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AWS CodeBuild

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Jenkins X

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AWS CodeBuild vs Jenkins X: What are the differences?

AWS CodeBuild: Build and test code with continuous scaling. AWS CodeBuild is a fully managed build service that compiles source code, runs tests, and produces software packages that are ready to deploy. With CodeBuild, you don’t need to provision, manage, and scale your own build servers; Jenkins X: A CI/CD solution for cloud applications on Kubernetes. Jenkins X is a CI/CD solution for modern cloud applications on Kubernetes.

AWS CodeBuild and Jenkins X can be primarily classified as "Continuous Integration" tools.

Some of the features offered by AWS CodeBuild are:

  • Fully Managed Build Service
  • Continuous Scaling
  • Enables Continuous Integration

On the other hand, Jenkins X provides the following key features:

  • Automated CI and CD - Rather than having to have deep knowledge of the internals of Jenkins Pipeline, Jenkins X will default awesome pipelines for your projects that implements fully CI and CD
  • Environment Promotion via GitOps - Each team gets a set of Environments. Jenkins X then automates the management of the Environments and the Promotion of new versions of Applications between Environments via GitOps
  • Pull Request Preview Environments - Jenkins X automatically spins up Preview Environments for your Pull Requests so you can get fast feedback before changes are merged to master

"Pay per minute" is the top reason why over 4 developers like AWS CodeBuild, while over 2 developers mention "Kubernetes integration" as the leading cause for choosing Jenkins X.

Jenkins X is an open source tool with 2.8K GitHub stars and 498 GitHub forks. Here's a link to Jenkins X's open source repository on GitHub.

Convox, Volta Industries, and ChromaDex are some of the popular companies that use AWS CodeBuild, whereas Jenkins X is used by letgo, Zetaops, and Proente. AWS CodeBuild has a broader approval, being mentioned in 21 company stacks & 14 developers stacks; compared to Jenkins X, which is listed in 3 company stacks and 7 developer stacks.

Advice on AWS CodeBuild and Jenkins X
Needs advice
CircleCICircleCIGitLab CIGitLab CI
Jenkins XJenkins X

We are a mid-size startup running Scala apps. Moving from Jenkins/EC2 to Spinnaker/EKS and looking for a tool to cover our CI/CD needs. Our code lives on GitHub, artifacts in nexus, images in ECR.

Drone is out, GitHub actions are being considered along with Circle CI and GitLab CI.

We primarily need:

  • Fast SBT builds (caching)
  • Low maintenance overhead (ideally serverless)
  • Everything as code
  • Ease of use
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Replies (3)
Glenn Gillen

I think I've tried most of the CI tools out there at some point. It took me a while to get around to Buildkite because at first I didn't see much point given it seemed like you had to run the agent yourself. Eventually it dawned on me why this approach was more ingenious than I realised:

Running my app in a production (or production-like) environment was already a solved problem, because everything was already in some form of "everything as code". Having a test environment where the only difference was adding the Buildkite agent was a trivial addition.

It means that dev/test/prod parity is simple to achieve and maintain. It's also proven to be much easier to support than trying to deal with the problems that come with trying to force an app to fit into the nuances and constraints that are imposed by the containers/runtime of a CI service. When you completely control all of the environment the tests are running in you define those constraints too. It's been a great balance between a managed service and the flexibility of running it yourself.

And while none of my needs have hit the scale of Shopify (I saw one of their engineers speak about it at a conference once, I can't find the video now though 😞) it's good to know I can scale out my worker nodes to hundreds of thousands of workers to reduce the time it takes for my tests to run.

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I would recommend you to consider the JFrog Platform that includes JFrog Pipelines - it will allow you to manage the full artifact life cycle for your sbt, docker and other technologies, and automate all of your CI and CD using cloud native declarative yaml pipelines. Will integrate smoothly with all your other toolset.

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Estu Fardani
GitLab CIGitLab CI

more configurable to setup ci/cd: * It can provide caching when build sbt, just add this section to yml file * Easy to use, many documentation

Weakness: * Need use gitlab as repository to bring more powerful configuration

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Pros of AWS CodeBuild
Pros of Jenkins X
  • 7
    Pay per minute
  • 5
    Parameter Store integration for passing secrets
  • 4
    Integrated with AWS
  • 3
    Streaming logs to Amazon CloudWatch
  • 3
    Bit bucket integration
  • 2
    GitHub Webhooks support
  • 2
    AWS Config and Config rule integration for compliance
  • 2
    VPC PrivateLinks to invoke service without internet
  • 1
    Windows/.NET support
  • 1
    Jenkins plugin integration
  • 1
    Ondemand scaling of build jobs
  • 1
    Scheduled builds with CloudWatch Events integration
  • 1
    Local build debug support
  • 1
    Native support for accessing Amazon VPC resources
  • 1
    Docker based build environment
  • 1
    Support for bringing custom Docker images
  • 1
    Fully managed (no installation/updates, servers to mai
  • 1
    PCI, SOC, ISO, HIPAA compliant
  • 1
    Full API/SDKs/CLI support
  • 1
    YAML based configuration
  • 1
    Great support (forums, premium support, SO, GitHub)
  • 1
    Perpetual free tier option (100 mins/month)
  • 1
    GitHub Enterprise support
  • 7
    Kubernetes integration
  • 5
    Scripted Pipelines
  • 4

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Cons of AWS CodeBuild
Cons of Jenkins X
  • 2
    Poor branch support
  • 1

Sign up to add or upvote consMake informed product decisions

- No public GitHub repository available -

What is AWS CodeBuild?

AWS CodeBuild is a fully managed build service that compiles source code, runs tests, and produces software packages that are ready to deploy. With CodeBuild, you don’t need to provision, manage, and scale your own build servers.

What is Jenkins X?

Jenkins X is a CI/CD solution for modern cloud applications on Kubernetes

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What are some alternatives to AWS CodeBuild and Jenkins X?
In a nutshell Jenkins CI is the leading open-source continuous integration server. Built with Java, it provides over 300 plugins to support building and testing virtually any project.
AWS CodePipeline
CodePipeline builds, tests, and deploys your code every time there is a code change, based on the release process models you define.
Apache Maven
Maven allows a project to build using its project object model (POM) and a set of plugins that are shared by all projects using Maven, providing a uniform build system. Once you familiarize yourself with how one Maven project builds you automatically know how all Maven projects build saving you immense amounts of time when trying to navigate many projects.
GitLab CI
GitLab offers a continuous integration service. If you add a .gitlab-ci.yml file to the root directory of your repository, and configure your GitLab project to use a Runner, then each merge request or push triggers your CI pipeline.
AWS CodeDeploy
AWS CodeDeploy is a service that automates code deployments to Amazon EC2 instances. AWS CodeDeploy makes it easier for you to rapidly release new features, helps you avoid downtime during deployment, and handles the complexity of updating your applications.
See all alternatives