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ipapi vs ipstack: What are the differences?

# Key Differences Between ipapi and ipstack

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1. **Data Coverage**: The key difference between ipapi and ipstack is their data coverage. ipapi covers data for over 3.5 million IP blocks globally, while ipstack covers data for around 2 million IP blocks, providing ipapi with a wider coverage.
2. **Pricing and Plans**: Another significant difference is the pricing and plans offered by both services. ipapi offers a free plan with limited features, while ipstack provides a free plan with more generous limits, making it more accessible for smaller businesses or developers.
3. **Response Structure**: ipapi provides a standard response structure in JSON format, making it easier for developers to integrate the data into their applications. On the other hand, ipstack offers both JSON and XML responses, giving developers more flexibility in how they consume the data.
4. **Historical Data**: ipapi does not provide historical data, whereas ipstack offers historical IP address data that allows users to track changes and trends over time, making it a valuable feature for certain use cases.
5. **SSL Security**: ipapi offers SSL-encrypted data access by default, ensuring secure communication between the user and the service. In contrast, ipstack requires users to enable SSL support manually, which may be a consideration for those prioritizing security.
6. **Volume of Requests**: ipapi has a maximum limit of 10,000 requests per month on their free plan, while ipstack allows up to 10,000 requests per month for its free plan. This difference in the volume of requests may influence the choice based on the specific needs of the user.

In Summary, ipapi and ipstack differ in terms of data coverage, pricing, response structure, historical data availability, SSL security, and volume of requests, offering users distinct options for IP address lookup services. 
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What is ipapi?

IP Lookup | IP Location API for IP address geolocation for your website & mobile app

What is ipstack?

Locate website visitors for free using ipstack - a free, real-time IP address to location JSON API and database service supporting IPv4 and IPv6 lookup.

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    What are some alternatives to ipapi and ipstack?
    The trusted source for IP address data, handling over 462 billion API requests per year for over 1,000 businesses and 100,000+ developers.
    It is IP geolocation solution to identify visitor's geographical location, i.e. country, region, city, latitude & longitude of city, ZIP code, time zone, connection speed, ISP, domain name, IDD country code, area code, weather station code and name, mobile carrier, elevation and usage type information using a proprietary IP address lookup database and technology without invading the Internet user's privacy. The IP2Location solution is available as database, programming API and hosted solution.
    API that delivers parsed whois, website screenshots, DNS zone information, domain availability information, PageRank and Alexa rank, email blacklist information, SSL certificate information.
    Build location-aware apps and protect your business from bad actors. It is the trusted source for IP address data including IP geolocation and Intelligence — Reliable, Fast, and Inexpensive.
    It offers a simple and affordable IP geolocation service. Developers can build logic to identify website visitors, e-commerce customers, and countless other identification via IP address. Determining identity from an IP address helps reduce risk in web applications around the world.
    See all alternatives