

Application and Data / Languages & Frameworks / Javascript MVC Frameworks
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I am very comfortable in Django. For the front-end I love AngularJS. I want to know whether it's okay to stick with Django or should I go for Node.js.

5 upvotes·293.4K views
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Founder at AlterEstate·

I've been using Django for quite a long time and in my opinion I would never switch from it. My company is currently using Django with REST framework and a part in GraphQL using Graphene. On the frontend we use Next.js and so far everything has been running quite good. I've found limitations but manage to solve it.

As someone mentioned before, if you are comfortable with Django, don't switch. There's no need since with django you can basically achieve anything. Of course this will depend on the project you want to build, but the scalability and flexibility django can offer it's just out of this world. (Don't want to sound like a fan boy haha but it really is).

6 upvotes·9.7K views
Director at Drag & Drop Solutions·

It's been ages since I last used Django, but if you're proficient with it, I'd suggest you stick to it in order to deliver results quickly and on time. On the other hand, if time is not an issue, I'd recommend you start learning Node.js with express.js or loopback.js.

I haven't found something similar to Django in terms of a built in full fledge admin and CMS but, in my opinion, since you are using JavaScript (Angular.js) on the frontend, I think you could benefit from using JavaScript in the backend.

Bottom line: Start learning Node, keep using Django till you get proficient at Node, then move to Node ;)

I haven't found anything close to the Django admin in Node.

Keep in mind that comparing Node.js with Django is not quite right. It's like comparing Python with express.js

3 upvotes·1 comment·4.3K views
David Johnson
David Johnson
March 17th 2021 at 5:38PM

I haven't used Django but have a lot of experience with python and other similar frameworks. I have been using Node.js most recently and extensively. Node.js is honestly nice. I love python, but I always hated Javascript, and the whole thing feels "sloppy." But it seems to be very fast, and I really do love the asynchronous support, and have to concede that it has served us well. It's a bit tricky to get accustomed to at first, and can really get you in knots, but when you get comfortable, it's fast. I also like that it's so widely supported so both in terms of scaling and a wide developer base. In the end you can make anything work in any framework. I've used many. Pick one and stick to it. For each framework you can find a great company that uses it.

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Needs advice

From a StackShare Community member: “My company has a Back Office Dashboard that was originally built in AngularJS 1. We are looking to upgrade it. I hear a lot about React and Vue.js, but not sure which one to pick."

5 upvotes·328.9K views
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Senior Software Engineer at JOOR·

I decided to focus on React as my main #frontend framework. It's lightweight and as near to JavaScript as a framework can be. It allows me to follow most of the standards and good practices. It helps me to use new methodologies like #componentization or #CssInJs. It has a rich ecosystem of tools and libraries and clearly is the main web framework nowadays.

17 upvotes·4 comments·12.6K views
Muhammad Tayyab Razzaq
Muhammad Tayyab Razzaq
June 12th 2019 at 8:00AM

which option have you chosen for 'CssInJS', 'JSS' or 'Styled-Components' ?

Gustavo Muñoz
Gustavo Muñoz
June 12th 2019 at 9:19AM

I have chosen the Styled Components option. I find it more natural to use and easy to learn, mostly coming from Sass. Migrations of your old Sass styles looks easier too. And you have a clean separation between the component styled and the functional component.

Muhammad Tayyab Razzaq
Muhammad Tayyab Razzaq
June 12th 2019 at 9:50AM

yeah, but won't it be an overburden to wrap every component or even a simple <div> tag which needs styling?

Gustavo Muñoz
Gustavo Muñoz
June 12th 2019 at 10:39AM

As I understand it, you need an HTML element to apply styles to it, so at the end, you have a "div" with styles wrapped inside another component that implements the behavior of the group. Even if the wrapper returns an only component (the styled one), you can use a "fragment" to return only the "div" of the styled component. Imagine the case with a button that has the "handleClick" logic that renders a fragment with a "StyledButton" component that receives the "handleClick" method trough properties. It's like having a normal button but styled. But correct me if I'm wrong.

CPO at MC1 Global | worked at Creditas and founded Decision6 and MetaCerta·

Back in 2015, my company had a back-office dashboard that was originally built in AngularJS 1. Since Angular 2 presented drastic changes we decided to rethink the options and we looked at React and Vue.js. Besides, at the time, Vue had basically only one developer, its structure (100% oriented to components) and also its backward compatibility focus (Angular 1 to 2 no more) we preferred it against React cause it seemed more straightforward, clean and with a small learning curve. Now 4-5 years later we are very happy with our choice.

14 upvotes·36.6K views
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Needs advice

Hi, I have a project with a friend, and I'm hesitating between those two stacks. I want to make a simple application, with authentification (JWT) and MongoDB as a database. In the front-end part, we will use AngularJS. What should I choose?

2 upvotes·267.3K views
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I also recommend NestJS based on your description. Same language as the front end which is good as there are only two of you, and the structure of NestJS apps is inspired by Angular so it will feel very familiar. JWT and MongoDB also well supported (obviously that's the same for Spring too though).

We use it for all web applications, it's a great framework.

3 upvotes·1 comment·1.2K views
Daniel Glazer
Daniel Glazer
September 16th 2020 at 8:27AM

Support this answer... Even if you use angularJs still typescript and JavaScript are very similar


I would recommend to use NestJs as you have mentioned to make a simple application. As NestJs is easy to use and it uses Typescript. Additionally you can use mongoose with NestJs for MongoDB. Spring is awesome in case you need to develop a very complex and large application.

2 upvotes·1.1K views
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I am looking to develop a web application in Java. I want to use a front-end framework for the front-end design, and I am not sure which one to use. For this use case, would you choose to use React or AngularJS? Are there any other frameworks that are easy to learn and have useful features?

2 upvotes·164.5K views
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React is an UI Library and Angular is a full-fledged front-end framework. React's virtual DOM implementation and rendering optimizations, React outperforms Angular. It's also simple to switch between React versions; unlike Angular, you don't have to install updates one by one. For me I Choose react here..

3 upvotes·81 views

I wouldn't recommend AngularJS, but I assume you mean Angular - the newer version.

I personally will say if it is a large scale application, Angular may be easier to manage, since it's service focused and not state focused. If it is a small / medium scale application, then use React or Vue.js, and you will also be able to scale up the application afterwards.

3 upvotes·1.4K views
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i started to work on web development. right now, i know html, css, Bootstrap and designed a website with them. i dont know backend part. i have basic Python knowledge.i dont want to use only html and css alone. Want to push myself to next step. suggest me whether i should start learning AngularJS or Django further. i am ready to put efforts and difficulty not matters to me. it should have good scope in future as well freelancing projects....

7 upvotes·185.4K views
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Developer at Domine Dados·

Hey friend, first of all, nice to listen your journey. Hold on it. It is not easy, but it pays. My advice to you is to try NodeJs and Express as webframework for the beckend part. I am pythonist, so Django lives in my heart. But, in the beginning, I think you wanna speed up. So, trying Node coudl be good cause you will learn JavaScript, that you will use a lot at frontend too.

6 upvotes·4.6K views
CTO at Cloudonix LTD.·

Of the two options you mentioned, only Django is a backend technology. AngularJS is another toolkit to build web applications, though more of a framework with a complete set of technology than Bootstrap which is just a UI library.

I think that the best way to push yourself forward is indeed to learn multiple technologies and multiple programming languages, and Python is often a good choice - it is simple, clean and has a lot of mindshare (i.e. you can easily find help).

So when looking at the next technology to learn and the next programming language, Django is a good choice. If you want to stick with Javascript, then I can echo the recommendation to look at Node.JS as a backend service - though if you want to push yourself and become a better software engineer, then putting all your eggs in the Javascript corner is probably not the best choice. Good engineers have a large set of tools to draw from and knowing more than 1 language can both increase your marketability and tech you to think in more than 1 way.

5 upvotes·5.1K views
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We are building a PWA using AngularJS targeting Mobiles, Tablets, Laptops and Desktops. Like for smaller to larger screens. This is our first PWA and my first project in Angular. We are confused between PrimeNg and Bootstrap. I read in an article that PrimeNg has got Bootstrap implemented in it from 5.x.x version. Which is the best Framework for this?

4 upvotes·271.8K views
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For a new project with angular use, not angularjs. Angular has pwa ready to go functions, ngrx data to optimise data loads and store management. PrimeNg is a powerful library but angular material gives you enough power. Take good care adding such libraries because of compatibility issues on uograde. Look at what you can do with angular material, and then add primeNg if you have no choice.

3 upvotes·11.4K views
Senior Fullstack Developer at QUANTUSflow Software GmbH·

Our whole Vue.js frontend stack (incl. SSR) consists of the following tools:

  • Nuxt.js consisting of Vue CLI, Vue Router, vuex, Webpack and Sass (Bundler for HTML5, CSS 3), Babel (Transpiler for JavaScript),
  • Vue Styleguidist as our style guide and pool of developed Vue.js components
  • Vuetify as Material Component Framework (for fast app development)
  • TypeScript as programming language
  • Apollo / GraphQL (incl. GraphiQL) for data access layer (
  • ESLint, TSLint and Prettier for coding style and code analyzes
  • Jest as testing framework
  • Google Fonts and Font Awesome for typography and icon toolkit
  • NativeScript-Vue for mobile development

The main reason we have chosen Vue.js over React and AngularJS is related to the following artifacts:

  • Empowered HTML. Vue.js has many similar approaches with Angular. This helps to optimize HTML blocks handling with the use of different components.
  • Detailed documentation. Vue.js has very good documentation which can fasten learning curve for developers.
  • Adaptability. It provides a rapid switching period from other frameworks. It has similarities with Angular and React in terms of design and architecture.
  • Awesome integration. Vue.js can be used for both building single-page applications and more difficult web interfaces of apps. Smaller interactive parts can be easily integrated into the existing infrastructure with no negative effect on the entire system.
  • Large scaling. Vue.js can help to develop pretty large reusable templates.
  • Tiny size. Vue.js weights around 20KB keeping its speed and flexibility. It allows reaching much better performance in comparison to other frameworks.
23 upvotes·1 comment·4.8M views
April 25th 2020 at 6:24AM

Thanks a lot for sharing.

Sr. Business Analyst_PMO at IT·


We are planning to migrate web application with the same UI AngularJS to #AWS cloud with AWS Elastic Load Balancing (ELB), Jenkins, Docker stack, to check its performance for 200 users. Any suggestions for alternative technologies?

What is the infra required?

Thanks in advance.

2 upvotes·53.4K views
Program Manager ·
Needs advice
EclipseEclipseIntelliJ IDEAIntelliJ IDEA

UPDATE: Thanks for the great response. I am going to start with VSCode based on the open source and free version that will allow me to grow into other languages, but not cost me a license ..yet.

I have been working with software development for 12 years, but I am just beginning my journey to learn to code. I am starting with Python following the suggestion of some of my coworkers. They are split between Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA for IDEs that they use and PyCharm is new to me. Which IDE would you suggest for a beginner that will allow expansion to Java, JavaScript, and eventually AngularJS and possibly mobile applications?

11 upvotes·1.9M views
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Dev at Intel·
Visual Studio Code

Pycharm is great for python development, but can feel sometimes slow and community version has Somme very annoying restrictions (like they disabled jupyter notebooks plugin and made it premium feature). I personally started looking into VS Code as an alternative, and it has some very good potential. I suggest you take it into account.

15 upvotes·699.9K views

The Community version of PyCharm is free and should give you what you need to get started with Python. Both PyCharm and IntelliJ are made by JetBrains. IntelliJ is initially focused on Java but you can get plugins for lots of other things. I subscribe to JetBrains' Toolbox: and have access to all of their great tools.

14 upvotes·699.8K views
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Software Engineer at Amazon·

I only know Java and so thinking of building a web application in the following order. I need some help on what alternatives I can choose. Open to replace components, services, or infrastructure.

  • Frontend: AngularJS, Bootstrap
  • Web Framework: Spring Boot
  • Database: Amazon DynamoDB
  • Authentication: Auth0
  • Deployment: Amazon EC2 Container Service
  • Local Testing: Docker
  • Marketing: Mailchimp (Separately Export from Auth0)
  • Website Domain: GoDaddy
  • Routing: Amazon Route 53

PS: Open to exploring options of going completely native ( AWS Lambda, AWS Security but have to learn all)

6 upvotes·957K views
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Founder and CEO at Facile Technolab Pvt Ltd·

I would recommend to upgrade your stack and consider Angular.

Also, if you are working with docker, instead of manually managing your EC2 and docker inside it, switch to ECS as its free of cost and hassle free way to deploy and keep running your containers efficiently.

Good luck.

4 upvotes·9.8K views

Instead of Docker , no doubt its great but it has vulnerabilitis and restricitions with dameon and root thread. I would pickup Podman. Also Ambasador is a culmination of Gateway LB and ServiceMesh on istio and Envoy. Great for both East-west and North south microservices communication, policy managment and security with Istio. Spring Boot is not a WebFW. For platform web fw one can use Reactive like SPring WebFlow rather than Spring MVC. For java experience, Spring provides great assets.

I will switch to using Kubernetes whether managed or custom depends on several factors rather than AWS ecs. For LB Amabassador is a great alternative on AWS. One can simply use this on top of ECS clusters. Instead of running in to different frameworks one can simply use one FW at both client and server side for consuming and SSE. I believe one can look at Lot of it depends what you need a full FW or a light librarry like React to be part of V in your MVC. Whether you need a SPA , on Mobile etc... in that case KOTLIN is also another option on Java. Dont go with Android. Best luck. Swapnil S

3 upvotes·8.7K views