

Application and Data / Libraries / Javascript UI Libraries
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I have got a small radio service running on Node.js. Front end is written with React and packed with Webpack . I use Docker for my #DeploymentWorkflow along with Docker Swarm and GitLab CI on a single Google Compute Engine instance, which is also a runner itself. Pretty unscalable decision but it works great for tiny projects. The project is available on

23 upvotes·2 comments·586.7K views
April 11th 2021 at 4:19PM

nice project

Sergey Sirota
Sergey Sirota
April 16th 2021 at 9:52AM

That's cool! Is front end should have white tape on left?)

CTO at Katana Cloud Inventory·
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We undertook the task of building a manufacturing ERP for small branded manufacturers. We needed to build a lot, fast with a small team, and have clear focus on product delivery. We chose JavaScript / Node.js ( React + LoopBack full stack) , Heroku and Heroku Postgres (also Heroku Redis ) . This decision has guided us to picking other key technologies. It has granted us high pace of product delivery and service availability while operating with a small team.

Makings of a Katana (
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CTO at My Job Glasses·
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After splitting our monolith into a Rails API + a React Redux.js frontend app, it became a necessity to monitor frontend errors. Our frontend application is not your typical website, and features a lot of interesting SPA mechanics that need to be followed closely (many async flows, redux-saga , etc.) in addition to regular browser incompatibility issues. Rollbar kicks in so that we can monitor every bug that happens on our frontend, and aggregate this with almost 0 work. The number of occurrences and affected browsers on each occurence helps us understand the priority and severity of bugs even when our users don't tell us about them, so we can decide whether we need to fix this bug that was encountered by 1k users in less than a few days days VERSUS telling this SINGLE user to switch browsers because he's using a very outdated version that no one else uses. Now we also use Rollbar with Rails, Sidekiq and even AWS Lambda errors since the interface is quite convenient.

9 upvotes·552.4K views
Senior Software Developer at IT Minds·
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At IT Minds we create customized internal or #B2B web and mobile apps. I have a go to stack that I pitch to our customers consisting of 3 core areas. 1) A data core #backend . 2) A micro #serverless #backend. 3) A user client #frontend.

For the Data Core I create a backend using TypeScript Node.js and with TypeORM connecting to a PostgreSQL Exposing an action based api with Apollo GraphQL

For the micro serverless backend, which purpose is verification for authentication, autorization, logins and the likes. It is created with Next.js api pages. Using MongoDB to store essential information, caching etc.

Finally the frontend is built with React using Next.js , TypeScript and @Apollo. We create the frontend as a PWA and have a AMP landing page by default.

The Leading Web stack of an IT Minds Senior Developer. - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻 (
14 upvotes·2.9M views
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I find using Vue.js to be easier (more concise / less boilerplate) and more intuitive than writing React. However, there are a lot more readily available React components that I can just plug into my projects. I'm debating whether to use Vue.js or React for an upcoming project that I'm going to use to help teach a friend how to build an interactive frontend. Which would you recommend I use?

26 upvotes·848.5K views
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Software Engineer ·

I've used both Vue.js and React and I would stick with React. I know that Vue.js seems easier to write and its much faster to pick up however as you mentioned above React has way more ready made components you can just plugin, and the community for React is very big.

It might be a bit more of a steep learning curve for your friend to learn React over Vue.js but I think in the long run its the better option.

27 upvotes·3 comments·1.3M views
Michael Mota
Michael Mota
August 20th 2019 at 9:14PM

React is beautiful. I've never used Vue.js but for what I've heard it's easy and fast to learn but, once you dominate the essentials of react and how it actually works, you become a "magician". I really think React it's just beautiful 😍.

humbler stub
humbler stub
June 10th 2020 at 6:46PM

Hi ! What's your take on (React + Angular) vs (React + ReactNative)? Currently I am in a phase in which I am trying to decide a lifetime stack for me to sustain in the market. Needs advice/suggestion.

Thanks in Advance.

Johnny Bell
Johnny Bell
June 10th 2020 at 7:09PM

Hey Islam, I would suggest if you are going to use React you use React Native + React and not Angular... Mixing frameworks like Angular and React can become tricky. But if you are looking to become hirable I'd say React and React Native is a good choice. I'm noticing less and less companies that use Angular.


I chose to use Vue.js a few years ago mainly for the easy learning curve. I have no experience with React, so I won't make any comparison here. Regarding available components, I never felt locked in because of Vue when looking for components. It happens that a component I wish to use is not available as a Vue component (and nobody published any Vue wrapper for it), but in such cases I was able to quickly hack a Vue wrapper component. In the end I don't think a decision to choose one framework over another should be made solely because of the number of components available. (And not all components in either framework is maintained, bug free, documented or easy to use)

15 upvotes·2 comments·384.9K views
Cyrus Stoller
Cyrus Stoller
August 17th 2019 at 6:13PM

That's good feedback to share with my friend as well. I appreciate it.

January 13th 2020 at 10:09PM

Thomas, How did you learn to hack a Vue wrapper component from an existing react component that's not in Vue? Do you expect new versions of Vue to break the components you have hacked / ported over to Vue?

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From a StackShare Community member: “My company has a Back Office Dashboard that was originally built in AngularJS 1. We are looking to upgrade it. I hear a lot about React and Vue.js, but not sure which one to pick."

5 upvotes·356.8K views
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Senior Software Engineer at JOOR·

I decided to focus on React as my main #frontend framework. It's lightweight and as near to JavaScript as a framework can be. It allows me to follow most of the standards and good practices. It helps me to use new methodologies like #componentization or #CssInJs. It has a rich ecosystem of tools and libraries and clearly is the main web framework nowadays.

17 upvotes·4 comments·12.6K views
Muhammad Tayyab Razzaq
Muhammad Tayyab Razzaq
June 12th 2019 at 8:00AM

which option have you chosen for 'CssInJS', 'JSS' or 'Styled-Components' ?

Gustavo Muñoz
Gustavo Muñoz
June 12th 2019 at 9:19AM

I have chosen the Styled Components option. I find it more natural to use and easy to learn, mostly coming from Sass. Migrations of your old Sass styles looks easier too. And you have a clean separation between the component styled and the functional component.

Muhammad Tayyab Razzaq
Muhammad Tayyab Razzaq
June 12th 2019 at 9:50AM

yeah, but won't it be an overburden to wrap every component or even a simple <div> tag which needs styling?

Gustavo Muñoz
Gustavo Muñoz
June 12th 2019 at 10:39AM

As I understand it, you need an HTML element to apply styles to it, so at the end, you have a "div" with styles wrapped inside another component that implements the behavior of the group. Even if the wrapper returns an only component (the styled one), you can use a "fragment" to return only the "div" of the styled component. Imagine the case with a button that has the "handleClick" logic that renders a fragment with a "StyledButton" component that receives the "handleClick" method trough properties. It's like having a normal button but styled. But correct me if I'm wrong.

CPO at MC1 Global | worked at Creditas and founded Decision6 and MetaCerta·

Back in 2015, my company had a back-office dashboard that was originally built in AngularJS 1. Since Angular 2 presented drastic changes we decided to rethink the options and we looked at React and Vue.js. Besides, at the time, Vue had basically only one developer, its structure (100% oriented to components) and also its backward compatibility focus (Angular 1 to 2 no more) we preferred it against React cause it seemed more straightforward, clean and with a small learning curve. Now 4-5 years later we are very happy with our choice.

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Engineering Manager at Andela·
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I picked up an idea to develop and it was no brainer I had to go with React for the frontend. I was faced with challenges when it came to what component framework to use. I had worked extensively with Material-UI but I needed something different that would offer me wider range of well customized components (I became pretty slow at styling). I brought in Evergreen after several sampling and reads online but again, after several prototype development against Evergreen—since I was using TypeScript and I had to import custom Type, it felt exhaustive. After I validated Evergreen with the designs of the idea I was developing, I also noticed I might have to do a lot of styling. I later stumbled on Material Kit, the one specifically made for React . It was promising with beautifully crafted components, most of which fits into the designs pages I had on ground.

A major problem of Material Kit for me is it isn't written in TypeScript and there isn't any plans to support its TypeScript version. I rolled up my sleeve and started converting their components to TypeScript and if you'll ask me, I am still on it.

In summary, I used the Create React App with TypeScript support and I am spending some time converting Material Kit to TypeScript before I start developing against it. All of these components are going to be hosted on Bit.

If you feel I am crazy or I have gotten something wrong, I'll be willing to listen to your opinion. Also, if you want to have a share of whatever TypeScript version of Material Kit I end up coming up with, let me know.

30 upvotes·3.4M views
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I want to know what is the best tool for Laravel. React or Vue.js? For example, which is better to be added to an existing Laravel project. Also, which framework has a big community in Stackoverflow and Github?

Vue js or react js for laravel (
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Lead, Design and Development at Afroshok·

I am part of another firm that where we split our stacks, React/Django and Vue/Laravel. While I am in charge of the React/Django, my co-founder who uses the Vue/Laravel stack swears by Vue. I would urge that you look at using Vue since you are asking to add it to an existing Laravel Project. The learning curve is lower than that of React in my own experience.

5 upvotes·6.5K views
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I want to create a video sharing service like Youtube, which users can use to upload and watch videos. I prefer to use Vue.js for front-end. What do you suggest for the back-end? Node.js or Laravel ( PHP ) I need a good performance with high speed, and the most important thing is the ability to handle user's requests if the site's traffic increases. I want to create an algorithm that users who watch others videos earn points (randomly but in clear context) If you have anything else to improve, please let me know. For eg: If you prefer React to Vue.js. Thanks in advance

6 upvotes·300.6K views
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Node is light and scalable and has been used widely for enterprise solutions that need faster response, reliability and better performance. But at the end of the day, for me, when I start a project, I don't shoot for the stars. I build a small application with the possibility to scale in the future that will test my business idea. If the idea is getting volume then I really start thinking about how am I going to build this aiming a specific volume.

14 upvotes·145.6K views
CTO at Voila Cab's·

Hello , Our first version of was programed with Code Ignitor PHP API's, and at times during peak hours when there were huge request's made the response time use to vary from 500 MS to 1 Minute, also at time's we might have to end up restarting PHP-FPM which use to bring things to normal.

Also PHP lacks features like promises queue, Asyc task, etc. which is supported in Node.js. In our V1 release we shifted to Node.js and since last 7 month's we see no lag in any API response, also all our API's are responding in 200-300 Milli Second's with about 8000+ Fleet's in peak hours. So my suggestion is to go with Node.js also you can either go with Mysql or MongoDB ( depending on the usage ) for DB choice's.

When it comes to hosting you can go with group replication which can be replicated across 3 different datacenters for your data safety. This approach will make your system largely scalable at 80% less price then amazon webservcies.

I hope that help's .

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Software Engineer at Pinterest·
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One of our top priorities at Pinterest is fostering a safe and trustworthy experience for all Pinners. As Pinterest’s user base and ads business grow, the review volume has been increasing exponentially, and more content types require moderation support. To solve greater engineering and operational challenges at scale, we needed a highly-reliable and performant system to detect, report, evaluate, and act on abusive content and users and so we created Pinqueue.

Pinqueue-3.0 serves as a generic platform for content moderation and human labeling. Under the hood, Pinqueue3.0 is a Flask + React app powered by Pinterest’s very own Gestalt UI framework. On the backend, Pinqueue3.0 heavily relies on PinLater, a Pinterest-built reliable asynchronous job execution system, to handle the requests for enqueueing and action-taking. Using PinLater has significantly strengthened Pinqueue3.0’s overall infra with its capability of processing a massive load of events with configurable retry policies.

Hundreds of millions of people around the world use Pinterest to discover and do what they love, and our job is to protect them from abusive and harmful content. We’re committed to providing an inspirational yet safe experience to all Pinners. Solving trust & safety problems is a joint effort requiring expertise across multiple domains. Pinqueue3.0 not only plays a critical role in responsively taking down unsafe content, it also has become an enabler for future ML/automation initiatives by providing high-quality human labels. Going forward, we will continue to improve the review experience, measure review quality and collaborate with our machine learning teams to solve content moderation beyond manual reviews at an even larger scale.

Introducing Pinqueue3.0, Pinterest’s next-gen content moderation platform (
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