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Amazon EMR vs Hadoop: What are the differences?


Amazon EMR (Elastic MapReduce) and Hadoop are both technologies used for processing and analyzing large datasets. While they share similarities, there are key differences between the two.

  1. Data Storage: One significant difference between Amazon EMR and Hadoop is the data storage. In Hadoop, data is stored in the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). On the other hand, Amazon EMR allows you to choose from various data storage options like Amazon S3, HDFS, or a combination of both. This flexibility allows users to leverage existing storage infrastructure or use cost-effective cloud storage.

  2. Managed Service: Amazon EMR is a managed service provided by AWS, which means that Amazon takes care of the infrastructure and administration tasks such as setup, patching, and monitoring. In contrast, Hadoop is an open-source framework that requires users to set up and manage their own Hadoop clusters. This key difference makes Amazon EMR a more convenient and hassle-free option for users who prefer a fully managed service.

  3. Ease of Use: Another difference between Amazon EMR and Hadoop is the ease of use. Amazon EMR offers a user-friendly web interface and command-line tools that simplify the process of managing and monitoring clusters. It provides pre-configured applications like Apache Spark, Apache Hive, and Apache Zeppelin, making it easier for users to start processing their data quickly. Hadoop, on the other hand, requires users to have a deeper understanding of the technology and often involves more manual configuration and setup.

  4. Integration with AWS Services: One advantage of Amazon EMR is its seamless integration with other AWS services. With Amazon EMR, users can easily integrate with services like Amazon Redshift for data warehousing, Amazon Machine Learning for predictive analytics, or Amazon Athena for interactive query analysis. Hadoop, being an open-source framework, requires additional effort for integrating with AWS services, making Amazon EMR a more integrated and well-supported option.

  5. Automated Scaling: Amazon EMR offers automated scaling capabilities, allowing users to add or remove instances in the cluster based on the workload. This automated scaling helps optimize resource usage and reduce costs by automatically scaling the cluster up or down based on demand. While Hadoop also provides scaling capabilities, it requires more manual intervention and management compared to the automated scaling offered by Amazon EMR.

  6. Cost: Lastly, the cost structure is different between Amazon EMR and Hadoop. Hadoop is open-source and free to use, but it requires users to bear the cost of infrastructure setup, maintenance, and scaling. On the other hand, Amazon EMR has a pay-as-you-go pricing model, where users pay for the resources they use, making it a more flexible and cost-effective option in terms of managing large data processing workloads.

In Summary, Amazon EMR and Hadoop differ in terms of data storage options, managed service offering, ease of use, integration with other AWS services, automated scaling capabilities, and cost structure.

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Pros of Amazon EMR
Pros of Hadoop
  • 15
    On demand processing power
  • 12
    Don't need to maintain Hadoop Cluster yourself
  • 7
    Hadoop Tools
  • 6
  • 4
    Backed by Amazon
  • 3
  • 3
    Economic - pay as you go, easy to use CLI and SDKs
  • 2
    Don't need a dedicated Ops group
  • 1
    Massive data handling
  • 1
    Great support
  • 39
    Great ecosystem
  • 11
    One stack to rule them all
  • 4
    Great load balancer
  • 1
    Amazon aws
  • 1
    Java syntax

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What is Amazon EMR?

It is used in a variety of applications, including log analysis, data warehousing, machine learning, financial analysis, scientific simulation, and bioinformatics.

What is Hadoop?

The Apache Hadoop software library is a framework that allows for the distributed processing of large data sets across clusters of computers using simple programming models. It is designed to scale up from single servers to thousands of machines, each offering local computation and storage.

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What are some alternatives to Amazon EMR and Hadoop?
Amazon EC2
It is a web service that provides resizable compute capacity in the cloud. It is designed to make web-scale computing easier for developers.
Amazon DynamoDB
With it , you can offload the administrative burden of operating and scaling a highly available distributed database cluster, while paying a low price for only what you use.
Amazon Redshift
It is optimized for data sets ranging from a few hundred gigabytes to a petabyte or more and costs less than $1,000 per terabyte per year, a tenth the cost of most traditional data warehousing solutions.
Azure HDInsight
It is a cloud-based service from Microsoft for big data analytics that helps organizations process large amounts of streaming or historical data.
Databricks Unified Analytics Platform, from the original creators of Apache Spark™, unifies data science and engineering across the Machine Learning lifecycle from data preparation to experimentation and deployment of ML applications.
See all alternatives