Fred Steffen
Recent Tech Decisions
39 points


  • Vuetify

    fredsteffen Spa Web Stack

    We use Vuetify because we needed something that back end devs could get up to speed with quickly

  • Sass

    fredsteffen Spa Web Stack

    It's elegant, nested css!!! Great mixins, variables, etc.

  • Babel

    fredsteffen Spa Web Stack

    Because at the moment it's necessary.

  • gulp

    fredsteffen Spa Web Stack

    Gulp is amazing! Make for your web stack! You can do anything with it!

  • Jasmine

    fredsteffen Spa Web Stack

    It has tons of features, great documentation

  • JavaScript

    fredsteffen Spa Web Stack

    It's the assembly of the web

  • Browserify

    fredsteffen Spa Web Stack

    It's the lesser of all of the other evils out there. Webpack makes you completely blind to how things are put together. I like gulp, this made it easy.

  • Vue.js

    fredsteffen Spa Web Stack

    It's amazing! Single file components, supports pug and sass, very easy to use, very fast, light weight.