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Kubuntu vs Ubuntu: What are the differences?

  1. Desktop Environment: The key difference between Kubuntu and Ubuntu lies in their default desktop environments. Kubuntu uses the KDE Plasma desktop environment, known for its customizable and feature-rich interface, while Ubuntu uses the GNOME desktop environment, which is more streamlined and user-friendly for beginners.

  2. Pre-installed applications: Another significant difference is the set of pre-installed applications. Kubuntu comes with software like KMail, KDE Connect, and Okular, tailored to the KDE environment, whereas Ubuntu includes applications like Rhythmbox, Shotwell, and LibreOffice, designed for the GNOME environment.

  3. System requirements: Kubuntu and Ubuntu have slightly different system requirements due to their respective desktop environments. Kubuntu may require more system resources to run smoothly due to the resource-heavy nature of KDE Plasma, while Ubuntu tends to be more lightweight and can run on older or lower-powered hardware more efficiently.

  4. Package Management: Kubuntu and Ubuntu use different package management systems. Kubuntu uses the Muon Package Manager and Discover software center, focusing more on graphical tools, while Ubuntu uses the GNOME Software Center and terminal-based tools like apt-get for package management.

  5. Community Support: The community support and user base for Kubuntu and Ubuntu also vary. Ubuntu, being the flagship distribution of the Ubuntu project, generally has a larger and more active community, providing more resources and assistance to users. Kubuntu, while still well-supported, may have a smaller community and fewer resources available.

  6. Default Theme and Appearance: The default look and feel of Kubuntu and Ubuntu are distinct. Kubuntu typically features a blue-themed interface with KDE Plasma's signature widgets and effects, while Ubuntu showcases the brown-orange Ambiance theme with the GNOME Shell layout, giving each distribution a unique visual identity.

In Summary, Kubuntu and Ubuntu differ in desktop environments, pre-installed applications, system requirements, package management, community support, and default theme and appearance.

Decisions about Kubuntu and Ubuntu

Ubuntu is much more faster over Windows and helps to get software and other utilities easier and within a short span of time compared to Windows.

Ubuntu helps to get robustness and resiliency over Windows. Ubuntu runs faster than Windows on every computer that I have ever tested. LibreOffice (Ubuntu's default office suite) runs much faster than Microsoft Office on every computer that I have ever tested.

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Jerome/Zen Quah

Global familiarity, free, widely used, and as a debian distro feels more comfortable when rapidly switching between local macOS and remote command lines.

CentOS does boast quite a few security/stability improvements, however as a RHEL-based distro, differs quite significantly in the command line and suffers from slightly less frequent package updates. (Could be a good or bad thing depending on your use-case and if it is public facing)

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Simon Aronsson
Developer Advocate at k6 / Load Impact · | 7 upvotes · 267.7K views

At the moment of the decision, my desktop was the primary place I did work. Due to this, I can't have it blow up on me while I work. While Arch is interesting and powerful, Ubuntu offers (at least for me) a lot more stability and lets me focus on other things than maintaining my own OS installation.

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Pros of Kubuntu
Pros of Ubuntu
  • 5
    Highly customizable
  • 5
    Large community
  • 4
    Very Stable
  • 4
    Good for beginners
  • 4
  • 230
    Free to use
  • 96
    Easy setup for testing discord bot
  • 57
    Gateway Linux Distro
  • 54
    Simple interface
  • 9
    Don't need driver installation in most cases
  • 6
    Open Source
  • 6
    Many active communities
  • 3
    Software Availability
  • 3
    Easy to custom
  • 2
    Many flavors/distros based on ubuntu
  • 1
    Lightweight container base OS
  • 1
    Great OotB Linux Shell Experience

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Cons of Kubuntu
Cons of Ubuntu
  • 2
  • 5
    Demanding system requirements
  • 4
    Adds overhead and unnecessary complexity over Debian
  • 2
    Snapd installed by default
  • 1

Sign up to add or upvote consMake informed product decisions

What is Kubuntu?

It is a free, complete, and open-source alternative to Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X which contains everything you need to work, play, or share. It unites Ubuntu with KDE and the fabulous Plasma desktop, bringing you a full set of applications. The installation includes productivity, office, email, graphics, photography, and music applications ready to use at startup.

What is Ubuntu?

Ubuntu is an ancient African word meaning ‘humanity to others’. It also means ‘I am what I am because of who we all are’. The Ubuntu operating system brings the spirit of Ubuntu to the world of computers.

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What are some alternatives to Kubuntu and Ubuntu?
The openSUSE project is a worldwide effort that promotes the use of Linux everywhere. openSUSE creates one of the world's best Linux distributions, working together in an open, transparent and friendly manner as part of the worldwide Free and Open Source Software community.
It is an accessible, friendly, open-source Linux distribution and community. Based on Arch Linux, it provides all the benefits of cutting-edge software combined with a focus on getting started quickly, automated tools to require less manual intervention, and help readily available when needed.
Debian systems currently use the Linux kernel or the FreeBSD kernel. Linux is a piece of software started by Linus Torvalds and supported by thousands of programmers worldwide. FreeBSD is an operating system including a kernel and other software.
The CentOS Project is a community-driven free software effort focused on delivering a robust open source ecosystem. For users, we offer a consistent manageable platform that suits a wide variety of deployments. For open source communities, we offer a solid, predictable base to build upon, along with extensive resources to build, test, release, and maintain their code.
A clone of the operating system Unix, written from scratch by Linus Torvalds with assistance from a loosely-knit team of hackers across the Net. It aims towards POSIX and Single UNIX Specification compliance.
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