Shreyas Parikh
Sr. DevOps | Brodos AG
3 points

Tools shreyu82 is Following

Cloudflare speeds up and protects millions of websites, APIs, SaaS services, and other properties connected...
Google Drive
Keep photos, stories, designs, drawings, recordings, videos, and more. Your first 15 GB of storage are free...
Skype’s text, voice and video make it simple to share experiences with the people that matter to you, where...
The Docker Platform is the industry-leading container platform for continuous, high-velocity innovation, en...
Ansible is an IT automation tool. It can configure systems, deploy software, and orchestrate more advanced ...
In a nutshell Jenkins CI is the leading open-source continuous integration server. Built with Java, it prov...
Imagine all your team communication in one place, instantly searchable, available wherever you go. That’s S...
Vagrant provides the framework and configuration format to create and manage complete portable development ...
VirtualBox is a powerful x86 and AMD64/Intel64 virtualization product for enterprise as well as home use. N...
GitLab offers git repository management, code reviews, issue tracking, activity feeds and wikis. Enterprise...
Python is a general purpose programming language created by Guido Van Rossum. Python is most praised for it...
Android SDK
Android provides a rich application framework that allows you to build innovative apps and games for mobile...
The MySQL software delivers a very fast, multi-threaded, multi-user, and robust SQL (Structured Query Langu...
Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small t...
Apache HTTP Server
The Apache HTTP Server is a powerful and flexible HTTP/1.1 compliant web server. Originally designed as a ...
Varnish Cache is a web application accelerator also known as a caching HTTP reverse proxy. You install it i...
npm is the command-line interface to the npm ecosystem. It is battle-tested, surprisingly flexible, and use...
It is the only complete API development environment, used by nearly five million developers and more than 1...
Selenium automates browsers. That's it! What you do with that power is entirely up to you. Primarily, it is...
Started by core members of the original MySQL team, MariaDB actively works with outside developers to deliv...
Debian systems currently use the Linux kernel or the FreeBSD kernel. Linux is a piece of software started b...
Logstash is a tool for managing events and logs. You can use it to collect logs, parse them, and store them...
The CentOS Project is a community-driven free software effort focused on delivering a robust open source ec...
Docker Compose
With Compose, you define a multi-container application in a single file, then spin your application up in a...
The fastest web framework for Go.