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Neovim vs Textadept: What are the differences?

# Introduction
This Markdown code presents key differences between Neovim and Textadept for website users.

1. **Customizability**: Neovim offers extensive customization options through its Lua-based configuration, allowing users to tailor the editor to their specific needs. Textadept, on the other hand, provides customization through its programming language and modules, which may require more advanced programming knowledge.

2. **Performance**: Neovim boasts faster performance due to its asynchronous processing and built-in terminal emulator, resulting in quicker responses to user actions. Textadept, while still efficient, may not match Neovim's level of speed and responsiveness.

3. **Community Support**: Neovim has a strong and active community with frequent updates, plugins, and support available through various online platforms. In contrast, Textadept's community may be smaller, leading to fewer resources and updates for users.

4. **Features**: Neovim offers a wide range of features such as multiple cursors, fuzzy finding, and a built-in terminal, enhancing the editing experience for users. Textadept, although feature-rich, may not have all the advanced functionalities that Neovim provides out of the box.

5. **Integration**: Neovim has seamless integration with various tools and plugins, making it easier for users to extend its functionality according to their workflow. Textadept, while also supporting plugins and extensions, may not have the same level of integration as Neovim.

6. **User Interface**: Neovim focuses more on the terminal interface and a minimalistic design, catering to users who prefer keyboard shortcuts and command-line interactions. Textadept, with its GUI interface and menu options, may appeal more to users accustomed to traditional text editors with graphical interfaces.

In Summary, the key differences between Neovim and Textadept lie in customizability, performance, community support, features, integration, and user interface design. Neovim emphasizes extensive customization and faster performance, while Textadept offers a user-friendly GUI interface and support for advanced programming capabilities.
Advice on Neovim and Textadept
Rogério R. Alcântara
Needs advice

For a Visual Studio Code/Atom developer that works mostly with Node.js/TypeScript/Ruby/Go and wants to get rid of graphic-text-editors-IDE-like at once, which one is worthy of investing time to pick up?

I'm a total n00b on the subject, but I've read good things about Neovim's Lua support, and I wonder what would be the VIM response/approach for it?

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Replies (6)

Neovim can basically do everything Vim can with one major advantage - the number of contributors to the code base is just so much wider (Vim is ~100% maintained only by B. Mooleanaar). Whatever you learn for Neovim you can also apply to Vim and vice versa. And of course there is the never ending Vim vs Emacs controversy - but better not get into that war.

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Jeffrey Johnson

Actually, the biggest advantage with Neovim (as a VS user) is that you can embed REAL Neovim as the editor UI, rather than using a "Vim emulation", you're using actual NVIM, embedded in VS!

"asvetliakov.vscode-neovim" is the extension you are looking for:

  1. Install the 'vscode-neovim; extension (
  2. Install Neovim version 0.5+ nightly
  3. Start winning.

(You can install neovim-nightly separately for just vscode, I usually build and install it to /opt/nvim - it's enough enough to do - let me know if you need help).

Works wonderfully. It might not work out of the box if you have some 100K epic nvim initialization file, but the plugin documents a workaround for having an embedding/VS specific configuration.

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Kudos Beluga

I don't actually notice much of a difference between the two, as the end result looks identical. If you use Vim and are switch to Neovim it's an extremely easy 1-minute process. I switched from Vim to Neovim. I can't say I found much of a difference, but the key points where Neovim could be better than just vim is that first, there are much more people maintaining Neovim compared to vim, which means fewer bugs and a modern code base. It also has a smaller code base which might result in a small speed improvement. Another thing is that it's basically just a fork of vim, so what harm can it do? ;)

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I recommend using vim 8+ it has native plugin support if you need language supports you can install the package vim-nox which will come with support for python, lua, ruby, etc

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Albert Kim

It truly depends on whether you want to completely avoid GUI and stick to TUI and command lines. If you want to edit all of your codes within a terminal, then Vim or neovim would be the choice. Emacs can be run in a terminal, but the functionality is limited. Most people use Emacs using GUI and emacs-client not to use too much memory.

My general preference is to use an independent text editor, which is better if it is highly customizable and programmable. So, I have used Emacs for several years. For beginners, I guess Emacs requires significant time to learn to fully enjoy its wonderful functionalities. In that sense, using atom would be a recommendable option.

Regardless of all the situations, learning basic vim in the terminal will help you in any case. In summary, I recommend 1. vim as a default editor in the terminal 2. atom if you are a beginner, or 3. Emacs if you have a long-term plan to master a programmable editor

Other editors like sublime text, VS code, and so forth are also worth learning and using. But, no matter which editor you choose, stick to one or two until you become an advanced user. Being able to use most text editors at an intermediate level is waste of time.

I hope it helps.

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Rogério R. Alcântara

The hints on the codebase's contributors and the VSCode integration helped me make up my mind.

I really appreciate all comments, though.

Thanks a bunch!

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Pros of Neovim
Pros of Textadept
  • 31
    Modern and more powerful Vim
  • 27
  • 22
    Asynchronous plugins
  • 20
  • 18
    Edit text fast
  • 15
    Great community
  • 15
    Vim plugins work out of the box
  • 9
  • 8
  • 8
    Built-in terminal support
  • 4
    Plugins in any language
  • 2
    External GUIs
  • 2
    Great Colorschemes
  • 2
    Extremely customizable
  • 1

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What is Neovim?

Neovim is a project that seeks to aggressively refactor Vim in order to: simplify maintenance and encourage contributions, split the work between multiple developers, enable the implementation of new/modern user interfaces without any modifications to the core source, and improve extensibility with a new plugin architecture.

What is Textadept?

A fast, minimalist, and remarkably extensible text editor for Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows. Textadept runs on Windows, Mac OSX, Linux, and BSD. It also has a terminal version, which is ideal for work on remote machines.

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      What are some alternatives to Neovim and Textadept?
      Vim is an advanced text editor that seeks to provide the power of the de-facto Unix editor 'Vi', with a more complete feature set. Vim is a highly configurable text editor built to enable efficient text editing. It is an improved version of the vi editor distributed with most UNIX systems. Vim is distributed free as charityware.
      At GitHub, we're building the text editor we've always wanted. A tool you can customize to do anything, but also use productively on the first day without ever touching a config file. Atom is modern, approachable, and hackable to the core. We can't wait to see what you build with it.
      Kakoune is a code editor heavily inspired by Vim, as such most of its commands are similar to vi’s ones. Kakoune can operate in two modes, normal and insertion. In insertion mode, keys are directly inserted into the current buffer. In normal mode, keys are used to manipulate the current selection and to enter insertion mode.
      GNU Emacs is an extensible, customizable text editor—and more. At its core is an interpreter for Emacs Lisp, a dialect of the Lisp programming language with extensions to support text editing.
      SpaceVim is a Modular configuration, a bundle of custom settings and plugins, for Vim. It got inspired by spacemacs.
      See all alternatives