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jsdoc vs Slate: What are the differences?

What is jsdoc? An API documentation generator for JavaScript. JSDoc 3 is an API documentation generator for JavaScript, similar to JavaDoc or PHPDoc. You add documentation comments directly to your source code, right along side the code itself. The JSDoc Tool will scan your source code, and generate a complete HTML documentation website for you.

What is Slate? Beautiful static documentation for your API, inspired by Stripe's and Paypal's API docs. Slate helps you create beautiful API documentation. Think of it as an intelligent, responsive documentation template for your API.

jsdoc and Slate can be primarily classified as "Documentation as a Service &" tools.

Some of the features offered by jsdoc are:

  • Up and running easily

- Command line interface

On the other hand, Slate provides the following key features:

  • Clean, intuitive design — with Slate, the description of your API is on the left side of your documentation, and all the code examples are on the right side. Inspired by Stripe's and Paypal's API docs. Slate is responsive, so it looks great on tablets, phones, and even print.
  • Everything on a single page — gone are the days where your users had to search through a million pages to find what they wanted. Slate puts the entire documentation on a single page. We haven't sacrificed linkability, though. As you scroll, your browser's hash will update to the nearest header, so linking to a particular point in the documentation is still natural and easy.
  • Slate is just Markdown — when you write docs with Slate, you're just writing Markdown, which makes it simple to edit and understand. Everything is written in Markdown — even the code samples are just Markdown code blocks!

Slate is an open source tool with 27.4K GitHub stars and 17K GitHub forks. Here's a link to Slate's open source repository on GitHub.

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Pros of jsdoc
Pros of Slate
  • 2
    Far less verbose
  • 1
    Simpler type safe than TypeScript
  • 1
    No compiler needed
  • 1
    Does almost everything TS does
  • 5
    Easy setup
  • 3
    Simple to Use

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What is jsdoc?

JSDoc 3 is an API documentation generator for JavaScript, similar to JavaDoc or PHPDoc. You add documentation comments directly to your source code, right along side the code itself. The JSDoc Tool will scan your source code, and generate a complete HTML documentation website for you.

What is Slate?

Slate helps you create beautiful API documentation. Think of it as an intelligent, responsive documentation template for your API.

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What companies use Slate?
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What are some alternatives to jsdoc and Slate?
It obtains a comment called doc comment from a source code. Then it generates a document from a tag in a doc comment
TypeScript is a language for application-scale JavaScript development. It's a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.
Flow is an online collaboration platform that makes it easy for people to create, organize, discuss, and accomplish tasks with anyone, anytime, anywhere. By merging a sleek, intuitive interface with powerful functionality, we're out to revolutionize the way the world's productive teams get things done.
JavaScript is most known as the scripting language for Web pages, but used in many non-browser environments as well such as node.js or Apache CouchDB. It is a prototype-based, multi-paradigm scripting language that is dynamic,and supports object-oriented, imperative, and functional programming styles.
Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.
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