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Badger vs Mongoose: What are the differences?
Developers describe Badger as "A new way of registering and managing your domains". Domain management you'll enjoy Domains effectively drive the entire internet, shouldn't they be easier to manage? We thought so, and thus, Badger was born! You shouldn't have to auction off your house and sacrifice your first born to transfer domains, you should be able to press a button that says "Transfer Domain" and be done with it. That is our philosophy, and we think you will appreciate it.
Stop letting domain registrars badger you, and start using... Badger!. On the other hand, Mongoose is detailed as "MongoDB object modeling designed to work in an asynchronous environment". Let's face it, writing MongoDB validation, casting and business logic boilerplate is a drag. That's why we wrote Mongoose. Mongoose provides a straight-forward, schema-based solution to modeling your application data and includes built-in type casting, validation, query building, business logic hooks and more, out of the box.
Badger can be classified as a tool in the "Domain Registration" category, while Mongoose is grouped under "Object Document Mapper (ODM)".
Mongoose is an open source tool with 19K GitHub stars and 2.63K GitHub forks. Here's a link to Mongoose's open source repository on GitHub.
Pros of Badger
Pros of Mongoose
- Several bad ideas mixed together17
- Well documented17
- JSON10
- Actually terrible documentation8
- Recommended and used by Valve. See steamworks docs2
- Can be used with passportjs for oauth1
- Yeah1
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Cons of Badger
Cons of Mongoose
- Model middleware/hooks are not user friendly3