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Centos vs CloudLinux: What are the differences?

Key Differences between Centos and CloudLinux

CentOS and CloudLinux are two popular operating systems used in the web hosting industry. While both are based on the Linux kernel, there are some key differences that set them apart.

  1. Kernel and Packages: One of the main differences between CentOS and CloudLinux lies in their kernel and packages. CentOS uses the standard Linux kernel and packages, while CloudLinux has its own kernel and packages specifically designed for shared hosting environments. This customized kernel allows for better stability, security, and resource isolation.

  2. Resource Allocation: CloudLinux offers a unique feature called the "LVE Manager" (Lightweight Virtual Environment). This feature allows hosting providers to allocate specific resources such as CPU, RAM, and Inodes to individual users or groups. CentOS, on the other hand, does not have this built-in resource allocation management.

  3. CageFS: CloudLinux includes CageFS, a virtualized file system that provides individual users with their own view of the file system. This enhances security and prevents users from seeing each other's files or accessing system files. CentOS does not have built-in support for CageFS.

  4. Simplified KernelCare: KernelCare is a technology that allows running the latest kernel security patches without rebooting the server. While this technology is available for both CentOS and CloudLinux, it is more simplified and integrated in CloudLinux, making it easier to use and manage.

  5. Stability and Long-Term Support: CentOS is known for its stability and long-term support, as it is based on the upstream sources used by the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) operating system. CloudLinux, on the other hand, is specifically developed for shared hosting environments, focusing on stability and security optimizations for this particular use case.

  6. Pricing and Licensing: CentOS is a free and open-source operating system, allowing users to use it without any license fees. CloudLinux, on the other hand, requires a paid license for each server it is installed on. This licensing model includes support and access to the additional features provided by CloudLinux.

In summary, CentOS and CloudLinux differ in their kernel and packages, resource allocation management, virtualized file system, simplicity of kernel patching, stability and support, as well as their pricing and licensing models. These differences make them suitable for different use cases and environments.

Decisions about CentOS and CloudLinux
Jerome/Zen Quah

Global familiarity, free, widely used, and as a debian distro feels more comfortable when rapidly switching between local macOS and remote command lines.

CentOS does boast quite a few security/stability improvements, however as a RHEL-based distro, differs quite significantly in the command line and suffers from slightly less frequent package updates. (Could be a good or bad thing depending on your use-case and if it is public facing)

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Pros of CentOS
Pros of CloudLinux
  • 16
  • 9
    Free to use
  • 9
  • 6
    Has epel packages
  • 6
    Good support
  • 5
    Great Community
  • 2
    I've moved from gentoo to centos
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    Cons of CentOS
    Cons of CloudLinux
    • 1
      Yum is a horrible package manager
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