Barry Frost
CTO | The Room
3 points

Tools barry1621 is Following

Cloudflare speeds up and protects millions of websites, APIs, SaaS services, and other properties connected...
Amazon S3
Amazon Simple Storage Service provides a fully redundant data storage infrastructure for storing and retrie...
GitHub is the best place to share code with friends, co-workers, classmates, and complete strangers. Over t...
Trello is a collaboration tool that organizes your projects into boards. In one glance, Trello tells you wh...
Heroku is a cloud application platform – a new way of building and deploying web apps. Heroku lets app deve...
Sentry’s Application Monitoring platform helps developers see performance issues, fix errors faster, and op...
Amazon RDS
Amazon RDS gives you access to the capabilities of a familiar MySQL, Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server databas...
G Suite
An integrated suite of secure, cloud-native collaboration and productivity apps. It includes Gmail, Docs, D...
Attract, convert, close and delight customers with HubSpot’s complete set of marketing tools. HubSpot all-i...
Imagine all your team communication in one place, instantly searchable, available wherever you go. That’s S...
Ruby is a language of careful balance. Its creator, Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto, blended parts of his favorit...
Rails is a web-application framework that includes everything needed to create database-backed web applicat...
Writing code is interactive and fun, the syntax is concise yet expressive, and apps run lightning-fast. Swi...
Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect for d...
Lots of people use React as the V in MVC. Since React makes no assumptions about the rest of your technolog...
PostgreSQL is an advanced object-relational database management system that supports an extended subset of...
Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache, and mess...
Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small t...
Markdown is two things: (1) a plain text formatting syntax; and (2) a software tool, written in Perl, that ...
Sass is an extension of CSS3, adding nested rules, variables, mixins, selector inheritance, and more. It's ...
JavaScript is most known as the scripting language for Web pages, but used in many non-browser environments...
The Xcode IDE is at the center of the Apple development experience. Tightly integrated with the Cocoa and C...
AWS Lambda
AWS Lambda is a compute service that runs your code in response to events and automatically manages the und...
React Native
React Native enables you to build world-class application experiences on native platforms using a consisten...
An easy to use email app that saves you time and keeps your messages safe. Get your messages instantly via ...
It helps you write applications that behave consistently, run in different environments (client, server, an...