When we first built the ArifZefen app our focus was around validating our business assumptions and finding a good product fit. Once we got to a few thousand users, it became clear that we needed to make quality a priority and that meant we needed a reliable tool that will allow us to monitor the health of our app. Crashlytics (now Fabric by Twitter ) was on a short list of solutions we closely explored and we were very happy with its ease of integration and the consistency it brought to our Cocoa Touch (iOS) and Android SDK crash monitoring.

Its daily pulse emails were also super informative in giving us a good sense of how each platform was doing in terms of crash-free and new users, daily actives and other relevant session data. These emails also surfaced any anomalies in daily trends, alerting us of any reason for concern. Overall, Crashlytics was instrumental in allowing us to quickly discover and diagnose crashes and it is one of the main reasons we were able to keep our app store ratings reasonable high. But perhaps even more importantly, we were able to set a high quality bar for our users that absent Crashlytics would have been difficult to maintain.

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