Google Forms vs SurveyGizmo

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Google Forms

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What is Google Forms?

It is a cloud-based questionnaire and survey solution with real-time collaboration and powerful tools to customize form questions. It can also be used to create online quizzes.

What is SurveyGizmo?

It is an advanced (but easy to use) online survey software tool that comes with amazing customer service, every survey feature you can imagine and an open API.

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What companies use Google Forms?
What companies use SurveyGizmo?
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What tools integrate with Google Forms?
What tools integrate with SurveyGizmo?

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What are some alternatives to Google Forms and SurveyGizmo?
It is an online service offers you all the tools you need to quickly create a survey, distribute it to a targeted audience such as existing or potential customers, and examine the survey results.
Build beautiful and engaging next-generation online forms, surveys, quizzes, landing pages, and much more with Typeform
It is a powerful online application that allows anyone to quickly create custom online forms. It creates forms with a drag and drop creation tool and an option to encrypt user data.
Gravity Forms
It is a WordPress plugin used originally for contact forms, but in a more general sense, it allows site owners to create forms to collect information. It can be used for contact forms, WordPress post creation, calculators, employment applications and more.
Working with Airtable is as fast and easy as editing a spreadsheet. But only Airtable is backed by the power of a full database, giving you rich features far beyond what a spreadsheet can offer.
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