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SwiftWebUI vs Tailwind CSS: What are the differences?

Introduction: In the realm of web development, SwiftWebUI and Tailwind CSS are two popular frameworks that are commonly used.

  1. Syntax: One key difference between SwiftWebUI and Tailwind CSS is their syntax. SwiftWebUI uses a declarative syntax similar to SwiftUI, which is a declarative framework for building user interfaces. On the other hand, Tailwind CSS utilizes utility classes to style HTML elements, allowing for more flexibility in designing web layouts.

  2. Language Compatibility: Another significant difference is the language compatibility. SwiftWebUI, as the name suggests, is based on Swift programming language, which is primarily used for iOS and macOS development. In contrast, Tailwind CSS is a CSS framework that can be used with any language that can produce HTML.

  3. Component-Based vs Utility-First: SwiftWebUI follows a component-based approach where developers can create reusable components to build interfaces, while Tailwind CSS follows a utility-first approach where developers can apply utility classes directly to HTML elements for styling.

  4. Customization: Tailwind CSS offers extensive customization options through configuration files, enabling developers to tailor the framework to suit their specific design needs. In contrast, SwiftWebUI, being a more opinionated framework, may have limited customization options compared to Tailwind CSS.

  5. Performance: In terms of performance, SwiftWebUI leverages the native speed and efficiency of Swift programming language, whereas Tailwind CSS relies on generated CSS files, which may result in larger file sizes and potentially impact performance.

  6. Community Support: Tailwind CSS has a larger and more established community with a wide range of resources, plugins, and third-party tools available for developers. In comparison, SwiftWebUI, being a relatively newer framework, may have a smaller community and fewer resources available for support and guidance.

In Summary, SwiftWebUI and Tailwind CSS differ in syntax, language compatibility, approach to styling, customization options, performance, and community support, catering to different preferences and requirements in web development.

Advice on SwiftWebUI and Tailwind CSS
Needs advice
Tailwind CSSTailwind CSS

I am planning to redesign my entire application, which is currently in Bootstrap. I heard about Tailwind CSS, and I think its really cool to work with. Is it okay if I use Bootstrap and Tailwind together? I can't remove Bootstrap altogether, as my application is using the js dependencies of Bootstrap, which I don't want to disturb.

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Replies (3)
Ivo Pereira

Factually talking about systems, we gotta make two bold headlines about each one: Bootstrap has been around for a while, has a vast community and much probably will not be gone in a while. Tailwind in the other hand, is the trendy framework starting from the past year. Referring to UI, I really prefer Tailwind, however I can't ignore the fact that a lot of libraries that emerged felt short in the end after a few years (a point where Bootstrap kept his status).

You are able to use both them together but I advise you — it will be a mess. And you gotta hope that you won't have any kind of conflicts between class naming and other general styling.

My recommendation would be to use one and only one. Perhaps rebuild the UI with a specific framework in mind, otherwise you will start to workaround things of both frameworks to contradict each other - and your team (if you work with one) will hate you.

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Arslan Ameer
Sr. Software Engineer at Forenax Technologies · | 5 upvotes · 590.1K views

You might have heard about bootstrap 5. Bootstrap is now totally jQuery free. i have tried foundation and bulma too. but eventually fall again for bootstrap, as it is most convenient and stable. i use bootstrap with less or sass.

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Barry Hylton

I use both of these regularly. If you're going to have to use Bootstrap due to your js dependencies, stick with Bootstrap. I actually prefer Tailwind, but trying to use both of them and make them "play nice" feels like making things more complex with no real benefit.

EDIT: Sorry for the late response, I just noticed how old this is. StackShare sent me this in an email for some reason so I assumed it was relatively fresh.

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Needs advice
BootstrapBootstrapTailwind CSSTailwind CSS

We are re-modifying the existing portal to the new one. Looking out for a CSS framework where over-rides are possible, the performance of page loading, extendable, etc Please suggest between tailwind, UIkit and bootstrap frameworks explaining in detail on different factors. I request your help on the same.

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Replies (2)
Collins Ogbuzuru
Front-end dev at Evolve credit · | 3 upvotes · 552.9K views
Tailwind CSSTailwind CSS

Hey Sai, My thoughts on UIkit - It's beautiful, fast, and it has good animation too. Why would I choose it ? Nothing other than giving the internet a new look .

My thoughts on Bootstrap - it's beautiful, if used well. It's very fast and has clean class naming convention unlike Uikit. Why I would choose it ? It's been tested and trusted, I can find a whole lot of resources and a community around it. Also with the type of project you working on I bet Bootstrap would do the job .

Now, considering Tailwind, it's seen as a classic, simple-to-set-up tool with clean utilities. I wouldn't think of tailwind the way I would to Bootstrap or UIkit. What do I mean ? Tailwind is more like a tool set to create your own design flow. Tailwind allows you to build unique design elements, offering you a level of customization that may be unmatched by the other frameworks.

My final thoughts.

If you have the time , setup and use tailwind it will give you a great chance when it comes to customization and performance.

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Brett Stevenson

I'm a big proponent of Tailwind and I personally use it whenever I get the chance, mostly because it's not really a UI-kit, but it sounds like in this case a UI-kit like Bootstrap with pre-defined components is more what you are looking for. Bootstrap is (relatively) extendable and overridable and makes it really simple to make a decent looking UI using a handful of pre-defined classes, whereas with Tailwind you configure the classes and create your own components. My main reason for replacing Bootstrap in my workflow is that it feels like the component creation has become so abstracted from the developer that any meaningful customization becomes a chore, resulting in many websites having the generic "Bootstrap-look". Nonetheless, it is effective for creating a pleasant and responsive UI. Though, I don't have any experience with UIkit.

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Decisions about SwiftWebUI and Tailwind CSS
Bridget Sarah
Full Stack Developer at Bridget Sarah · | 10 upvotes · 640.4K views

I do prefer to write things from scratch however when it came to wanting to jump-start the frontend, I found that it was taking me a lot longer hence why needing to use something very fast.

Bootstrap was the boom when it came out, I didn't like it, to be honest, set in its way and a pain to over-ride and in addition, you can tell from a distance if you're using boostrap and as everything looks the same.

I came across Tailwind CSS as I wanted more dynamic features, you could say, I've been now doing it for a few days and I love it a lot. I've been practising with the full stack part installed but I an't we wait until I do a new project, and I'll e able to select exactly what I want. Much faster.

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Pros of SwiftWebUI
Pros of Tailwind CSS
    Be the first to leave a pro
    • 44
      Highly customizable
    • 33
      Quick setup
    • 30
      Utility first styles, its amazing
    • 24
    • 23
      Great docs
    • 16
    • 16
    • 15
    • 11
      Very light
    • 11
    • 11
      Open source
    • 9
    • 1
      Easy Tree shaking with Tailwind CLI

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    Cons of SwiftWebUI
    Cons of Tailwind CSS
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      • 14
      • 5
        Cluttered html structure

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      - No public GitHub repository available -

      What is SwiftWebUI?

      It allows you to write SwiftUI Views which display in a web browser. It doesn’t just render SwiftUI Views as HTML. It also sets up a connection between the browser and the code hosted in the Swift server, allowing for interaction - buttons, pickers, steppers, lists, navigation, you get it all.

      What is Tailwind CSS?

      Tailwind is different from frameworks like Bootstrap, Foundation, or Bulma in that it's not a UI kit. It doesn't have a default theme, and there are no build-in UI components. It comes with a menu of predesigned widgets to build your site with, but doesn't impose design decisions that are difficult to undo.

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        What tools integrate with Tailwind CSS?

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        What are some alternatives to SwiftWebUI and Tailwind CSS?
        Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
        Material Design for Angular
        Material Design is a specification for a unified system of visual, motion, and interaction design that adapts across different devices. Our goal is to deliver a lean, lightweight set of AngularJS-native UI elements that implement the material design system for use in Angular SPAs.
        It is a bunch of cool, fun, and cross-browser animations for you to use in your projects. Great for emphasis, home pages, sliders, and general just-add-water-awesomeness.
        Material UI is a library of React UI components that implements Google's Material Design.
        Nuxt.js presets all the configuration needed to make your development of a Vue.js application enjoyable. You can use Nuxt.js for SSR, SPA, Static Generated, PWA and more.
        See all alternatives