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Kraken by Uber

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Kraken by Uber vs What are the differences?

Introduction: Kraken by Uber and are both container registry services that offer solutions for managing Docker containers, but they do have key differences that differentiate them from each other.

1. Integration with CI/CD pipelines: Kraken by Uber provides seamless integration with popular CI/CD pipelines such as Jenkins and Buildkite, allowing for automated build and deployment processes. On the other hand, offers integrations with tools like GitLab CI/CD and CircleCI, providing a different set of options for users.

2. Pricing model: Kraken by Uber offers a pay-as-you-go pricing model based on storage consumption and data transfer, making it suitable for smaller organizations with fluctuating container needs. In contrast, utilizes a tiered pricing structure based on the number of users and storage requirements, which may be more suitable for larger enterprises with predictable container usage.

3. Availability of private repositories: Kraken by Uber allows users to create an unlimited number of private repositories for secure storage of Docker images, ensuring that sensitive data is protected. also offers private repositories but limits the number based on the selected pricing tier, potentially restricting some users with extensive privacy needs.

4. Support for Kubernetes integration: Kraken by Uber provides built-in support for Kubernetes clusters, enabling seamless deployment and management of containers within a Kubernetes environment. also offers Kubernetes support, but users may need to configure additional settings to fully integrate with Kubernetes clusters.

5. Community support and documentation: Kraken by Uber has a dedicated community forum and extensive documentation to help users troubleshoot common issues and optimize their container workflows. also offers community support and documentation, but some users may find the content to be less comprehensive compared to Kraken by Uber.

6. Customization options: Kraken by Uber allows users to customize their container registry with plugins and extensions, offering flexibility in tailoring the service to specific organizational needs. also supports some level of customization, but the options may be more limited compared to the extensive customization capabilities of Kraken by Uber.

In Summary, Kraken by Uber and differ in their integration capabilities, pricing models, support for private repositories, Kubernetes integration, community support, and customization options, catering to diverse user needs in the container registry space.

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Pros of Kraken by Uber
Pros of
  • 3
    Scalability and replication of TB's in a second.
  • 6
    Great UI
  • 1
  • 0
    Docker cloud repositories are public by default. Bad

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- No public GitHub repository available -

What is Kraken by Uber?

A P2P-powered Docker registry that focuses on scalability and availability. It is designed for Docker image management, replication and distribution in a hybrid cloud environment.

What is

Simply upload your Dockerfile (and any additional files it needs) and we'll build your Dockerfile into an image and push it to your repository.

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