Alternatives to Metricbeat logo

Alternatives to Metricbeat

Prometheus, Telegraf, Filebeat, collectd, and Fluentd are the most popular alternatives and competitors to Metricbeat.
+ 1

What is Metricbeat and what are its top alternatives?

Collect metrics from your systems and services. From CPU to memory, Redis to NGINX, and much more, It is a lightweight way to send system and service statistics.
Metricbeat is a tool in the Monitoring Tools category of a tech stack.

Top Alternatives to Metricbeat

  • Prometheus

    Prometheus is a systems and service monitoring system. It collects metrics from configured targets at given intervals, evaluates rule expressions, displays the results, and can trigger alerts if some condition is observed to be true. ...

  • Telegraf

    It is an agent for collecting, processing, aggregating, and writing metrics. Design goals are to have a minimal memory footprint with a plugin system so that developers in the community can easily add support for collecting metrics. ...

  • Filebeat

    It helps you keep the simple things simple by offering a lightweight way to forward and centralize logs and files. ...

  • collectd

    collectd gathers statistics about the system it is running on and stores this information. Those statistics can then be used to find current performance bottlenecks (i.e. performance analysis) and predict future system load (i.e. capacity planning). Or if you just want pretty graphs of your private server and are fed up with some homegrown solution you're at the right place, too. ...

  • Fluentd

    Fluentd collects events from various data sources and writes them to files, RDBMS, NoSQL, IaaS, SaaS, Hadoop and so on. Fluentd helps you unify your logging infrastructure. ...

  • Logstash

    Logstash is a tool for managing events and logs. You can use it to collect logs, parse them, and store them for later use (like, for searching). If you store them in Elasticsearch, you can view and analyze them with Kibana. ...

  • Packetbeat

    Packetbeat agents sniff the traffic between your application processes, parse on the fly protocols like HTTP, MySQL, Postgresql or REDIS and correlate the messages into transactions. ...

  • JavaScript

    JavaScript is most known as the scripting language for Web pages, but used in many non-browser environments as well such as node.js or Apache CouchDB. It is a prototype-based, multi-paradigm scripting language that is dynamic,and supports object-oriented, imperative, and functional programming styles. ...

Metricbeat alternatives & related posts

Prometheus logo


An open-source service monitoring system and time series database, developed by SoundCloud
+ 1
  • 47
    Powerful easy to use monitoring
  • 38
    Flexible query language
  • 32
    Dimensional data model
  • 27
  • 23
    Active and responsive community
  • 22
    Extensive integrations
  • 19
    Easy to setup
  • 12
    Beautiful Model and Query language
  • 7
    Easy to extend
  • 6
  • 3
    Written in Go
  • 2
    Good for experimentation
  • 1
    Easy for monitoring
  • 12
    Just for metrics
  • 6
    Bad UI
  • 6
    Needs monitoring to access metrics endpoints
  • 4
    Not easy to configure and use
  • 3
    Supports only active agents
  • 2
    Written in Go
  • 2
    TLS is quite difficult to understand
  • 2
    Requires multiple applications and tools
  • 1
    Single point of failure

related Prometheus posts

Matt Menzenski
Senior Software Engineering Manager at PayIt · | 16 upvotes · 1M views

Grafana and Prometheus together, running on Kubernetes , is a powerful combination. These tools are cloud-native and offer a large community and easy integrations. At PayIt we're using exporting Java application metrics using a Dropwizard metrics exporter, and our Node.js services now use the prom-client npm library to serve metrics.

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Conor Myhrvold
Tech Brand Mgr, Office of CTO at Uber · | 15 upvotes · 4.5M views

Why we spent several years building an open source, large-scale metrics alerting system, M3, built for Prometheus:

By late 2014, all services, infrastructure, and servers at Uber emitted metrics to a Graphite stack that stored them using the Whisper file format in a sharded Carbon cluster. We used Grafana for dashboarding and Nagios for alerting, issuing Graphite threshold checks via source-controlled scripts. While this worked for a while, expanding the Carbon cluster required a manual resharding process and, due to lack of replication, any single node’s disk failure caused permanent loss of its associated metrics. In short, this solution was not able to meet our needs as the company continued to grow.

To ensure the scalability of Uber’s metrics backend, we decided to build out a system that provided fault tolerant metrics ingestion, storage, and querying as a managed platform...

(GitHub :

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Telegraf logo


The plugin-driven server agent for collecting & reporting metrics
+ 1
  • 5
    One agent can work as multiple exporter with min hndlng
  • 5
    Cohesioned stack for monitoring
  • 2
    Open Source
  • 2
  • 1
    Supports custom plugins in any language
  • 1
    Many hundreds of plugins
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    related Telegraf posts

    Filebeat logo


    A lightweight shipper for forwarding and centralizing log data
    + 1
      Be the first to leave a pro
        Be the first to leave a con

        related Filebeat posts

        collectd logo


        System and applications metrics collector
        + 1
        • 2
          Open Source
        • 2
          Modular, plugins
        • 1
          Be the first to leave a con

          related collectd posts

          Łukasz Korecki
          CTO & Co-founder at EnjoyHQ · | 7 upvotes · 306.7K views

          We use collectd because of it's low footprint and great capabilities. We use it to monitor our Google Compute Engine machines. More interestingly we setup collectd as StatsD replacement - all our Clojure services push application-level metrics using our own metrics library and collectd pushes them to Stackdriver

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          Fluentd logo


          Unified logging layer
          + 1
          • 11
          • 9
          • 9
            Great for Kubernetes node container log forwarding
          • 9
            Be the first to leave a con

            related Fluentd posts

            Logstash logo


            Collect, Parse, & Enrich Data
            + 1
            PROS OF LOGSTASH
            • 69
            • 18
              Easy but powerful filtering
            • 12
            • 2
              Kibana provides machine learning based analytics to log
            • 1
              Great to meet GDPR goals
            • 1
              Well Documented
            CONS OF LOGSTASH
            • 4
            • 1
              Documentation difficult to use

            related Logstash posts

            Tymoteusz Paul
            Devops guy at X20X Development LTD · | 23 upvotes · 9.2M views

            Often enough I have to explain my way of going about setting up a CI/CD pipeline with multiple deployment platforms. Since I am a bit tired of yapping the same every single time, I've decided to write it up and share with the world this way, and send people to read it instead ;). I will explain it on "live-example" of how the Rome got built, basing that current methodology exists only of and wishes of good luck (as it usually is ;)).

            It always starts with an app, whatever it may be and reading the readmes available while Vagrant and VirtualBox is installing and updating. Following that is the first hurdle to go over - convert all the instruction/scripts into Ansible playbook(s), and only stopping when doing a clear vagrant up or vagrant reload we will have a fully working environment. As our Vagrant environment is now functional, it's time to break it! This is the moment to look for how things can be done better (too rigid/too lose versioning? Sloppy environment setup?) and replace them with the right way to do stuff, one that won't bite us in the backside. This is the point, and the best opportunity, to upcycle the existing way of doing dev environment to produce a proper, production-grade product.

            I should probably digress here for a moment and explain why. I firmly believe that the way you deploy production is the same way you should deploy develop, shy of few debugging-friendly setting. This way you avoid the discrepancy between how production work vs how development works, which almost always causes major pains in the back of the neck, and with use of proper tools should mean no more work for the developers. That's why we start with Vagrant as developer boxes should be as easy as vagrant up, but the meat of our product lies in Ansible which will do meat of the work and can be applied to almost anything: AWS, bare metal, docker, LXC, in open net, behind vpn - you name it.

            We must also give proper consideration to monitoring and logging hoovering at this point. My generic answer here is to grab Elasticsearch, Kibana, and Logstash. While for different use cases there may be better solutions, this one is well battle-tested, performs reasonably and is very easy to scale both vertically (within some limits) and horizontally. Logstash rules are easy to write and are well supported in maintenance through Ansible, which as I've mentioned earlier, are at the very core of things, and creating triggers/reports and alerts based on Elastic and Kibana is generally a breeze, including some quite complex aggregations.

            If we are happy with the state of the Ansible it's time to move on and put all those roles and playbooks to work. Namely, we need something to manage our CI/CD pipelines. For me, the choice is obvious: TeamCity. It's modern, robust and unlike most of the light-weight alternatives, it's transparent. What I mean by that is that it doesn't tell you how to do things, doesn't limit your ways to deploy, or test, or package for that matter. Instead, it provides a developer-friendly and rich playground for your pipelines. You can do most the same with Jenkins, but it has a quite dated look and feel to it, while also missing some key functionality that must be brought in via plugins (like quality REST API which comes built-in with TeamCity). It also comes with all the common-handy plugins like Slack or Apache Maven integration.

            The exact flow between CI and CD varies too greatly from one application to another to describe, so I will outline a few rules that guide me in it: 1. Make build steps as small as possible. This way when something breaks, we know exactly where, without needing to dig and root around. 2. All security credentials besides development environment must be sources from individual Vault instances. Keys to those containers should exist only on the CI/CD box and accessible by a few people (the less the better). This is pretty self-explanatory, as anything besides dev may contain sensitive data and, at times, be public-facing. Because of that appropriate security must be present. TeamCity shines in this department with excellent secrets-management. 3. Every part of the build chain shall consume and produce artifacts. If it creates nothing, it likely shouldn't be its own build. This way if any issue shows up with any environment or version, all developer has to do it is grab appropriate artifacts to reproduce the issue locally. 4. Deployment builds should be directly tied to specific Git branches/tags. This enables much easier tracking of what caused an issue, including automated identifying and tagging the author (nothing like automated regression testing!).

            Speaking of deployments, I generally try to keep it simple but also with a close eye on the wallet. Because of that, I am more than happy with AWS or another cloud provider, but also constantly peeking at the loads and do we get the value of what we are paying for. Often enough the pattern of use is not constantly erratic, but rather has a firm baseline which could be migrated away from the cloud and into bare metal boxes. That is another part where this approach strongly triumphs over the common Docker and CircleCI setup, where you are very much tied in to use cloud providers and getting out is expensive. Here to embrace bare-metal hosting all you need is a help of some container-based self-hosting software, my personal preference is with Proxmox and LXC. Following that all you must write are ansible scripts to manage hardware of Proxmox, similar way as you do for Amazon EC2 (ansible supports both greatly) and you are good to go. One does not exclude another, quite the opposite, as they can live in great synergy and cut your costs dramatically (the heavier your base load, the bigger the savings) while providing production-grade resiliency.

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            Hi everyone. I'm trying to create my personal syslog monitoring.

            1. To get the logs, I have uncertainty to choose the way: 1.1 Use Logstash like a TCP server. 1.2 Implement a Go TCP server.

            2. To store and plot data. 2.1 Use Elasticsearch tools. 2.2 Use InfluxDB and Grafana.

            I would like to know... Which is a cheaper and scalable solution?

            Or even if there is a better way to do it.

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            Packetbeat logo


            Open Source application monitoring & packet tracing system
            + 1
            • 2
              Easy setup
            • 2
              Works well with ELK stack
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              JavaScript logo


              Lightweight, interpreted, object-oriented language with first-class functions
              + 1
              PROS OF JAVASCRIPT
              • 1.7K
                Can be used on frontend/backend
              • 1.5K
                It's everywhere
              • 1.2K
                Lots of great frameworks
              • 897
              • 745
                Light weight
              • 425
              • 392
                You can't get a device today that doesn't run js
              • 286
                Non-blocking i/o
              • 237
              • 191
              • 55
                Extended functionality to web pages
              • 49
                Relatively easy language
              • 46
                Executed on the client side
              • 30
                Relatively fast to the end user
              • 25
                Pure Javascript
              • 21
                Functional programming
              • 15
              • 13
              • 12
                Setup is easy
              • 12
                Its everywhere
              • 12
                Future Language of The Web
              • 11
                Because I love functions
              • 11
                JavaScript is the New PHP
              • 10
                Like it or not, JS is part of the web standard
              • 9
                Expansive community
              • 9
                Everyone use it
              • 9
                Can be used in backend, frontend and DB
              • 9
              • 8
                Most Popular Language in the World
              • 8
              • 8
                Can be used both as frontend and backend as well
              • 8
                For the good parts
              • 8
                No need to use PHP
              • 8
                Easy to hire developers
              • 7
                Agile, packages simple to use
              • 7
                Love-hate relationship
              • 7
                Photoshop has 3 JS runtimes built in
              • 7
                Evolution of C
              • 7
                It's fun
              • 7
                Hard not to use
              • 7
              • 7
                Its fun and fast
              • 7
              • 7
                Popularized Class-Less Architecture & Lambdas
              • 7
                Supports lambdas and closures
              • 6
                It let's me use Babel & Typescript
              • 6
                Can be used on frontend/backend/Mobile/create PRO Ui
              • 6
                1.6K Can be used on frontend/backend
              • 6
                Client side JS uses the visitors CPU to save Server Res
              • 6
                Easy to make something
              • 5
              • 5
                Promise relationship
              • 5
                Stockholm Syndrome
              • 5
                Function expressions are useful for callbacks
              • 5
                Scope manipulation
              • 5
              • 5
                Client processing
              • 5
                What to add
              • 4
                Because it is so simple and lightweight
              • 4
                Only Programming language on browser
              • 1
              • 1
                Hard to learn
              • 1
              • 1
                Not the best
              • 1
                Easy to understand
              • 1
                Subskill #4
              • 1
                Easy to learn
              • 0
                Hard 彤
              CONS OF JAVASCRIPT
              • 22
                A constant moving target, too much churn
              • 20
                Horribly inconsistent
              • 15
                Javascript is the New PHP
              • 9
                No ability to monitor memory utilitization
              • 8
                Shows Zero output in case of ANY error
              • 7
                Thinks strange results are better than errors
              • 6
                Can be ugly
              • 3
                No GitHub
              • 2
              • 0
                HORRIBLE DOCUMENTS, faulty code, repo has bugs

              related JavaScript posts

              Zach Holman

              Oof. I have truly hated JavaScript for a long time. Like, for over twenty years now. Like, since the Clinton administration. It's always been a nightmare to deal with all of the aspects of that silly language.

              But wowza, things have changed. Tooling is just way, way better. I'm primarily web-oriented, and using React and Apollo together the past few years really opened my eyes to building rich apps. And I deeply apologize for using the phrase rich apps; I don't think I've ever said such Enterprisey words before.

              But yeah, things are different now. I still love Rails, and still use it for a lot of apps I build. But it's that silly rich apps phrase that's the problem. Users have way more comprehensive expectations than they did even five years ago, and the JS community does a good job at building tools and tech that tackle the problems of making heavy, complicated UI and frontend work.

              Obviously there's a lot of things happening here, so just saying "JavaScript isn't terrible" might encompass a huge amount of libraries and frameworks. But if you're like me, yeah, give things another shot- I'm somehow not hating on JavaScript anymore and... gulp... I kinda love it.

              See more
              Conor Myhrvold
              Tech Brand Mgr, Office of CTO at Uber · | 44 upvotes · 11.6M views

              How Uber developed the open source, end-to-end distributed tracing Jaeger , now a CNCF project:

              Distributed tracing is quickly becoming a must-have component in the tools that organizations use to monitor their complex, microservice-based architectures. At Uber, our open source distributed tracing system Jaeger saw large-scale internal adoption throughout 2016, integrated into hundreds of microservices and now recording thousands of traces every second.

              Here is the story of how we got here, from investigating off-the-shelf solutions like Zipkin, to why we switched from pull to push architecture, and how distributed tracing will continue to evolve:


              (GitHub Pages :, GitHub:

              Bindings/Operator: Python Java Node.js Go C++ Kubernetes JavaScript OpenShift C# Apache Spark

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