Intern web developer at Stepway·
Needs advice

Hey I'm currently an undergraduate in computer science for almost 5 years now, still left with a few courses before I complete. I know that I'm not good at programming but still I choose developer based programming career approach, I have made plans to start my career in websites, etc, for that, I have purchased books related to HTML5, CSS , JavaScript. I'm currently learning HTML5 and CSS only and after this some JavaScript I am really confident in my decision but would love to know what an expert developer advice thanks in advance.

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Replies (7)

this article might help you. Web development is a combination of skills. not only developing skills but also SEO and other stuff.

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Whatever you do don't go WordPress path. Developers over-there tend to ignore system limitations and hardcode and overengineer their solutions so as to please their clients. If you are a beginner probably you'll get to work on someone else's shitty code and will be asked by your boss to do "yet another impossible thing with Wordpress". And... Probably... You'll do it.

My suggestion is: think in stacks and don't start too low. Starting with HTML, CSS3 and JavaScript is too low. Start on higher levels and with something practical. You'll have time for basics some time later and it would be much easier, because you'll see those technologies are compliment to what you do and not your main objective.

My suggestion for you:

  • Android Mobile App Development path (complex enough so you won't get bored)
  • All things web3 crypto, nft, virtual reality, blockchain path (has tons of computing web development tasks)
  • Cloud computing setup and administration path (good, because you say you're not good at programming)
  • Artificial intelligence and automation (this is future, people need this)

I've also found it helpful to think of each stack as a surface (find Google Images "radar chart") . Every time you try to learn something new you start in the center, with all technology-points overlapping. You are as low as you can get and you know nothing. Your job is to expand outwards each technology so as to make a stack-surace. The more surface the better. You'll see that some technological-aspects are easier to expand than others and plan your time accordingly.

Have a good start!

10 upvotes·1 comment·102.3K views
fisher boy
fisher boy
February 25th 2022 at 10:18PM

Thanks bro that is the greatest advice i have ever had in life.

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