Alternatives to JSHint logo

Alternatives to JSHint

ESLint, JSLint, Flow, SonarQube, and TypeScript are the most popular alternatives and competitors to JSHint.
+ 1

What is JSHint and what are its top alternatives?

It is a community-driven tool to detect errors and potential problems in JavaScript code. It is open source and can easily adjust in the environment you expect your code to execute.
JSHint is a tool in the Code Review category of a tech stack.

Top Alternatives to JSHint

  • ESLint

    A pluggable and configurable linter tool for identifying and reporting on patterns in JavaScript. Maintain your code quality with ease. ...

  • JSLint

    It is a static code analysis tool used in software development for checking if JavaScript source code complies with coding rules. It is provided primarily as a browser-based web application accessible through their domain, but there are also command-line adaptations. ...

  • Flow

    Flow is an online collaboration platform that makes it easy for people to create, organize, discuss, and accomplish tasks with anyone, anytime, anywhere. By merging a sleek, intuitive interface with powerful functionality, we're out to revolutionize the way the world's productive teams get things done. ...

  • SonarQube

    SonarQube provides an overview of the overall health of your source code and even more importantly, it highlights issues found on new code. With a Quality Gate set on your project, you will simply fix the Leak and start mechanically improving. ...

  • TypeScript

    TypeScript is a language for application-scale JavaScript development. It's a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript. ...

  • Prettier

    Prettier is an opinionated code formatter. It enforces a consistent style by parsing your code and re-printing it with its own rules that take the maximum line length into account, wrapping code when necessary. ...

  • TSLint

    An extensible static analysis tool that checks TypeScript code for readability, maintainability, and functionality errors. It is widely supported across modern editors & build systems and can be customized with your own lint rules, configurations, and formatters. ...

  • RuboCop

    RuboCop is a Ruby static code analyzer. Out of the box it will enforce many of the guidelines outlined in the community Ruby Style Guide. ...

JSHint alternatives & related posts

ESLint logo


The fully pluggable JavaScript code quality tool
+ 1
  • 8
    Consistent javascript - opinions don't matter anymore
  • 6
  • 6
    IDE Integration
  • 4
  • 2
    Focuses code review on quality not style
  • 2
    Broad ecosystem of support & users
    Be the first to leave a con

    related ESLint posts

    Simon Reymann
    Senior Fullstack Developer at QUANTUSflow Software GmbH · | 30 upvotes · 9M views

    Our whole DevOps stack consists of the following tools:

    • GitHub (incl. GitHub Pages/Markdown for Documentation, GettingStarted and HowTo's) for collaborative review and code management tool
    • Respectively Git as revision control system
    • SourceTree as Git GUI
    • Visual Studio Code as IDE
    • CircleCI for continuous integration (automatize development process)
    • Prettier / TSLint / ESLint as code linter
    • SonarQube as quality gate
    • Docker as container management (incl. Docker Compose for multi-container application management)
    • VirtualBox for operating system simulation tests
    • Kubernetes as cluster management for docker containers
    • Heroku for deploying in test environments
    • nginx as web server (preferably used as facade server in production environment)
    • SSLMate (using OpenSSL) for certificate management
    • Amazon EC2 (incl. Amazon S3) for deploying in stage (production-like) and production environments
    • PostgreSQL as preferred database system
    • Redis as preferred in-memory database/store (great for caching)

    The main reason we have chosen Kubernetes over Docker Swarm is related to the following artifacts:

    • Key features: Easy and flexible installation, Clear dashboard, Great scaling operations, Monitoring is an integral part, Great load balancing concepts, Monitors the condition and ensures compensation in the event of failure.
    • Applications: An application can be deployed using a combination of pods, deployments, and services (or micro-services).
    • Functionality: Kubernetes as a complex installation and setup process, but it not as limited as Docker Swarm.
    • Monitoring: It supports multiple versions of logging and monitoring when the services are deployed within the cluster (Elasticsearch/Kibana (ELK), Heapster/Grafana, Sysdig cloud integration).
    • Scalability: All-in-one framework for distributed systems.
    • Other Benefits: Kubernetes is backed by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), huge community among container orchestration tools, it is an open source and modular tool that works with any OS.
    See more
    Simon Reymann
    Senior Fullstack Developer at QUANTUSflow Software GmbH · | 23 upvotes · 4.7M views

    Our whole Vue.js frontend stack (incl. SSR) consists of the following tools:

    • Nuxt.js consisting of Vue CLI, Vue Router, vuex, Webpack and Sass (Bundler for HTML5, CSS 3), Babel (Transpiler for JavaScript),
    • Vue Styleguidist as our style guide and pool of developed Vue.js components
    • Vuetify as Material Component Framework (for fast app development)
    • TypeScript as programming language
    • Apollo / GraphQL (incl. GraphiQL) for data access layer (
    • ESLint, TSLint and Prettier for coding style and code analyzes
    • Jest as testing framework
    • Google Fonts and Font Awesome for typography and icon toolkit
    • NativeScript-Vue for mobile development

    The main reason we have chosen Vue.js over React and AngularJS is related to the following artifacts:

    • Empowered HTML. Vue.js has many similar approaches with Angular. This helps to optimize HTML blocks handling with the use of different components.
    • Detailed documentation. Vue.js has very good documentation which can fasten learning curve for developers.
    • Adaptability. It provides a rapid switching period from other frameworks. It has similarities with Angular and React in terms of design and architecture.
    • Awesome integration. Vue.js can be used for both building single-page applications and more difficult web interfaces of apps. Smaller interactive parts can be easily integrated into the existing infrastructure with no negative effect on the entire system.
    • Large scaling. Vue.js can help to develop pretty large reusable templates.
    • Tiny size. Vue.js weights around 20KB keeping its speed and flexibility. It allows reaching much better performance in comparison to other frameworks.
    See more
    JSLint logo


    A Code Quality Tool for Javascript
    + 1
      Be the first to leave a pro
        Be the first to leave a con

        related JSLint posts

        Flow logo


        Simple project and task management for busy teams
        + 1
        PROS OF FLOW
        • 6
          Great for collaboration
        • 6
          Easy to use
        • 3
        CONS OF FLOW
          Be the first to leave a con

          related Flow posts

          SonarQube logo


          Continuous Code Quality
          + 1
          • 26
            Tracks code complexity and smell trends
          • 16
            IDE Integration
          • 9
            Complete code Review
          • 1
            Difficult to deploy
          • 7
            Sales process is long and unfriendly
          • 7
            Paid support is poor, techs arrogant and unhelpful
          • 1
            Does not integrate with Snyk

          related SonarQube posts

          Simon Reymann
          Senior Fullstack Developer at QUANTUSflow Software GmbH · | 30 upvotes · 9M views

          Our whole DevOps stack consists of the following tools:

          • GitHub (incl. GitHub Pages/Markdown for Documentation, GettingStarted and HowTo's) for collaborative review and code management tool
          • Respectively Git as revision control system
          • SourceTree as Git GUI
          • Visual Studio Code as IDE
          • CircleCI for continuous integration (automatize development process)
          • Prettier / TSLint / ESLint as code linter
          • SonarQube as quality gate
          • Docker as container management (incl. Docker Compose for multi-container application management)
          • VirtualBox for operating system simulation tests
          • Kubernetes as cluster management for docker containers
          • Heroku for deploying in test environments
          • nginx as web server (preferably used as facade server in production environment)
          • SSLMate (using OpenSSL) for certificate management
          • Amazon EC2 (incl. Amazon S3) for deploying in stage (production-like) and production environments
          • PostgreSQL as preferred database system
          • Redis as preferred in-memory database/store (great for caching)

          The main reason we have chosen Kubernetes over Docker Swarm is related to the following artifacts:

          • Key features: Easy and flexible installation, Clear dashboard, Great scaling operations, Monitoring is an integral part, Great load balancing concepts, Monitors the condition and ensures compensation in the event of failure.
          • Applications: An application can be deployed using a combination of pods, deployments, and services (or micro-services).
          • Functionality: Kubernetes as a complex installation and setup process, but it not as limited as Docker Swarm.
          • Monitoring: It supports multiple versions of logging and monitoring when the services are deployed within the cluster (Elasticsearch/Kibana (ELK), Heapster/Grafana, Sysdig cloud integration).
          • Scalability: All-in-one framework for distributed systems.
          • Other Benefits: Kubernetes is backed by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), huge community among container orchestration tools, it is an open source and modular tool that works with any OS.
          See more
          Ganesa Vijayakumar
          Full Stack Coder | Technical Lead · | 19 upvotes · 4.5M views

          I'm planning to create a web application and also a mobile application to provide a very good shopping experience to the end customers. Shortly, my application will be aggregate the product details from difference sources and giving a clear picture to the user that when and where to buy that product with best in Quality and cost.

          I have planned to develop this in many milestones for adding N number of features and I have picked my first part to complete the core part (aggregate the product details from different sources).

          As per my work experience and knowledge, I have chosen the followings stacks to this mission.

          UI: I would like to develop this application using React, React Router and React Native since I'm a little bit familiar on this and also most importantly these will help on developing both web and mobile apps. In addition, I'm gonna use the stacks JavaScript, jQuery, jQuery UI, jQuery Mobile, Bootstrap wherever required.

          Service: I have planned to use Java as the main business layer language as I have 7+ years of experience on this I believe I can do better work using Java than other languages. In addition, I'm thinking to use the stacks Node.js.

          Database and ORM: I'm gonna pick MySQL as DB and Hibernate as ORM since I have a piece of good knowledge and also work experience on this combination.

          Search Engine: I need to deal with a large amount of product data and it's in-detailed info to provide enough details to end user at the same time I need to focus on the performance area too. so I have decided to use Solr as a search engine for product search and suggestions. In addition, I'm thinking to replace Solr by Elasticsearch once explored/reviewed enough about Elasticsearch.

          Host: As of now, my plan to complete the application with decent features first and deploy it in a free hosting environment like Docker and Heroku and then once it is stable then I have planned to use the AWS products Amazon S3, EC2, Amazon RDS and Amazon Route 53. I'm not sure about Microsoft Azure that what is the specialty in it than Heroku and Amazon EC2 Container Service. Anyhow, I will do explore these once again and pick the best suite one for my requirement once I reached this level.

          Build and Repositories: I have decided to choose Apache Maven and Git as these are my favorites and also so popular on respectively build and repositories.

          Additional Utilities :) - I would like to choose Codacy for code review as their Startup plan will be very helpful to this application. I'm already experienced with Google CheckStyle and SonarQube even I'm looking something on Codacy.

          Happy Coding! Suggestions are welcome! :)

          Thanks, Ganesa

          See more
          TypeScript logo


          A superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output
          + 1
          • 174
            More intuitive and type safe javascript
          • 106
            Type safe
          • 80
            JavaScript superset
          • 48
            The best AltJS ever
          • 27
            Best AltJS for BackEnd
          • 15
            Powerful type system, including generics & JS features
          • 11
            Compile time errors
          • 11
            Nice and seamless hybrid of static and dynamic typing
          • 10
            Aligned with ES development for compatibility
          • 7
          • 7
            Structural, rather than nominal, subtyping
          • 5
            Starts and ends with JavaScript
          • 1
            Garbage collection
          • 5
            Code may look heavy and confusing
          • 4

          related TypeScript posts

          Yshay Yaacobi

          Our first experience with .NET core was when we developed our OSS feature management platform - Tweek ( We wanted to create a solution that is able to run anywhere (super important for OSS), has excellent performance characteristics and can fit in a multi-container architecture. We decided to implement our rule engine processor in F# , our main service was implemented in C# and other components were built using JavaScript / TypeScript and Go.

          Visual Studio Code worked really well for us as well, it worked well with all our polyglot services and the .Net core integration had great cross-platform developer experience (to be fair, F# was a bit trickier) - actually, each of our team members used a different OS (Ubuntu, macos, windows). Our production deployment ran for a time on Docker Swarm until we've decided to adopt Kubernetes with almost seamless migration process.

          After our positive experience of running .Net core workloads in containers and developing Tweek's .Net services on non-windows machines, C# had gained back some of its popularity (originally lost to Node.js), and other teams have been using it for developing microservices, k8s sidecars (like, cli tools, serverless functions and other projects...

          See more
          Adebayo Akinlaja
          Engineering Manager at Andela · | 30 upvotes · 3.3M views

          I picked up an idea to develop and it was no brainer I had to go with React for the frontend. I was faced with challenges when it came to what component framework to use. I had worked extensively with Material-UI but I needed something different that would offer me wider range of well customized components (I became pretty slow at styling). I brought in Evergreen after several sampling and reads online but again, after several prototype development against Evergreen—since I was using TypeScript and I had to import custom Type, it felt exhaustive. After I validated Evergreen with the designs of the idea I was developing, I also noticed I might have to do a lot of styling. I later stumbled on Material Kit, the one specifically made for React . It was promising with beautifully crafted components, most of which fits into the designs pages I had on ground.

          A major problem of Material Kit for me is it isn't written in TypeScript and there isn't any plans to support its TypeScript version. I rolled up my sleeve and started converting their components to TypeScript and if you'll ask me, I am still on it.

          In summary, I used the Create React App with TypeScript support and I am spending some time converting Material Kit to TypeScript before I start developing against it. All of these components are going to be hosted on Bit.

          If you feel I am crazy or I have gotten something wrong, I'll be willing to listen to your opinion. Also, if you want to have a share of whatever TypeScript version of Material Kit I end up coming up with, let me know.

          See more
          Prettier logo


          Prettier is an opinionated code formatter.
          + 1
          • 2
          • 1
            Open Source
          • 1
            Atom/VSCode package
          • 1
            Follows the Ruby Style Guide by default
          • 1
            Runs offline
          • 1
            Completely free
            Be the first to leave a con

            related Prettier posts

            Simon Reymann
            Senior Fullstack Developer at QUANTUSflow Software GmbH · | 30 upvotes · 9M views

            Our whole DevOps stack consists of the following tools:

            • GitHub (incl. GitHub Pages/Markdown for Documentation, GettingStarted and HowTo's) for collaborative review and code management tool
            • Respectively Git as revision control system
            • SourceTree as Git GUI
            • Visual Studio Code as IDE
            • CircleCI for continuous integration (automatize development process)
            • Prettier / TSLint / ESLint as code linter
            • SonarQube as quality gate
            • Docker as container management (incl. Docker Compose for multi-container application management)
            • VirtualBox for operating system simulation tests
            • Kubernetes as cluster management for docker containers
            • Heroku for deploying in test environments
            • nginx as web server (preferably used as facade server in production environment)
            • SSLMate (using OpenSSL) for certificate management
            • Amazon EC2 (incl. Amazon S3) for deploying in stage (production-like) and production environments
            • PostgreSQL as preferred database system
            • Redis as preferred in-memory database/store (great for caching)

            The main reason we have chosen Kubernetes over Docker Swarm is related to the following artifacts:

            • Key features: Easy and flexible installation, Clear dashboard, Great scaling operations, Monitoring is an integral part, Great load balancing concepts, Monitors the condition and ensures compensation in the event of failure.
            • Applications: An application can be deployed using a combination of pods, deployments, and services (or micro-services).
            • Functionality: Kubernetes as a complex installation and setup process, but it not as limited as Docker Swarm.
            • Monitoring: It supports multiple versions of logging and monitoring when the services are deployed within the cluster (Elasticsearch/Kibana (ELK), Heapster/Grafana, Sysdig cloud integration).
            • Scalability: All-in-one framework for distributed systems.
            • Other Benefits: Kubernetes is backed by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), huge community among container orchestration tools, it is an open source and modular tool that works with any OS.
            See more
            Simon Reymann
            Senior Fullstack Developer at QUANTUSflow Software GmbH · | 23 upvotes · 4.7M views

            Our whole Vue.js frontend stack (incl. SSR) consists of the following tools:

            • Nuxt.js consisting of Vue CLI, Vue Router, vuex, Webpack and Sass (Bundler for HTML5, CSS 3), Babel (Transpiler for JavaScript),
            • Vue Styleguidist as our style guide and pool of developed Vue.js components
            • Vuetify as Material Component Framework (for fast app development)
            • TypeScript as programming language
            • Apollo / GraphQL (incl. GraphiQL) for data access layer (
            • ESLint, TSLint and Prettier for coding style and code analyzes
            • Jest as testing framework
            • Google Fonts and Font Awesome for typography and icon toolkit
            • NativeScript-Vue for mobile development

            The main reason we have chosen Vue.js over React and AngularJS is related to the following artifacts:

            • Empowered HTML. Vue.js has many similar approaches with Angular. This helps to optimize HTML blocks handling with the use of different components.
            • Detailed documentation. Vue.js has very good documentation which can fasten learning curve for developers.
            • Adaptability. It provides a rapid switching period from other frameworks. It has similarities with Angular and React in terms of design and architecture.
            • Awesome integration. Vue.js can be used for both building single-page applications and more difficult web interfaces of apps. Smaller interactive parts can be easily integrated into the existing infrastructure with no negative effect on the entire system.
            • Large scaling. Vue.js can help to develop pretty large reusable templates.
            • Tiny size. Vue.js weights around 20KB keeping its speed and flexibility. It allows reaching much better performance in comparison to other frameworks.
            See more
            TSLint logo


            An extensible linter for the TypeScript language
            + 1
            PROS OF TSLINT
              Be the first to leave a pro
              CONS OF TSLINT
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                related TSLint posts

                Simon Reymann
                Senior Fullstack Developer at QUANTUSflow Software GmbH · | 30 upvotes · 9M views

                Our whole DevOps stack consists of the following tools:

                • GitHub (incl. GitHub Pages/Markdown for Documentation, GettingStarted and HowTo's) for collaborative review and code management tool
                • Respectively Git as revision control system
                • SourceTree as Git GUI
                • Visual Studio Code as IDE
                • CircleCI for continuous integration (automatize development process)
                • Prettier / TSLint / ESLint as code linter
                • SonarQube as quality gate
                • Docker as container management (incl. Docker Compose for multi-container application management)
                • VirtualBox for operating system simulation tests
                • Kubernetes as cluster management for docker containers
                • Heroku for deploying in test environments
                • nginx as web server (preferably used as facade server in production environment)
                • SSLMate (using OpenSSL) for certificate management
                • Amazon EC2 (incl. Amazon S3) for deploying in stage (production-like) and production environments
                • PostgreSQL as preferred database system
                • Redis as preferred in-memory database/store (great for caching)

                The main reason we have chosen Kubernetes over Docker Swarm is related to the following artifacts:

                • Key features: Easy and flexible installation, Clear dashboard, Great scaling operations, Monitoring is an integral part, Great load balancing concepts, Monitors the condition and ensures compensation in the event of failure.
                • Applications: An application can be deployed using a combination of pods, deployments, and services (or micro-services).
                • Functionality: Kubernetes as a complex installation and setup process, but it not as limited as Docker Swarm.
                • Monitoring: It supports multiple versions of logging and monitoring when the services are deployed within the cluster (Elasticsearch/Kibana (ELK), Heapster/Grafana, Sysdig cloud integration).
                • Scalability: All-in-one framework for distributed systems.
                • Other Benefits: Kubernetes is backed by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), huge community among container orchestration tools, it is an open source and modular tool that works with any OS.
                See more
                Simon Reymann
                Senior Fullstack Developer at QUANTUSflow Software GmbH · | 23 upvotes · 4.7M views

                Our whole Vue.js frontend stack (incl. SSR) consists of the following tools:

                • Nuxt.js consisting of Vue CLI, Vue Router, vuex, Webpack and Sass (Bundler for HTML5, CSS 3), Babel (Transpiler for JavaScript),
                • Vue Styleguidist as our style guide and pool of developed Vue.js components
                • Vuetify as Material Component Framework (for fast app development)
                • TypeScript as programming language
                • Apollo / GraphQL (incl. GraphiQL) for data access layer (
                • ESLint, TSLint and Prettier for coding style and code analyzes
                • Jest as testing framework
                • Google Fonts and Font Awesome for typography and icon toolkit
                • NativeScript-Vue for mobile development

                The main reason we have chosen Vue.js over React and AngularJS is related to the following artifacts:

                • Empowered HTML. Vue.js has many similar approaches with Angular. This helps to optimize HTML blocks handling with the use of different components.
                • Detailed documentation. Vue.js has very good documentation which can fasten learning curve for developers.
                • Adaptability. It provides a rapid switching period from other frameworks. It has similarities with Angular and React in terms of design and architecture.
                • Awesome integration. Vue.js can be used for both building single-page applications and more difficult web interfaces of apps. Smaller interactive parts can be easily integrated into the existing infrastructure with no negative effect on the entire system.
                • Large scaling. Vue.js can help to develop pretty large reusable templates.
                • Tiny size. Vue.js weights around 20KB keeping its speed and flexibility. It allows reaching much better performance in comparison to other frameworks.
                See more
                RuboCop logo


                A Ruby static code analyzer, based on the community Ruby style guide
                + 1
                PROS OF RUBOCOP
                • 9
                • 8
                  Completely free
                • 7
                  Runs Offline
                • 4
                  Follows the Ruby Style Guide by default
                • 4
                  Can automatically fix some problems
                • 4
                • 2
                  Atom package
                • 2
                  Integrates with Vim/Emacs/Atom/Sublime/
                • 1
                  Integrates With Custom CMS
                CONS OF RUBOCOP
                  Be the first to leave a con

                  related RuboCop posts

                  Francisco Quintero
                  Tech Lead at Dev As Pros · | 7 upvotes · 459.5K views

                  For many(if not all) small and medium size business time and cost matter a lot.

                  That's why languages, frameworks, tools, and services that are easy to use and provide 0 to productive in less time, it's best.

                  Maybe Node.js frameworks might provide better features compared to Rails but in terms of MVPs, for us Rails is the leading alternative.

                  Amazon EC2 might be cheaper and more customizable than Heroku but in the initial terms of a project, you need to complete configurationos and deploy early.

                  Advanced configurations can be done down the road, when the project is running and making money, not before.

                  But moving fast isn't the only thing we care about. We also take the job to leave a good codebase from the beginning and because of that we try to follow, as much as we can, style guides in Ruby with RuboCop and in JavaScript with ESLint and StandardJS.

                  Finally, comunication and keeping a good history of conversations, decisions, and discussions is important so we use a mix of Slack and Twist

                  See more
                  Jerome Dalbert
                  Principal Backend Software Engineer at StackShare · | 6 upvotes · 643.1K views

                  The continuous integration process for our Rails backend app starts by opening a GitHub pull request. This triggers a CircleCI build and some Code Climate checks.

                  The CircleCI build is a workflow that runs the following jobs:

                  • check for security vulnerabilities with Brakeman
                  • check code quality with RuboCop
                  • run RSpec tests in parallel with the knapsack gem, and output test coverage reports with the simplecov gem
                  • upload test coverage to Code Climate

                  Code Climate checks the following:

                  • code quality metrics like code complexity
                  • test coverage minimum thresholds

                  The CircleCI jobs and Code Climate checks above have corresponding GitHub status checks.

                  Once all the mandatory GitHub checks pass and the code+functionality have been reviewed, developers can merge their pull request into our Git master branch. Code is then ready to deploy!


                  See more