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Google Webmasters

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Google Webmasters vs SerpWatch: What are the differences?

What is Google Webmasters? *A suite of Google SEO tools *. It is a free service that helps you evaluate and maintain your website's performance in search results . It gives you at a glance data about all important SEO aspects of a site, such as keywords, links, crawl errors, etc.

What is SerpWatch? The best rank tracker for modern SEO professionals. It is a powerful tracker tool for SEO professionals that lets you follow, manage, and analyze your keywords with ease. It automatically delivers comprehensive, accurate, easy-to-read ranking data from every major search engine and most of the minor ones: Google, Bing, Yandex, Amazon, Google Maps, Google Images, also making it a Yahoo rank tracker and a Bing rank tracker.

Google Webmasters and SerpWatch can be categorized as "SEO as a Service" tools.

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What is Google Webmasters?

It is a free service that helps you evaluate and maintain your website's performance in search results . It gives you at a glance data about all important SEO aspects of a site, such as keywords, links, crawl errors, etc.

What is SerpWatch?

It is a powerful tracker tool for SEO professionals that lets you follow, manage, and analyze your keywords with ease. It automatically delivers comprehensive, accurate, easy-to-read ranking data from every major search engine and most of the minor ones: Google, Bing, Yandex, Amazon, Google Maps, Google Images, also making it a Yahoo rank tracker and a Bing rank tracker.

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    What tools integrate with Google Webmasters?
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    What are some alternatives to Google Webmasters and SerpWatch?
    Google Analytics
    Google Analytics lets you measure your advertising ROI as well as track your Flash, video, and social networking sites and applications.
    Google Search Console
    It is a web service, provided free of charge for webmasters, which allows them to check indexing status and optimize visibility of their websites. Its tools and reports help you measure your site's Search traffic and performance, fix issues, and make your site shine in search results.
    SEMrush is a powerful and versatile competitive intelligence suite for online marketing, from SEO and PPC to social media and video advertising research.
    Tools to grow your search traffic, research your competitors and monitor your niche. It helps you learn why your competitors rank so high and what you need to do to outrank them.
    Best-in-class SEO software for every situation, from all-in-one SEO platform to tools for local SEO, enterprise SERP analytics, and a powerful API.
    See all alternatives