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HockeyApp vs Releasable: What are the differences?

HockeyApp: Manage your betas and collect live crash reports for iOS, Android, Windows Phone, and OS X apps. HockeyApp is the best way to collect live crash reports, get feedback from your users, distribute your betas, and analyze your test coverage; Releasable: Beta Test Management Software For Everyone. It is a tool for companies to collect feedback from real customers prior to officially launching a product. The tool allows companies to manage all beta testing feedback from one central location, instead of using various disconnected tools for different purposes.

HockeyApp and Releasable belong to "Beta Testing / Mobile App Distribution" category of the tech stack.

Some of the features offered by HockeyApp are:

  • Crash Reports- HockeyApp offers the most reliable and complete crash reporting for beta and App Store versions using open source frameworks. Providing full server-side symbolication with class names, methods, line numbers, and automatic grouping of similar crash reports.
  • Feedback- HockeyApp allows you to communicate with your customers. Users can create a support request, post an idea, or discuss a problem right from within the app.
  • Distribution- Upload your beta versions to HockeyApp and distribute them to your beta testers. Integrate our open-source SDK and your app will automatically be able to detect updates and offer the updates right within the app.Analytics- By integrating our SDK into your app, you'll get advanced metrics to get a better overview of the testing for your app. See which devices were tested, which testers used the app for how long, and which language was tested.

On the other hand, Releasable provides the following key features:

  • Built for people
  • Built for product lead
  • Easily manageable
Manage your open source components, licenses, and vulnerabilities
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Pros of HockeyApp
Pros of Releasable
  • 17
    Crash analytics
  • 11
  • 5
    Mobile application distribution
  • 2
    JIRA Integration
  • 2
    Open source
  • 1
    GitHub Integration
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    What is HockeyApp?

    HockeyApp is the best way to collect live crash reports, get feedback from your users, distribute your betas, and analyze your test coverage.

    What is Releasable?

    It is a tool for companies to collect feedback from real customers prior to officially launching a product. The tool allows companies to manage all beta testing feedback from one central location, instead of using various disconnected tools for different purposes.

    Need advice about which tool to choose?Ask the StackShare community!

    What companies use HockeyApp?
    What companies use Releasable?
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      Manage your open source components, licenses, and vulnerabilities
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      What tools integrate with HockeyApp?
      What tools integrate with Releasable?

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      What are some alternatives to HockeyApp and Releasable?
      With TestFlight, developers simply upload a build, and the testers can install it directly from their device, over the air.
      When testing apps in the crowd, you never know what exactly was done, and what went wrong on the client side. TestFairy shows you a video of the exact test that was done, including CPU, memory, GPS, network and a lot more.
      Fabric is a Python (2.5-2.7) library and command-line tool for streamlining the use of SSH for application deployment or systems administration tasks. It provides a basic suite of operations for executing local or remote shell commands (normally or via sudo) and uploading/downloading files, as well as auxiliary functionality such as prompting the running user for input, or aborting execution.
      Instead of just showing you the stack trace, Crashlytics performs deep analysis of each and every thread. We de-prioritize lines that don't matter while highlighting the interesting ones. This makes reading stack traces easier, faster, and far more useful! Crashlytics' intelligent grouping can take 50,000 crashes, distill them down to 20 unique issues, and then tell you which 3 are the most important to fix.
      fastlane lets you define and run your deployment pipelines for different environments. It helps you unify your app’s release process and automate the whole process. fastlane connects all fastlane tools and third party tools, like CocoaPods.
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