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Component vs Verdaccio: What are the differences?
Component: Client package management for building better web applications. Component's philosophy is the UNIX philosophy of the web - to create a platform for small, reusable components that consist of JS, CSS, HTML, images, fonts, etc. With its well-defined specs, using Component means not worrying about most frontend problems such as package management, publishing components to a registry, or creating a custom build process for every single app; Verdaccio: A lightweight private npm proxy registry. A simple, zero-config-required local private npm registry. Comes out of the box with its own tiny database, and the ability to proxy other registries (eg., caching the downloaded modules along the way.
Component and Verdaccio can be primarily classified as "Front End Package Manager" tools.
Component and Verdaccio are both open source tools. Verdaccio with 7.19K GitHub stars and 656 forks on GitHub appears to be more popular than Component with 4.64K GitHub stars and 352 GitHub forks.
Pros of Component
- Open source20
Pros of Verdaccio
- "Easy to setup"2
- Open Source1
- "A lightweight NPM registry"1