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Ambari vs Hue: What are the differences?

Key Differences between Ambari and Hue

Ambari and Hue are both web-based user interfaces that facilitate the management and monitoring of big data platforms. However, they differ in several key aspects:

  1. Scalability and Management: Ambari focuses on the centralized management and scalability of Hadoop clusters. It provides features such as cluster provisioning, automatic service start/stop, and centralized security management. On the other hand, Hue is primarily designed for end-users to access Hadoop services and perform data analysis tasks without the need for advanced technical knowledge.

  2. Functionality: Ambari offers a wide range of functionality for managing Hadoop services, including the ability to install, start, stop, and monitor services, configure components, and visualize the cluster topology. In contrast, Hue is more focused on providing a user-friendly interface for data analysis, offering features such as SQL querying, job management, and data visualization.

  3. User Interface: Ambari has a more technical and system-oriented interface, aimed at cluster administrators and operators. It provides detailed information about the cluster health, resource utilization, and component status. On the other hand, Hue has a more intuitive and user-friendly interface, primarily targeting data analysts and scientists who want to interact with the data and perform analysis tasks.

  4. Integration: Ambari integrates well with other components and tools within the Hadoop ecosystem, allowing for seamless management and monitoring of the entire cluster. It provides integration with key Hadoop services such as HDFS, YARN, Hive, and HBase. In contrast, Hue focuses more on providing a unified interface for different data access and analysis tools, including HDFS, Hive, Impala, Pig, and Oozie.

  5. Security: Ambari offers advanced security features, including authentication, authorization, and audit log management. It allows for the integration of external security systems such as Kerberos and LDAP. On the other hand, Hue provides basic security features like user authentication, but it does not offer the same level of fine-grained access control and integrations as Ambari.

  6. Extensibility: Ambari provides a robust framework for extending and customizing its functionality. It allows the addition of new services, components, and metrics through plugins and extensions. In contrast, Hue is more limited in terms of extensibility, primarily offering customization options through its configuration settings.

In summary, Ambari is primarily focused on managing and scaling Hadoop clusters, while Hue is more focused on providing a user-friendly interface for data analysis tasks. Ambari has a more technical interface and offers advanced security features, while Hue has a more intuitive interface and supports a wider range of data access and analysis tools. Ambari is highly scalable and extensible, while Hue is more limited in terms of extensibility.

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    What is Ambari?

    This project is aimed at making Hadoop management simpler by developing software for provisioning, managing, and monitoring Apache Hadoop clusters. It provides an intuitive, easy-to-use Hadoop management web UI backed by its RESTful APIs.

    What is Hue?

    It is open source and lets regular users import their big data, query it, search it, visualize it and build dashboards on top of it, all from their browser.

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      A centralized service for maintaining configuration information, naming, providing distributed synchronization, and providing group services. All of these kinds of services are used in some form or another by distributed applications.
      Apache Mesos
      Apache Mesos is a cluster manager that simplifies the complexity of running applications on a shared pool of servers.
      Yarn caches every package it downloads so it never needs to again. It also parallelizes operations to maximize resource utilization so install times are faster than ever.
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