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Syncthing vs ownCloud: What are the differences?


Here, we will discuss the key differences between Syncthing and ownCloud, two popular file synchronization and cloud storage solutions.

  1. Installation and System Requirements: Syncthing is a lightweight and platform-independent tool that can run on various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, Linux, and even on mobile devices. It does not have any specific hardware or software requirements. On the other hand, ownCloud is a server-based cloud storage platform that requires installation on a dedicated server or hosting provider. It has specific system requirements, such as a web server, database server, and PHP.

  2. Data Synchronization: Syncthing operates on a peer-to-peer model, where multiple devices synchronize files directly with each other. It uses a distributed network and optimizes data transfer by only sending the changes made to files. In contrast, ownCloud relies on a client-server architecture, where files are stored on a central server and synchronized with client devices. This architecture allows for centralized management and control over user accounts, permissions, and file access.

  3. Collaboration and Sharing: Syncthing primarily focuses on synchronizing files across devices and does not provide advanced collaboration features. While it allows sharing files with other devices, it lacks features like file versioning, online document editing, and real-time collaboration. ownCloud, on the other hand, offers extensive collaboration capabilities. It supports online document editing, file versioning, shared calendars, and collaborative file sharing with granular permission management.

  4. Security: Syncthing emphasizes security and privacy with its use of device-specific cryptographic certificates and encryption for data transmission. It ensures that files are only shared between trusted devices and prevents unauthorized access. ownCloud also provides encryption for data transmission and storage, but it additionally offers server-side encryption at rest. This means that files stored on the ownCloud server are encrypted and can only be decrypted with the user's password.

  5. Extensibility and Integration: Syncthing has a limited set of features and focuses on its core functionality of file synchronization. It does not have many built-in integrations with other services or applications. On the other hand, ownCloud offers a wide range of extensions, plugins, and integrations. It has an app ecosystem that allows users to enhance functionality, integrate with third-party services, and customize the platform according to their needs.

  6. User Interface and User Experience: Syncthing has a minimalist and command-line-based interface that may require some technical expertise to set up and configure. It provides a web-based interface for monitoring the synchronization process and managing devices. ownCloud, on the other hand, has a more user-friendly and feature-rich interface. It offers a modern web interface, desktop and mobile apps, and a consistent user experience across different platforms.

In summary, Syncthing is a lightweight, peer-to-peer file synchronization tool with a focus on simplicity and security. ownCloud, on the other hand, is a feature-rich cloud storage platform with advanced collaboration capabilities and a client-server architecture.

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Pros of ownCloud
Pros of Syncthing
  • 1
    Open source
  • 1
    GDPR compliant
  • 1
    Self hosted
  • 1
    Convenient to use
  • 1

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Cons of ownCloud
Cons of Syncthing
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      Not intuitive how to set up on a headless machine

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    What is ownCloud?

    It is an open source, self-hosted file sync and share app platform. Access & sync your files, contacts, calendars & bookmarks across your devices. You decide what happens with your data, where it is and who can access it.

    What is Syncthing?

    It is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers and replaces proprietary sync and cloud services with something open, trustworthy and decentralized. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, if it is shared with some third party and how it's transmitted over the internet.

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    What are some alternatives to ownCloud and Syncthing?
    A suite of client-server software for creating and using file hosting services The most deployed self-hosted file share and collaboration platform on the web. Access & collaborate across your devices.
    The Box API gives you access to the content management features you see in our web app and lets you extend them for use in your own app. It strives to be RESTful and is organized around the main resources you’re familiar with from the Box web interface.
    It is the simplest way to create a centralized and easily accessible place for your data. Use it with ZFS to protect, store, backup, all of your data. It is used everywhere, for the home, small business, and the enterprise.
    Harness the power of Dropbox. Connect to an account, upload, download, search, and more.
    Google Drive
    Keep photos, stories, designs, drawings, recordings, videos, and more. Your first 15 GB of storage are free with a Google Account. Your files in Drive can be reached from any smartphone, tablet, or computer.
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