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Friends vs Let's Chat: What are the differences?

## Introduction
In this comparison, we will examine the key differences between the chat applications Friends and Let's Chat.

1. **User Interface**: Friends has a more playful and colorful user interface with cartoonish avatars and emojis, whereas Let's Chat opts for a minimalist design with a focus on simplicity and cleanliness.
2. **Customization Options**: Friends allows users to heavily customize their profiles, chat backgrounds, emojis, and stickers, while Let's Chat offers limited customization options, prioritizing a consistent user experience.
3. **Privacy Features**: Friends has a strong emphasis on social networking features and sharing, often sacrificing privacy, while Let's Chat focuses on end-to-end encryption and secure communication, ensuring user data protection.
4. **Group Chat Functionality**: Friends excels in group chat functionality with features like polls, event planning, and file sharing within groups, while Let's Chat's group chat capabilities are more basic and straightforward.
5. **Integration with Other Platforms**: Friends allows seamless integration with social media platforms and gaming consoles, enhancing the overall user experience with cross-platform connectivity, whereas Let's Chat is more standalone and does not offer such integrations.
6. **Monetization Strategy**: Friends relies on in-app purchases, advertisements, and sponsored content for revenue generation, leading to a potential influx of ads, while Let's Chat follows a subscription-based model or one-time payment, ensuring an ad-free experience.

In Summary, Friends and Let's Chat differ in user interface, customization options, privacy features, group chat functionality, integration with other platforms, and monetization strategy.
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Pros of Friends
Pros of Let's Chat
    Be the first to leave a pro
    • 8
      Open source
    • 4
    • 3
      Docker, Vagrant, NodeJS
    • 2
      On-premise deployment
    • 2
    • 2
      File sharing
    • 1
      XMPP Support

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    Cons of Friends
    Cons of Let's Chat
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      • 1
        Need a tool like tmux or screen to keep it running

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      What is Friends?

      Friends is like Slack except P2P, offline friendly and open source. We transmit data over secure channels and authenticate messages. It's made by a group of open source developers who are motivated to make a public chat platform that is easy to use but isn't centrally controlled, and where data is owned by its users.

      What is Let's Chat?

      Let's Chat is a persistent messaging application that runs on Node.js and MongoDB. It's designed to be easily deployable and fits well with small, intimate teams. It's free (MIT licensed) and ships with killer features such as LDAP/Kerberos authentication, a REST-like API and XMPP support.

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      What companies use Friends?
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        What tools integrate with Friends?
        What tools integrate with Let's Chat?
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          What are some alternatives to Friends and Let's Chat?
          Imagine all your team communication in one place, instantly searchable, available wherever you go. That’s Slack. All your messages. All your files. And everything from Twitter, Dropbox, Google Docs, Asana, Trello, GitHub and dozens of other services. All together.
          Microsoft Teams
          See content and chat history anytime, including team chats with Skype that are visible to the whole team. Private group chats are available for smaller group conversations.
          HipChat is a hosted private chat service for your company or team. Invite colleagues to share ideas and files in persistent group chat rooms. Get your team off AIM, Google Talk, and Skype — HipChat was built for business.
          Users can send messages and exchange photos, videos, stickers, audio and files of any type. It provides instant messaging, simple, fast, secure and synced across all your devices.
          Mattermost is modern communication from behind your firewall.
          See all alternatives