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GraPHP vs Yii: What are the differences?
GraPHP: A PHP graph DB web framework *. The goal of this project is to build a lightweight web framework with a graph DB abstraction. It should be very easy to create the graph schema with no knowledge of of how the data is stored. Also, the schema should be incredibly flexible so you should never need migrations when adding new models (nodes), connections (edges), or data that lives in nodes; *Yii:** A high-performance PHP framework best for developing Web 2.0 applications. Yii comes with: MVC, DAO/ActiveRecord, I18N/L10N, caching, authentication and role-based access control, scaffolding, testing, etc. It can reduce your development time significantly.
GraPHP and Yii belong to "Frameworks (Full Stack)" category of the tech stack.
GraPHP and Yii are both open source tools. Yii with 4.86K GitHub stars and 2.22K forks on GitHub appears to be more popular than GraPHP with 135 GitHub stars and 5 GitHub forks.
This website was originally written in Yii as PHP was my main language back then. After learning Django, I realized just how quickly you could build a web app with less lines. So I migrated my website to Django in a week or two and managed to cut down the lines of code by half. Some of the lines saving came from the models, the views, and the expressiveness of Python. Django requires like config for the models and they provide many generic views that abstracts away common patterns.
Pros of GraPHP
Pros of Yii
- Open source42
- Code generator33
- Simple33
- Active record29
- Full featured26
- Documentation21
- High performance21
- Rapid development20
- Flexible16
- Mvc11
- Not bloated10
- Stable Release8
- Community8
- Amazing8
- View Helpers7
- Modular architecture6
- Long Term Support6
- Easy setup, easy develop5
- Easy1
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Cons of GraPHP
Cons of Yii
- Unnatural love of arrays2
- Promotes spagetti code1
- Too Opinionated1
- Promotes bad practice1