

Stock Screener Backtesting Tool

Decisions 5

Daniel Faaravik Schiøtz

CEO at ScreeningTale

DigitalOcean provides full management for my databases at a lower cost than the alternatives, especially AWS.

1 2.7K

Daniel Faaravik Schiøtz

CEO at ScreeningTale

We like their components and documentation. Might be getting a bit stale, though.

1 2.7K

Daniel Faaravik Schiøtz

CEO at ScreeningTale

We need server side rendering for SEO purposes

1 2.7K

Daniel Faaravik Schiøtz

CEO at ScreeningTale

Hetzner is very cheap compared to other services. Also, their servers are in Germany, which works for us

1 2.7K