Create React App vs React.js Boilerplate

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Create React App

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React.js Boilerplate

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Create React App vs React.js Boilerplate: What are the differences?


The introduction will provide an overview of the differences between Create React App and React.js Boilerplate.

  1. Folder Structure: Create React App has a predefined folder structure that organizes components, styles, and other files in a logical manner. React.js Boilerplate, on the other hand, provides a folder structure with more flexibility, allowing developers to choose their preferred organization system.

  2. Configuration: Create React App abstracts away the configuration process, providing a preconfigured setup that requires minimal setup from developers. React.js Boilerplate, however, requires manual configuration, giving developers more control over various aspects such as build process, linting, and testing.

  3. Additional Features: Create React App is designed to be minimalistic, providing only the necessary features to build a React application. React.js Boilerplate, on the other hand, comes with additional features such as Redux, Router, and internationalization out of the box. This can be beneficial for developers who want a more opinionated and feature-rich setup.

  4. Customization: Create React App prioritizes simplicity and ease of use, providing limited options for customization. React.js Boilerplate, on the other hand, allows developers to customize and configure various aspects of the project, enabling them to tailor the setup to their specific needs.

  5. Development Environment: Create React App provides a predefined and optimized development environment, making it easier for developers to get started quickly. React.js Boilerplate requires more manual configuration, which can be advantageous for developers who prefer a highly customized development environment.

  6. Community Support: Create React App is maintained by Facebook and has a large community of users, making it easier to find support and resources. React.js Boilerplate, while also having a supportive community, may have a smaller user base and may require more effort to find specific solutions or tutorials.

In Summary, Create React App and React.js Boilerplate differ in terms of folder structure, configuration process, additional features, customization options, development environment, and community support.

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Pros of Create React App
Pros of React.js Boilerplate
  • 2
    No config, easy to use
  • 2
    Maintained by React core team
  • 4
    Amazing developer experience
  • 4
    Nice tooling
  • 3
    Easy setup
  • 3
    Easy offline first applications
  • 3
    Great documentation
  • 1

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Cons of Create React App
Cons of React.js Boilerplate
  • 1
    No SSR
    Be the first to leave a con

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