Handsontable vs React D3 Library

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React D3 Library

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Handsontable vs React D3 Library: What are the differences?

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  1. Customization Options: Handsontable allows for more granular customization of each cell, row, and column compared to React D3 Library, providing developers with greater control over the appearance and behavior of their data tables.
  2. Data Visualization: React D3 Library is primarily focused on data visualization through the use of D3.js, enabling developers to create interactive charts, graphs, and other visual representations of data, while Handsontable is more tailored towards creating interactive data tables for displaying and editing tabular data.
  3. Integration with React: React D3 Library seamlessly integrates with React applications, allowing developers to incorporate interactive data visualizations directly into their React components, whereas Handsontable, while compatible with React, may require more effort to integrate smoothly with React applications.
  4. Event Handling: Handsontable provides built-in support for various events such as cell editing, row selection, and data sorting, making it easier for developers to manipulate data within the table, whereas React D3 Library focuses more on handling events related to data visualization interactions like hover effects and transitions.
  5. Community Support: React D3 Library benefits from the extensive D3.js community, providing a wealth of resources, examples, and guidance for developers looking to create advanced data visualizations, while Handsontable has a more specialized community focused on creating interactive data tables.
In Summary, Handsontable offers extensive customization options for data tables, while React D3 Library excels in data visualization capabilities and seamless integration with React applications.
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Pros of Handsontable
Pros of React D3 Library
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    What is Handsontable?

    Handsontable is a minimalist approach to Excel-like table editor (datagrid/data grid) in HTML & JavaScript.

    What is React D3 Library?

    An open source library that will allow developers the ability to reroute D3 output to React’s virtual DOM. Just use your existing D3 code, and with a few simples lines, you can now harness the power of React with the flexibility of D3!

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    What companies use React D3 Library?
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    What tools integrate with Handsontable?
    What tools integrate with React D3 Library?
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      What are some alternatives to Handsontable and React D3 Library?
      It is a highly flexible tool, built upon the foundations of progressive enhancement, that adds all of these advanced features to any HTML table.
      It is a very light, totally free, jquery plugin to embed a spreadsheet compatible with Excel in your website or application. You can create a excel-like table from a JS array, json or even a CSV file. You can use your copy and paste shortcuts to move data from excel straight to your jExcel spreadsheet and vice versa. You can easily integrate third party jquery plugins to create your own custom colums, custom editors, and customize new features to your clients.
      It is a drop-in javascript spreadsheet library that provides rich features like Excel and Google Sheets. The goal of FortuneSheet is to make a feature-rich, easy-to-configure online spreadsheet that you can use out-of-the-box.
      See all alternatives