ReSharper vs Visual Studio

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ReSharper vs Visual Studio: What are the differences?

ReSharper vs Visual Studio

ReSharper and Visual Studio are both integrated development environments (IDEs) commonly used by software developers. While they have some similarities, there are several key differences between the two. Here are 6 significant differences:

  1. Code Analysis and Refactorings: ReSharper offers a more extensive set of code analysis and refactorings compared to Visual Studio. It provides more in-depth suggestions and recommendations to improve code quality and maintainability. Visual Studio, on the other hand, has a more basic set of built-in code analysis and refactorings.

  2. IntelliSense and Navigation: ReSharper significantly enhances Visual Studio's IntelliSense by providing more context-aware suggestions and improved autocompletion. It also offers advanced navigation features like Go to Definition, Find Usages, and Navigate To, making it easier to navigate through complex codebases.

  3. Code Templates and Live Templates: ReSharper introduces the concept of code templates and live templates, which are pre-defined code snippets or blocks. These templates help to increase productivity by reducing the amount of repetitive coding required. In Visual Studio, similar functionality is available but is not as comprehensive or customizable as in ReSharper.

  4. Unit Testing and Coverage: ReSharper includes built-in support for unit testing frameworks like NUnit, xUnit, and MSTest. It offers features like test creation, execution, and test coverage analysis. Visual Studio also provides support for unit testing but lacks some of the advanced features and flexibility offered by ReSharper.

  5. Code Formatting and Cleanup: ReSharper provides powerful code formatting and cleanup options that can be customized according to specific coding styles and conventions. It enforces consistent code formatting and automatically applies code cleanup to improve readability and maintainability. Visual Studio offers basic code formatting options but lacks the extensive customization and automation capabilities of ReSharper.

  6. Performance and Memory Usage: Visual Studio is a comprehensive IDE with a wide range of features, which can sometimes result in higher memory usage and slower performance, especially on large codebases. ReSharper, being a plugin, has a smaller footprint and is designed to optimize memory usage and provide faster processing, resulting in a smoother development experience.

In summary, ReSharper offers advanced code analysis, IntelliSense, and navigation features, extensive code templates, unit testing support, powerful code formatting, and optimization for performance and memory usage. Visual Studio provides some similar functionality but is generally more basic and lacks the customization and automation capabilities of ReSharper.

Advice on ReSharper and Visual Studio

The problem I have is whether to choose Android Studio or Visual Studio? I have to develop a simple app for a school project that can work on both iPhone and Android.

The most important factors for me are Android and iOS compatibility. Although note that i would like to become a Software Engineer when i finish my course. (I'd like to work for Apple, just saying!)

After that id like easy integration for Google Ads and such if i do develop another app that people actually use to support development. (I'd also like to stick with one easy programming language that's compatible with a wide variety of platforms since i'm a beginner and have only ever used Pascal)

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Replies (1)

First of all - Android Studio and Visual Studio are IDE's. Tools to create code. What you are asking is programming framework. I assume that when you are talking about Android Studio you mean Native Android Development and by Visual Studio you mean Xamarin.

If you want to create crossplatform app then Native Android Development is NOT a way to go. Xamarin might work for you, BUT - you'd rather recommend you to go with Flutter. It's much more performant than Xamarin, programming model is friendlier for developer and technology seems just more refined. It's also officially supported by google, so no worries about support.

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Pros of ReSharper
Pros of Visual Studio
  • 6
    Refactor also using different code
  • 6
    Early discover bugs
  • 5
    IDE Integration
  • 4
    Highlighted //todo //bug
  • 3
    Spell checking
  • 305
    Intellisense, ui
  • 244
    Complete ide and debugger
  • 165
  • 104
  • 93
  • 37
  • 35
    Node tools for visual studio (ntvs)
  • 33
    Free Community edition
  • 24
  • 17
    Bug free
  • 8
    Made by Microsoft
  • 6
    Full free community version
  • 5
    JetBrains plugins (ReSharper etc.) work sufficiently OK
  • 3
    Productivity Power Tools
  • 2
    Vim mode
  • 2
    VIM integration
  • 1
    I develop UWP apps and Intellisense is super useful
  • 1
    Cross platform development
  • 1
    The Power and Easiness to Do anything in any.. language
  • 1
    Available for Mac and Windows

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Cons of ReSharper
Cons of Visual Studio
  • 8
    Visual studio become slower
  • 15
  • 14
    Made by Microsoft
  • 6
    Sometimes you need to restart to finish an update
  • 3
    Too much size for disk
  • 3
    Only avalible on Windows

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What is ReSharper?

It is a popular developer productivity extension for Microsoft Visual Studio. It automates most of what can be automated in your coding routines. It finds compiler errors, runtime errors, redundancies, and code smells right as you type, suggesting intelligent corrections for them.

What is Visual Studio?

Visual Studio is a suite of component-based software development tools and other technologies for building powerful, high-performance applications.

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What are some alternatives to ReSharper and Visual Studio?
It is an IDE extension that helps you detect and fix quality issues as you write code. Like a spell checker, it squiggles flaws so that they can be fixed before committing code.
SonarQube provides an overview of the overall health of your source code and even more importantly, it highlights issues found on new code. With a Quality Gate set on your project, you will simply fix the Leak and start mechanically improving.
Knowing your code through and through, CLion can take care of the routine while you focus on the important things. Boost your productivity with the keyboard-centric approach (Vim-emulation plugin is also available in plugin repository), full coding assistance, smart and relevant code completion, fast project navigation, intelligent intention actions, and reliable refactorings.
Since version 0.101.0 and later Spacemacs totally abolishes the frontiers between Vim and Emacs. The user can now choose his/her preferred editing style and enjoy all the Spacemacs features. Even better, it is possible to dynamically switch between the two styles seamlessly which makes it possible for programmers with different styles to do seat pair programming using the same editor.
GitHub Copilot
It is an AI pair programmer that helps you write code faster and with less work. It draws context from comments and code, and suggests individual lines and whole functions instantly.
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