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3scale vs Fuse: What are the differences?


In this Markdown, we will outline the key differences between 3scale and Fuse and format it in a way that can be used on a website.

  1. Integration Approach: 3scale is an API management platform that provides features like API gateway, developer portal, and analytics. It focuses on managing and distributing APIs to external developers. On the other hand, Fuse is an integration platform that enables the connecting of various systems, applications, and services. It allows for the creation of complex integration workflows and orchestrations. While 3scale primarily focuses on API management, Fuse has a broader scope for integrating different systems.

  2. Features: 3scale provides features like API documentation, access control, rate limiting, and analytics to manage APIs effectively. It helps to secure and monitor the APIs, as well as manage developer access and usage. Fuse, on the other hand, offers features like message routing, data transformation, and mediation to facilitate seamless communication between different systems. It enables integration through various protocols and supports different messaging patterns like publish-subscribe and request-reply.

  3. Use Cases: 3scale is commonly utilized when there is a need to expose APIs to external developers for building third-party applications or services. It is commonly used by businesses that focus on API monetization and have a developer community. Fuse, on the other hand, is commonly used for enterprise application integration scenarios. It is suitable for integrating diverse systems within an organization and enabling communication between them. Fuse is often used in scenarios where data needs to be transformed, routed, or mediated between different applications or services.

  4. Deployment Options: 3scale offers a cloud-based deployment model where the API management platform is hosted and managed by 3scale. This allows for ease of use and scalability. Fuse, on the other hand, provides on-premise and cloud-based deployment options. Organizations can choose to deploy it on their own infrastructure or opt for a cloud-based deployment depending on their requirements and preferences.

  5. Customization and Extensibility: 3scale provides a certain level of customization options like branding the developer portal and configuring access policies. However, the extent of customization is limited compared to Fuse. Fuse allows extensive customization and extensibility through the use of custom components, connectors, and integration patterns. It allows organizations to tailor their integration workflows and processes according to their specific needs.

  6. Pricing Model: 3scale follows a subscription-based pricing model where the cost is based on factors such as the number of APIs, transactions, and active developers. The pricing depends on the usage and can vary depending on the requirements. Fuse, on the other hand, follows a different pricing model based on the number of cores, nodes, and support services required for deployment. The pricing for Fuse is more focused on the infrastructure and deployment options rather than the usage.

In summary, 3scale is primarily an API management platform focused on managing and distributing APIs to external developers, while Fuse is an integration platform focused on connecting and orchestrating different systems and applications. 3scale offers cloud-based deployment and limited customization options, while Fuse provides more extensive customization and can be deployed on-premise or in the cloud. The pricing models also differ, with 3scale being more usage-based and Fuse being more focused on infrastructure and deployment.

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Pros of 3scale
Pros of Fuse
  • 6
    Integrated developer portal
  • 4
    Full lifecycle api management
  • 3
    Plugable api management layer
  • 3
    Separates policy definition from enforcement
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    What is 3scale?

    3scale's API Management platform provides services and solutions, allowing you to Operate, Manage and Distribute your APIs. Trusted by 450+ API programs.

    What is Fuse?

    It is a set of user experience development tools that unify design, prototyping and implementation of high quality, native apps for iOS and Android.

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      Sign In and discover new APIs from our open data commons of RESTful APIs. Mashery's API management offerings include strategic consulting & developer support to help you build your business.
      Kong is a scalable, open source API Layer (also known as an API Gateway, or API Middleware). Kong controls layer 4 and 7 traffic and is extended through Plugins, which provide extra functionality and services beyond the core platform.
      It provides an easy way for API/service providers to use a web UI to define service contracts for their APIs, apply these contracts across multiple APIs, and control role-based user access and API versioning.
      API management, design, analytics, and security are at the heart of modern digital architecture. The Apigee intelligent API platform is a complete solution for moving business to the digital world.
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