any helpful insights into the pros and cons of vs Zapier?

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Needs advice

I would like to build a community-based customer review platform for a niche industry where users can sign up for a forum, as well as post detailed reviews of their experience with a company/product, including a rating system for pre-selected features. Something like or with curated information/data, ratings, reviews, and comparison functionalities.

Is this possible to build using no-code tools? I have read about the possibility of using Webflow with Memberstack, Airtable, and Elfsight through Zapier / Integromat, which may allow for good design and functionality. Is it possible with Bubble or Bildr?

I have no problems with a bit of a learning curve as long as what I want is possible. Since I have 0 coding experience, I am not sure how to go about it.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

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Dale Ross
Independent Contractor at Self Employed · | 8 upvotes · 55.6K views

I started out as an Independent Contractor just about a month ago and wanted to start on the right foot. I did a bit of searching on Hacker News when I needed an Invoicing Solution. Freshbooks caught my eye initially but I decided to check StackShare for a more cost-effective solution. The Zapier integrations are pretty neat, the templates are cool and I'm looking forward to what else it has in store.

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Blog Posts

Jul 2 2019 at 9:34PM


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Zapier's Features

  • A Zap is a blueprint for a task you want to do over and over. In words, a Zap looks like this: "When I get a new thing in A, do this other thing in B." The first part is the trigger and the second part is the action. An example is "When I get a new entry from a Wufoo form, create a new lead in Salesforce."
  • You can pick what fields from the trigger service should go to the action service and you can use static text and custom fields too. For instance, you might say that the phone number from your Wufoo form should be the work phone of your new Salesforce lead.
  • Zapier regularly checks your trigger for new data. When the Zap triggers, Zapier automatically performs your action for you. Continuing with the Wufoo scenario, say you receive five new entries. Zapier takes each one and makes a new lead in Salesforce, customized to the way you specified in your Zap.
  • Without any more effort from you, data flows from one service to the other

Zapier Alternatives & Comparisons

What are some alternatives to Zapier?
It helps you connect all of your different apps and devices. You can enable your apps and devices to work together to do specific things they couldn't do otherwise.
It is an easy to use, powerful tool with unique features for automating manual processes. Connect your favorite apps, services and devices with each other without having any programming skills. allows businesses to connect different cloud / SaaS applications, and automate workflows across (marketing, sales, and other internal processes). One can create simple one-to-one integrations to sync data or complex workflows across multiple applications. It helps create workflow bots on top of 100+ popular cloud applications - Salesforce, Google Apps, Trello, Hubspot, Quickbooks, Shopify and many more.
It is cloud data integration platform designed for marketing, sales, and customer support teams of medium-sized companies and large enterprises.
Flow is an online collaboration platform that makes it easy for people to create, organize, discuss, and accomplish tasks with anyone, anytime, anywhere. By merging a sleek, intuitive interface with powerful functionality, we're out to revolutionize the way the world's productive teams get things done.
See all alternatives

Zapier's Followers
1166 developers follow Zapier to keep up with related blogs and decisions.