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PythonPythonChat by StreamChat by Stream

On occasion, I like to set out and write tutorials around the technology that I’m currently working with. With Stream’s recent release of its Python SDK for Chat, I felt compelled to write up a tutorial that would be engaging to developers interested in building a chat application with Python .

Most of the time, my tutorials are rather short and straight forward; however, with the Python tutorial, I wanted to take it a step further and throw in some additional technology to make things fun.

I chose to use a combination of our Python Chat SDK, the Stream React Chat components and Django for handling backend auth.

It was a lot of fun and I’m very proud to say that the tutorial turned out well. If you’re interested in reading, you can find the full Python Chat tutorial over on

Thank you and I hope you enjoy the tutorial on building an app with Python and Chat by Stream !

Python Chat Tutorial with Django and React - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻 (
10 upvotes·1 comment·9.9K views
Jaskirat Singh
Jaskirat Singh
June 17th 2019 at 6:38PM


Avatar of Nick Parsons

Nick Parsons

Building cool things on the internet 🛠️ at Stream