What is PlanetScaleDB?
Who uses PlanetScaleDB?
PlanetScaleDB Integrations
Here are some stack decisions, common use cases and reviews by companies and developers who chose PlanetScaleDB in their tech stack.
Hello there! I want to build a web code-sharing tool, and I was wondering which database is suitable for storing source code and version. I thought about Amazon DynamoDB because it scales very well, but I'm afraid it could not satisfy all my access patterns. On the other hand, I have PlanetScaleDB, a serverless MySQL database meaning I will not have to worry about scaling, but I'm wondering if it is suitable for storing source code and accessing it quickly.
I want to use it on my blog to show source code on my posts. I have around 10k views per month, and a blog post has around 5 - 15 code snippets. It will continue to grow since I write frequently. So, I want a database that will not get swamped while blog posts and visitors increase.
Can you help me make a choice, please? I really appreciate any help you can provide.
PlanetScaleDB's Features
- Cloud-native database
- MySQL Compatible
- Branching
- Sharding
- Non-blocking schema changes
- No Vendor Lock-In