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PyJWT vs python-jose: What are the differences?


This Markdown code provides a comparison between PyJWT and python-jose libraries, highlighting their key differences.

  1. Encoding and Decoding: The primary difference between PyJWT and python-jose lies in how they handle encoding and decoding of JSON Web Tokens (JWTs). PyJWT library focuses specifically on JWT encoding and decoding, providing a simple and straightforward API for these operations. On the other hand, python-jose is a more comprehensive library that offers additional functionalities, such as encryption and signing of tokens using various cryptographic algorithms.

  2. Token Signing: When it comes to signing JWTs, PyJWT utilizes the HMAC algorithm by default. It allows users to specify the signing key and algorithm explicitly. Conversely, python-jose provides more flexibility by supporting multiple signing algorithms, including HMAC, RSA, and ECDSA. This choice of algorithms can be beneficial for different security requirements or interoperability needs.

  3. Token Verification: PyJWT employs a straightforward verification process for JWTs. It verifies the token signature using the provided key and algorithm. It does not support additional verification mechanisms, such as token expiration or audience validation, by default. In contrast, python-jose offers a built-in verification function that checks not only the token signature but also includes features like expiration time checking and audience validation. These additional verification options can enhance the security and reliability of token verification.

  4. JSON Web Encryption: While PyJWT mainly focuses on JWT encoding and decoding, python-jose goes a step further and provides support for JSON Web Encryption (JWE). JWE allows encrypting the contents of a JWT, adding an extra layer of security. This capability is not available in PyJWT, making python-jose a more versatile library for scenarios that require encryption of token payloads.

  5. Configuration and Flexibility: PyJWT is designed to be a lightweight library, providing a minimalistic API for JWT operations. It offers simplicity and ease of use, making it suitable for basic JWT use cases. On the other hand, python-jose is a more feature-rich library that enables greater configuration and flexibility. It caters to advanced use cases by offering various options and algorithms for encoding, encryption, and signing.

  6. Third-party Dependencies: PyJWT is designed to have minimal dependencies, relying on only standard Python libraries. This lightweight approach ensures easy integration and reduces the risk of compatibility issues. Python-jose, being a more comprehensive library, relies on third-party libraries such as cryptography and cffi. These additional dependencies may require additional setup and management.

In summary, PyJWT is a lightweight library focused on simple JWT encoding and decoding, while python-jose offers a more comprehensive set of functionalities including encryption, support for multiple signing algorithms, additional verification features, and JSON Web Encryption (JWE) support. The choice between the two depends on the specific requirements of the project and the desired level of flexibility and security.

PyJWT Stats
  • Dependent Packages Counts - 280
python-jose Stats
  • Dependent Packages Counts - 56
PyJWT Vulnerabilities
No Vulnerabilities found
python-jose Vulnerabilities
  • python-jose failure to use a constant time comparison for HMAC keys
  • python-jose algorithm confusion with OpenSSH ECDSA keys
  • python-jose denial of service via compressed JWE content
PyJWT Release info
Latest version
python-jose Release info
Latest version

What is PyJWT?

JSON Web Token implementation in Python.

What is python-jose?

JOSE implementation in Python.

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