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Vuesax vs Vuetify: What are the differences?

  1. Feature Set: Vuesax and Vuetify have different feature sets. Vuesax focuses on providing a minimalistic set of UI components with a simple and lightweight design. On the other hand, Vuetify provides a comprehensive collection of ready-to-use components with a Material Design theme, offering more options and customization possibilities.

  2. Component Styles: Vuesax and Vuetify have different styles for their components. Vuesax follows a modern and elegant design style, while Vuetify adheres to the Material Design guidelines, providing a visually consistent and familiar look and feel for users.

  3. Documentation and Community: Vuesax and Vuetify have differences in terms of documentation and community support. Vuetify has a larger and more active community, with extensive documentation and a wide range of tutorials and resources available. Vuesax, on the other hand, has a smaller community but still provides sufficient documentation and support for developers.

  4. Customization Options: Vuesax and Vuetify offer different levels of customization options for their components. Vuetify allows for extensive customization, providing various props, slots, and CSS classes to modify the appearance and behavior of components. Vuesax, although it offers some customization options, may have limited flexibility compared to Vuetify.

  5. Integration with Other Libraries: Vuesax and Vuetify may have differences in terms of integration with other libraries. Vuetify has better integration with other Vue.js libraries and frameworks such as Vuex and Nuxt.js, providing seamless interoperability. Vuesax also supports integration with other libraries but may have limitations compared to Vuetify.

  6. Bundle Size: Vuesax and Vuetify have differences in their bundle sizes. Vuesax is known for its lightweight design and smaller bundle size, which can be beneficial for performance optimization and fast loading times. Vuetify, being more feature-rich, may have a larger bundle size, requiring more resources for application deployment.

In Summary, Vuesax and Vuetify have different feature sets, component styles, documentation and community support, customization options, integration with other libraries, and bundle sizes.

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Pros of Vuesax
Pros of Vuetify
  • 7
    Fresh design compare to well known Material Design
  • 29
    Enables beauty for graphically challenged devs
  • 24
    Wide range of components and active development
  • 22
  • 18
    New age components
  • 13
    Easy integration
  • 11
    Material Design
  • 10
  • 10
    Open Source
  • 6
    Awesome Documentation
  • 5
    Awesome Component collection
  • 5
  • 5
    Not tied to jQuery
  • 4
    Best use of vue slots you'll ever see
  • 2
    Not tied to jQuery
  • 2
  • 2
    Active Community
  • 2

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Cons of Vuesax
Cons of Vuetify
    Be the first to leave a con
    • 19
      It is heavy
    • 3
      Not Vue 3 Ready (Alpha-Version)

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    What is Vuesax?

    Vuesax is a framework of components based on vue js, it is a framework that is designed from scratch to be incrementally adoptable. The framework is focused on facilitating the development of applications, improving the design of the same without removing the necessary functionality. we want all the components to be independent in colors, shapes and design for a freedom that we like all front-end but without losing the speed of creation and production.

    What is Vuetify?

    Vuetify is a component framework for Vue.js 2. It aims to provide clean, semantic and reusable components that make building your application a breeze. Vuetify utilizes Google's Material Design design pattern, taking cues from other popular frameworks such as Materialize.css, Material Design Lite, Semantic UI and Bootstrap 4.

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    What companies use Vuesax?
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      What tools integrate with Vuesax?
      What tools integrate with Vuetify?
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        What are some alternatives to Vuesax and Vuetify?
        Element is a Vue 2.0 based component library for developers, designers and product managers, with a set of design resources.
        Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
        JavaScript is most known as the scripting language for Web pages, but used in many non-browser environments as well such as node.js or Apache CouchDB. It is a prototype-based, multi-paradigm scripting language that is dynamic,and supports object-oriented, imperative, and functional programming styles.
        Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.
        GitHub is the best place to share code with friends, co-workers, classmates, and complete strangers. Over three million people use GitHub to build amazing things together.
        See all alternatives