

Utilities / Application Utilities / Static Site Generators
Needs advice

Hello everybody! I want to create an easy to use website (and simplified) builder. Users create a site, add their domain and edit Pages inside an Admin Area inside predefined "Blocks" like with Wagtail.

There should be several default templates/themes and layouts. Choosing a different theme might change both the layout and styling. And I'm looking for SSR or SSG with a focus on the end-user's Page performance.

Current Stack:

  • GraphQL for the dynamic part (for example data to Pricing might not be required on the homepage, or images might go into gallery in one theme, and on the homepage in another theme)

  • FastAPI and SQLAlchemy to store Data. I have prior experience with Wagtail and Django and want to stay with Python and learn Fastapi

  • NGINX to handle domain-specific things (the how is not yet refined)

I want a scalable architecture and especially a fast frontend. I'm tending to use SvelteKit, but I'm afraid that the dynamic part won't make me happy after having hundreds of sites, as the bundler cannot load themes dynamically. sveltekit - dynamic import

I want to handle the scenario: Admin-User chooses a theme and other options for the site (domain) and the End-User Frontend/Session/Cookie will have to fetch and store data about the theme and load subsequent calls to prerendered sites.

Also the "hundreds of sites" might not be all covered by 5 Themes, because users may purchase a custom-made theme, and I would have to manage one big project having lots of different Styleguides and flows. I even thought of statically building the site whenever the user makes a change, maybe using Hugo (or VitePress?). Then I would have to take more care with the page recreation and it would be easily routable instead of nesting every component with logic in the frontend... I think. But this I haven't thought through yet.

Can anyone please help?

4 upvotes·117.5K views
Needs advice

Our company's website needs to be redesigned. So I got the task of redesigning, right now the management is saying to use Hugo. Well, Hugo is good for a single-page web app, in our website there are a lot of things such as forms, location, and many different things so doing all this customization in Hugo is a bit difficult so I am in a confusion state whether to use Hugo or use different technology such as React to build a company's website. So what do you recommend to use Hugo or React for building a complete website?

5 upvotes·29.1K views
Replies (1)

oth Hugo and React are powerful tools for building websites, but they are designed for different purposes. Hugo is a static site generator, which is well-suited for building simple, fast, and highly performant websites. React, on the other hand, is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It's often used to build complex, interactive web applications.

If your company's website is primarily a static site with a few forms and locations, and you want to take advantage of the performance benefits of a static site, then Hugo may be a good choice. However, if your website requires a lot of complex user interactions, such as forms, dynamic content, and location tracking, then React might be a better choice.

In the end, the decision on whether to use Hugo or React will depend on the specific needs of your website and your team's skills and experience. It may be helpful to consult with a web developer or technical architect to determine the best approach for your company's website.

4 upvotes·14.1K views
Software Development Manager at Lightspeed·
Shared insights

Setting up a personal website, consisting of statically generated html files.

OpenBSD @httpd Hugo Ansible

Rely on the simplicity and security record of OpenBSD to keep my deployments easy to manage and run. Ansible playbooks for easily provisioning copies of the same setup. Using the httpd daemon provided by OpenBSD as it's full featured and included in the base operating system. Hugo creates static html based on markdown files that live in my home directory, and they are copied up to the server using scp.

1 upvote·102.9K views