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DodgerCMS vs Wintersmith: What are the differences?
What is DodgerCMS? *A static markdown CMS built on top of Amazon S3 *. DodgerCMS is a static markdown CMS built on top of Amazon S3. It is a clean and simple alternative to heavy content management systems. There are no databases to manage, deployments to monitor, or massive configuration files. Just focus on writing your content and the results are live immediately.
What is Wintersmith? Flexible, minimalistic, multi-platform static site generator built on top of node.js. Wintersmith is a simple yet flexible static site generator. It takes contents (markdown, less, scripts, etc), transforms them using plugins and outputs a static website (html, css, images, etc) that you can host anywhere.
DodgerCMS and Wintersmith belong to "Static Site Generators" category of the tech stack.
Some of the features offered by DodgerCMS are:
- Full markdown editor
- Simple toolbar and easy file manipulation
- Github flavored markdown with syntax highlighting
On the other hand, Wintersmith provides the following key features:
- Flexible - Wintersmith tries not to put any limitations on how you work with your content. You can transform it using plugins and structure it as you please.
- Templating - Use your favorite templating engine, it comes bundled with a Jade plugin and there is community made plugins for most other node.js templating engines.
- Markdown - No more fiddling around with WYSIWYG editors. Once you start using Markdown to author your content you'll never look back!
DodgerCMS and Wintersmith are both open source tools. Wintersmith with 3.48K GitHub stars and 349 forks on GitHub appears to be more popular than DodgerCMS with 281 GitHub stars and 39 GitHub forks.
Pros of DodgerCMS
Pros of Wintersmith
- Easy setup1