Alternatives to fastlane logo

Alternatives to fastlane

HockeyApp, Bitrise, Jenkins, Firebase, and CircleCI are the most popular alternatives and competitors to fastlane.
+ 1

What is fastlane and what are its top alternatives?

fastlane lets you define and run your deployment pipelines for different environments. It helps you unify your app’s release process and automate the whole process. fastlane connects all fastlane tools and third party tools, like CocoaPods.
fastlane is a tool in the Mobile Continuous Integration category of a tech stack.
fastlane is an open source tool with 38.5K GitHub stars and 5.6K GitHub forks. Here’s a link to fastlane's open source repository on GitHub

Top Alternatives to fastlane

  • HockeyApp

    HockeyApp is the best way to collect live crash reports, get feedback from your users, distribute your betas, and analyze your test coverage. ...

  • Bitrise

    It is a Continous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD) Platform as a Service (PaaS) with a main focus on mobile app development (iOS, Android). You can automate the testing and deployment of your apps with just a few clicks. When you trigger a build a Virtual Machine is assigned to host your build and your defined Workflow (series of Steps scripts) will be executed, step by step. ...

  • Jenkins

    In a nutshell Jenkins CI is the leading open-source continuous integration server. Built with Java, it provides over 300 plugins to support building and testing virtually any project. ...

  • Firebase

    Firebase is a cloud service designed to power real-time, collaborative applications. Simply add the Firebase library to your application to gain access to a shared data structure; any changes you make to that data are automatically synchronized with the Firebase cloud and with other clients within milliseconds. ...

  • CircleCI

    Continuous integration and delivery platform helps software teams rapidly release code with confidence by automating the build, test, and deploy process. Offers a modern software development platform that lets teams ramp. ...

  • TestFlight

    With TestFlight, developers simply upload a build, and the testers can install it directly from their device, over the air. ...

  • Greenhouse

    Greenhouse automatically builds your project for every commit you make and runs all your unit or UI tests on the emulator/simulator or on real hardware. Automatic build distribution is also supported so that your team and clients are always up to date with the latest state of your apps. ...

  • Codemagic

    Codemagic is the developer's favourite CI/CD tool for mobile app projects. Build your Android, iOS, React Native, Ionic, Unity and Flutter projects on Codemagic. ...

fastlane alternatives & related posts

HockeyApp logo


Manage your betas and collect live crash reports for iOS, Android, Windows Phone, and OS X apps.
+ 1
  • 17
    Crash analytics
  • 11
  • 5
    Mobile application distribution
  • 2
    JIRA Integration
  • 2
    Open source
  • 1
    GitHub Integration
    Be the first to leave a con

    related HockeyApp posts

    Bitrise logo


    Automate your mobile app development from building through testing to deployment
    + 1
    • 18
      Easy setup
    • 9
      Bitbucket Integration
    • 8
      Advanced Workflow configuration
    • 7
      Github Integration
    • 7
      Slack integration
    • 5
      Great tools for iOS and Android development
    • 5
      Friendly & Easy to use
    • 4
      Great support
    • 3
      Pricing by concurrency, not team size
    • 2
      Discounts for contributors
    • 2
      Fast Updates
    • 2
      Open Source
    • 1
      Fast Builds
    • 1
      Developer centric
      Be the first to leave a con

      related Bitrise posts

      Jesus Dario Rivera Rubio
      Telecomm Engineering at Netbeast · | 10 upvotes · 1M views

      We are using React Native in #SmartHome to share the business logic between Android and iOS team and approach users with a unique brand experience. The drawback is that we require lots of native Android SDK and Objective-C modules, so a good part of the invested time is there. The gain for a app that relies less on native communication, sensors and OS tools should be even higher.

      Also it helps us set different testing stages: we use Travis CI for the javascript (business logic), Bitrise to run build tests and @Detox for #end2end automated user tests.

      We use a microservices structure on top of Zeit's @now that read from firebase. We use JWT auth to authenticate requests among services and from users, following GitHub philosophy of using the same infrastructure than its API consumers. Firebase is used mainly as a key-value store between services and as a backup database for users. We also use its authentication mechanisms.

      You can be super locked-in if you also rely on it's analytics, but we use Amplitude for that, which offers us great insights. Intercom for communications with end-user and Mailjet for marketing.

      See more

      Dear Community!

      I am researching for Mobile Application Management platform for managing android and ios release management in Fintech space. I see following options are good:

      Please suggest if you have better option.

      See more
      Jenkins logo


      An extendable open source continuous integration server
      + 1
      • 523
        Hosted internally
      • 469
        Free open source
      • 318
        Great to build, deploy or launch anything async
      • 243
        Tons of integrations
      • 211
        Rich set of plugins with good documentation
      • 111
        Has support for build pipelines
      • 68
        Easy setup
      • 66
        It is open-source
      • 53
        Workflow plugin
      • 13
        Configuration as code
      • 12
        Very powerful tool
      • 11
        Many Plugins
      • 10
        Continuous Integration
      • 10
        Great flexibility
      • 9
        Git and Maven integration is better
      • 8
        100% free and open source
      • 7
        Slack Integration (plugin)
      • 7
        Github integration
      • 6
        Self-hosted GitLab Integration (plugin)
      • 6
        Easy customisation
      • 5
        Pipeline API
      • 5
        Docker support
      • 4
        Fast builds
      • 4
        Hosted Externally
      • 4
        Excellent docker integration
      • 4
        Platform idnependency
      • 3
        AWS Integration
      • 3
      • 3
        It's Everywhere
      • 3
      • 3
        Can be run as a Docker container
      • 3
        It`w worked
      • 2
        Loose Coupling
      • 2
        NodeJS Support
      • 2
        Build PR Branch Only
      • 2
        Easily extendable with seamless integration
      • 2
        PHP Support
      • 2
        Ruby/Rails Support
      • 2
        Universal controller
      • 13
        Workarounds needed for basic requirements
      • 10
        Groovy with cumbersome syntax
      • 8
        Plugins compatibility issues
      • 7
        Lack of support
      • 7
        Limited abilities with declarative pipelines
      • 5
        No YAML syntax
      • 4
        Too tied to plugins versions

      related Jenkins posts

      Tymoteusz Paul
      Devops guy at X20X Development LTD · | 23 upvotes · 8M views

      Often enough I have to explain my way of going about setting up a CI/CD pipeline with multiple deployment platforms. Since I am a bit tired of yapping the same every single time, I've decided to write it up and share with the world this way, and send people to read it instead ;). I will explain it on "live-example" of how the Rome got built, basing that current methodology exists only of and wishes of good luck (as it usually is ;)).

      It always starts with an app, whatever it may be and reading the readmes available while Vagrant and VirtualBox is installing and updating. Following that is the first hurdle to go over - convert all the instruction/scripts into Ansible playbook(s), and only stopping when doing a clear vagrant up or vagrant reload we will have a fully working environment. As our Vagrant environment is now functional, it's time to break it! This is the moment to look for how things can be done better (too rigid/too lose versioning? Sloppy environment setup?) and replace them with the right way to do stuff, one that won't bite us in the backside. This is the point, and the best opportunity, to upcycle the existing way of doing dev environment to produce a proper, production-grade product.

      I should probably digress here for a moment and explain why. I firmly believe that the way you deploy production is the same way you should deploy develop, shy of few debugging-friendly setting. This way you avoid the discrepancy between how production work vs how development works, which almost always causes major pains in the back of the neck, and with use of proper tools should mean no more work for the developers. That's why we start with Vagrant as developer boxes should be as easy as vagrant up, but the meat of our product lies in Ansible which will do meat of the work and can be applied to almost anything: AWS, bare metal, docker, LXC, in open net, behind vpn - you name it.

      We must also give proper consideration to monitoring and logging hoovering at this point. My generic answer here is to grab Elasticsearch, Kibana, and Logstash. While for different use cases there may be better solutions, this one is well battle-tested, performs reasonably and is very easy to scale both vertically (within some limits) and horizontally. Logstash rules are easy to write and are well supported in maintenance through Ansible, which as I've mentioned earlier, are at the very core of things, and creating triggers/reports and alerts based on Elastic and Kibana is generally a breeze, including some quite complex aggregations.

      If we are happy with the state of the Ansible it's time to move on and put all those roles and playbooks to work. Namely, we need something to manage our CI/CD pipelines. For me, the choice is obvious: TeamCity. It's modern, robust and unlike most of the light-weight alternatives, it's transparent. What I mean by that is that it doesn't tell you how to do things, doesn't limit your ways to deploy, or test, or package for that matter. Instead, it provides a developer-friendly and rich playground for your pipelines. You can do most the same with Jenkins, but it has a quite dated look and feel to it, while also missing some key functionality that must be brought in via plugins (like quality REST API which comes built-in with TeamCity). It also comes with all the common-handy plugins like Slack or Apache Maven integration.

      The exact flow between CI and CD varies too greatly from one application to another to describe, so I will outline a few rules that guide me in it: 1. Make build steps as small as possible. This way when something breaks, we know exactly where, without needing to dig and root around. 2. All security credentials besides development environment must be sources from individual Vault instances. Keys to those containers should exist only on the CI/CD box and accessible by a few people (the less the better). This is pretty self-explanatory, as anything besides dev may contain sensitive data and, at times, be public-facing. Because of that appropriate security must be present. TeamCity shines in this department with excellent secrets-management. 3. Every part of the build chain shall consume and produce artifacts. If it creates nothing, it likely shouldn't be its own build. This way if any issue shows up with any environment or version, all developer has to do it is grab appropriate artifacts to reproduce the issue locally. 4. Deployment builds should be directly tied to specific Git branches/tags. This enables much easier tracking of what caused an issue, including automated identifying and tagging the author (nothing like automated regression testing!).

      Speaking of deployments, I generally try to keep it simple but also with a close eye on the wallet. Because of that, I am more than happy with AWS or another cloud provider, but also constantly peeking at the loads and do we get the value of what we are paying for. Often enough the pattern of use is not constantly erratic, but rather has a firm baseline which could be migrated away from the cloud and into bare metal boxes. That is another part where this approach strongly triumphs over the common Docker and CircleCI setup, where you are very much tied in to use cloud providers and getting out is expensive. Here to embrace bare-metal hosting all you need is a help of some container-based self-hosting software, my personal preference is with Proxmox and LXC. Following that all you must write are ansible scripts to manage hardware of Proxmox, similar way as you do for Amazon EC2 (ansible supports both greatly) and you are good to go. One does not exclude another, quite the opposite, as they can live in great synergy and cut your costs dramatically (the heavier your base load, the bigger the savings) while providing production-grade resiliency.

      See more
      Thierry Schellenbach

      Releasing new versions of our services is done by Travis CI. Travis first runs our test suite. Once it passes, it publishes a new release binary to GitHub.

      Common tasks such as installing dependencies for the Go project, or building a binary are automated using plain old Makefiles. (We know, crazy old school, right?) Our binaries are compressed using UPX.

      Travis has come a long way over the past years. I used to prefer Jenkins in some cases since it was easier to debug broken builds. With the addition of the aptly named “debug build” button, Travis is now the clear winner. It’s easy to use and free for open source, with no need to maintain anything.

      #ContinuousIntegration #CodeCollaborationVersionControl

      See more
      Firebase logo


      The Realtime App Platform
      + 1
      • 371
        Realtime backend made easy
      • 270
        Fast and responsive
      • 242
        Easy setup
      • 215
      • 191
      • 134
      • 128
        Backed by google
      • 83
        Angular adaptor
      • 68
      • 36
        Great customer support
      • 32
        Great documentation
      • 25
        Real-time synchronization
      • 21
        Mobile friendly
      • 18
        Rapid prototyping
      • 14
        Great security
      • 12
        Automatic scaling
      • 11
        Freakingly awesome
      • 8
      • 8
        Angularfire is an amazing addition!
      • 8
        Super fast development
      • 6
        Built in user auth/oauth
      • 6
        Firebase hosting
      • 6
        Ios adaptor
      • 6
        Awesome next-gen backend
      • 4
        Speed of light
      • 4
        Very easy to use
      • 3
      • 3
        It's made development super fast
      • 3
        Brilliant for startups
      • 2
        Free hosting
      • 2
        Cloud functions
      • 2
        JS Offline and Sync suport
      • 2
        Low battery consumption
      • 2
      • 2
        The concurrent updates create a great experience
      • 2
        Push notification
      • 2
        I can quickly create static web apps with no backend
      • 2
        Great all-round functionality
      • 2
        Free authentication solution
      • 1
        Easy Reactjs integration
      • 1
        Google's support
      • 1
        Free SSL
      • 1
        CDN & cache out of the box
      • 1
        Easy to use
      • 1
      • 1
        Faster workflow
      • 1
      • 1
        Good Free Limits
      • 1
        Simple and easy
      • 31
        Can become expensive
      • 16
        No open source, you depend on external company
      • 15
        Scalability is not infinite
      • 9
        Not Flexible Enough
      • 7
        Cant filter queries
      • 3
        Very unstable server
      • 3
        No Relational Data
      • 2
        Too many errors
      • 2
        No offline sync

      related Firebase posts

      Stephen Gheysens
      Lead Solutions Engineer at Inscribe · | 14 upvotes · 1.8M views

      Hi Otensia! I'd definitely recommend using the skills you've already got and building with JavaScript is a smart way to go these days. Most platform services have JavaScript/Node SDKs or NPM packages, many serverless platforms support Node in case you need to write any backend logic, and JavaScript is incredibly popular - meaning it will be easy to hire for, should you ever need to.

      My advice would be "don't reinvent the wheel". If you already have a skill set that will work well to solve the problem at hand, and you don't need it for any other projects, don't spend the time jumping into a new language. If you're looking for an excuse to learn something new, it would be better to invest that time in learning a new platform/tool that compliments your knowledge of JavaScript. For this project, I might recommend using Netlify, Vercel, or Google Firebase to quickly and easily deploy your web app. If you need to add user authentication, there are great examples out there for Firebase Authentication, Auth0, or even Magic (a newcomer on the Auth scene, but very user friendly). All of these services work very well with a JavaScript-based application.

      See more
      Tassanai Singprom

      This is my stack in Application & Data

      JavaScript PHP HTML5 jQuery Redis Amazon EC2 Ubuntu Sass Vue.js Firebase Laravel Lumen Amazon RDS GraphQL MariaDB

      My Utilities Tools

      Google Analytics Postman Elasticsearch

      My Devops Tools

      Git GitHub GitLab npm Visual Studio Code Kibana Sentry BrowserStack

      My Business Tools


      See more
      CircleCI logo


      Automate your development process quickly, safely, and at scale
      + 1
      • 226
        Github integration
      • 177
        Easy setup
      • 153
        Fast builds
      • 94
        Competitively priced
      • 74
        Slack integration
      • 55
        Docker support
      • 45
        Awesome UI
      • 33
        Great customer support
      • 18
        Ios support
      • 14
        Hipchat integration
      • 13
        SSH debug access
      • 11
        Free for Open Source
      • 6
        Mobile support
      • 5
        Nodejs support
      • 5
        Bitbucket integration
      • 5
        YAML configuration
      • 4
        AWS CodeDeploy integration
      • 3
        Free for Github private repo
      • 3
        Great support
      • 2
      • 2
        Continuous Deployment
      • 2
      • 2
      • 2
        OSX support
      • 2
        Simple, clean UI
      • 1
      • 1
      • 1
      • 1
        Helpful documentation
      • 1
      • 1
        Extremely configurable
      • 1
      • 1
        Android support
      • 1
        Fair pricing
      • 1
        All inclusive testing
      • 1
        Japanese in rspec comment appears OK
      • 1
        Build PR Branch Only
      • 1
        So circular
      • 1
        Easy setup, easy to understand, fast and reliable
      • 1
        Parallel builds for slow test suites
      • 1
        Easy setup. 2.0 is fast!
      • 1
        Easy to deploy to private servers
      • 1
        Really easy to use
      • 0
      • 12
      • 6
        Scammy pricing structure
      • 0
        Aggressive Github permissions

      related CircleCI posts

      Tymoteusz Paul
      Devops guy at X20X Development LTD · | 23 upvotes · 8M views

      Often enough I have to explain my way of going about setting up a CI/CD pipeline with multiple deployment platforms. Since I am a bit tired of yapping the same every single time, I've decided to write it up and share with the world this way, and send people to read it instead ;). I will explain it on "live-example" of how the Rome got built, basing that current methodology exists only of and wishes of good luck (as it usually is ;)).

      It always starts with an app, whatever it may be and reading the readmes available while Vagrant and VirtualBox is installing and updating. Following that is the first hurdle to go over - convert all the instruction/scripts into Ansible playbook(s), and only stopping when doing a clear vagrant up or vagrant reload we will have a fully working environment. As our Vagrant environment is now functional, it's time to break it! This is the moment to look for how things can be done better (too rigid/too lose versioning? Sloppy environment setup?) and replace them with the right way to do stuff, one that won't bite us in the backside. This is the point, and the best opportunity, to upcycle the existing way of doing dev environment to produce a proper, production-grade product.

      I should probably digress here for a moment and explain why. I firmly believe that the way you deploy production is the same way you should deploy develop, shy of few debugging-friendly setting. This way you avoid the discrepancy between how production work vs how development works, which almost always causes major pains in the back of the neck, and with use of proper tools should mean no more work for the developers. That's why we start with Vagrant as developer boxes should be as easy as vagrant up, but the meat of our product lies in Ansible which will do meat of the work and can be applied to almost anything: AWS, bare metal, docker, LXC, in open net, behind vpn - you name it.

      We must also give proper consideration to monitoring and logging hoovering at this point. My generic answer here is to grab Elasticsearch, Kibana, and Logstash. While for different use cases there may be better solutions, this one is well battle-tested, performs reasonably and is very easy to scale both vertically (within some limits) and horizontally. Logstash rules are easy to write and are well supported in maintenance through Ansible, which as I've mentioned earlier, are at the very core of things, and creating triggers/reports and alerts based on Elastic and Kibana is generally a breeze, including some quite complex aggregations.

      If we are happy with the state of the Ansible it's time to move on and put all those roles and playbooks to work. Namely, we need something to manage our CI/CD pipelines. For me, the choice is obvious: TeamCity. It's modern, robust and unlike most of the light-weight alternatives, it's transparent. What I mean by that is that it doesn't tell you how to do things, doesn't limit your ways to deploy, or test, or package for that matter. Instead, it provides a developer-friendly and rich playground for your pipelines. You can do most the same with Jenkins, but it has a quite dated look and feel to it, while also missing some key functionality that must be brought in via plugins (like quality REST API which comes built-in with TeamCity). It also comes with all the common-handy plugins like Slack or Apache Maven integration.

      The exact flow between CI and CD varies too greatly from one application to another to describe, so I will outline a few rules that guide me in it: 1. Make build steps as small as possible. This way when something breaks, we know exactly where, without needing to dig and root around. 2. All security credentials besides development environment must be sources from individual Vault instances. Keys to those containers should exist only on the CI/CD box and accessible by a few people (the less the better). This is pretty self-explanatory, as anything besides dev may contain sensitive data and, at times, be public-facing. Because of that appropriate security must be present. TeamCity shines in this department with excellent secrets-management. 3. Every part of the build chain shall consume and produce artifacts. If it creates nothing, it likely shouldn't be its own build. This way if any issue shows up with any environment or version, all developer has to do it is grab appropriate artifacts to reproduce the issue locally. 4. Deployment builds should be directly tied to specific Git branches/tags. This enables much easier tracking of what caused an issue, including automated identifying and tagging the author (nothing like automated regression testing!).

      Speaking of deployments, I generally try to keep it simple but also with a close eye on the wallet. Because of that, I am more than happy with AWS or another cloud provider, but also constantly peeking at the loads and do we get the value of what we are paying for. Often enough the pattern of use is not constantly erratic, but rather has a firm baseline which could be migrated away from the cloud and into bare metal boxes. That is another part where this approach strongly triumphs over the common Docker and CircleCI setup, where you are very much tied in to use cloud providers and getting out is expensive. Here to embrace bare-metal hosting all you need is a help of some container-based self-hosting software, my personal preference is with Proxmox and LXC. Following that all you must write are ansible scripts to manage hardware of Proxmox, similar way as you do for Amazon EC2 (ansible supports both greatly) and you are good to go. One does not exclude another, quite the opposite, as they can live in great synergy and cut your costs dramatically (the heavier your base load, the bigger the savings) while providing production-grade resiliency.

      See more
      Tim Abbott
      Shared insights
      Travis CITravis CICircleCICircleCI

      We actually started out on Travis CI, but we've migrated our main builds to CircleCI, and it's been a huge improvement.

      The reason it's been a huge improvement is that Travis CI has a fundamentally bad design for their images, where they start with a standard base Linux image containing tons of packages (several versions of postgres, every programming language environment, etc). This is potentially nice for the "get builds for a small project running quickly" use case, but it's a total disaster for a larger project that needs a decent number of dependencies and cares about the performance and reliability of their build.

      This issue is exacerbated by their networking infrastructure being unreliable; we usually saw over 1% of builds failing due to transient networking errors in Travis CI, even after we added retries to the most frequently failing operations like apt update or pip install. And they never install Ubuntu's point release updates to their images. So doing an apt update, apt install, or especially apt upgrade would take forever. We ended up writing code to actually uninstall many of their base packages and pin the versions of hundreds of others to get a semi-fast, semi-reliable build. It was infuriating.

      The CircleCI v2.0 system has the right design for a CI system: we can customize the base image to start with any expensive-to-install packages we need for our build, and we can update that image if and when we want to. The end result is that when migrating, we were able to delete all the hacky optimizations mentioned above, while still ending up with a 50% faster build latency. And we've also had 5-10x fewer issues with networking-related flakes, which means one doesn't have to constantly check whether a build failure is actually due to an issue with the code under test or "just another networking flake".

      See more
      TestFlight logo


      iOS beta testing on the fly.
      + 1
      • 62
        Must have for ios development
      • 49
        Beta testing
      • 19
        Easy setup
      • 10
        Easy way to push out updates for internal testers
      • 7
        In-App Updates
      • 5
        Crash Logging
      • 4
      • 3
        Multiple platforms
      • 2
        Remote Logging
      • 1
        Be the first to leave a con

        related TestFlight posts

        Greenhouse logo


        Simple and secure continuous integration for mobile apps
        + 1
        • 13
          Easy setup & usage
        • 6
        • 6
          Great customer support
        • 5
          Awesome team with awesome project
        • 3
          Great and fast builds
        • 1
          A lot easier than Jenkins
          Be the first to leave a con

          related Greenhouse posts

          Codemagic logo


          Build, test and deliver mobile apps in record time
          + 1
          • 2
            Apple Developer Portal integration
          • 2
            Flutter support
          • 1
            Fast and great support
          • 1
            500 free build minutes/month
          • 1
            Fast builds
          • 1
            Bitbucket integration
          • 1
            GitLab integration
          • 1
            Github integration
          • 1
            Easy setup
          • 1
            Automatic iOS code signing
          • 1
            Newest Xcode version
          • 1
            Always up to date with the latest developer tools
          • 1
            Customisable workflows
          • 1
            CI/CD for Unity
          • 1
            Great for teams
            Be the first to leave a con

            related Codemagic posts