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Usersnap vs Loop: What are the differences?
What is Usersnap? Get feedback & bug reports with annotated screenshots. Usersnap is the #1 bug tracking tool for every web project Collaborate on screenshots with colleagues and clients.
Usersnap makes tracking bugs and collecting feedback on design drafts and prototypes easy.
What is Loop? Plugin to get interactive feedback from your customers inside your website or app. It leverages a powerful screenshot plugin that integrates directly into your website as well as an embeddable forum to help you collect product feedback. It also offers a variety of communication options that make it easy to keep customers, engineers and customer-facing teams in the loop.
Usersnap and Loop can be categorized as "Feedback Widget" tools.
Some of the features offered by Usersnap are:
- annotated browser screenshots
- visual bug reports
- project management dashboard
On the other hand, Loop provides the following key features:
- Embeddable Screenshot Widget
- Embeddable Forum Button
- Private Projects
Pros of Loop
Pros of Usersnap
- Bug tracking was never easier4
- Because it makes collecting feedback super easy3