

Application and Data / Languages & Frameworks / Front-End Frameworks
Needs advice

i started to work on web development. right now, i know html, css, Bootstrap and designed a website with them. i dont know backend part. i have basic Python knowledge.i dont want to use only html and css alone. Want to push myself to next step. suggest me whether i should start learning AngularJS or Django further. i am ready to put efforts and difficulty not matters to me. it should have good scope in future as well freelancing projects....

7 upvotes·190.8K views
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Developer at Domine Dados·

Hey friend, first of all, nice to listen your journey. Hold on it. It is not easy, but it pays. My advice to you is to try NodeJs and Express as webframework for the beckend part. I am pythonist, so Django lives in my heart. But, in the beginning, I think you wanna speed up. So, trying Node coudl be good cause you will learn JavaScript, that you will use a lot at frontend too.

6 upvotes·4.7K views
CTO at Cloudonix LTD.·

Of the two options you mentioned, only Django is a backend technology. AngularJS is another toolkit to build web applications, though more of a framework with a complete set of technology than Bootstrap which is just a UI library.

I think that the best way to push yourself forward is indeed to learn multiple technologies and multiple programming languages, and Python is often a good choice - it is simple, clean and has a lot of mindshare (i.e. you can easily find help).

So when looking at the next technology to learn and the next programming language, Django is a good choice. If you want to stick with Javascript, then I can echo the recommendation to look at Node.JS as a backend service - though if you want to push yourself and become a better software engineer, then putting all your eggs in the Javascript corner is probably not the best choice. Good engineers have a large set of tools to draw from and knowing more than 1 language can both increase your marketability and tech you to think in more than 1 way.

5 upvotes·5.6K views
Needs advice

We are building a PWA using AngularJS targeting Mobiles, Tablets, Laptops and Desktops. Like for smaller to larger screens. This is our first PWA and my first project in Angular. We are confused between PrimeNg and Bootstrap. I read in an article that PrimeNg has got Bootstrap implemented in it from 5.x.x version. Which is the best Framework for this?

4 upvotes·278.9K views
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For a new project with angular use, not angularjs. Angular has pwa ready to go functions, ngrx data to optimise data loads and store management. PrimeNg is a powerful library but angular material gives you enough power. Take good care adding such libraries because of compatibility issues on uograde. Look at what you can do with angular material, and then add primeNg if you have no choice.

3 upvotes·11.9K views
Frontend Developer at atSistemas·
Needs advice

I'm building, from scratch, a webapp. It's going to be a dashboard to check on our apps in New Relic and update the Apdex from the webapp. I have just chosen Next.js as our framework because we use React already, and after going through the tutorial, I just loved the latest changes they have implemented.

But we have to decide on a CSS framework for the UI. I'm partial to Bulma because I love that it's all about CSS (and you can use SCSS from the start), that it's rather lightweight and that it doesn't come with JavaScript clutter. One of the things I hate about Bootstrap is that you depend on jQuery to use the JavaScript part. My boss loves UIkIt, but when I've used it in the past, I didn't like it.

What do you think we should use? Maybe you have another suggestion?

8 upvotes·1M views
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I have used bulma in several projects. We could not customize with the websites very well. Also when we need "quick solutions" Bulma is not suitable (I mean basic animations, to-top buttons, transparent navbar solutions etc. For these solutions, you need extra js codes).

Everybody knows about Bootstrap (heavy but popular).

Now we start a new project with UI kit, I like it. Pros: It is fast and lightweight and imho it has very good UI. Cons: Small community. Documentation.

Check this link for kick-off.

Maybe it is helpful.

7 upvotes·575.8K views
Front End Web Developer ·

Been checking out Bulma, myself, and really dig it. I like that it's a great base level jumping off point. You can get a layout going with it, pretty quickly, and then customize as you want. It definitely sounds like it's the one you're leaning towards but a big factor would be who will be using it most? Your boss, yourself, others? Whichever you like best, you'll prob be most productive with but if in the end your boss says it has to be UIkit, then best to be open-minded and give it another shot. Sometimes you may not jive with new tools in your stack, at first, but then they can become tools you learn to love. Best to you in your decision! Take care & keep safe.

6 upvotes·575.6K views
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I'm migrating from pure Laravel with Bootstrap project to a kind of Laravel + Vue.js. Which one should I use for the UI?

We are considering bootstrap version 4. Still, which of these 3 should I choose? Pure bootstrap, Vuetify, or Bootstrap Vue?

4 upvotes·118.8K views
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Developer and Owner at Appurist Software·

The only significant potential drawback I see to Vuetify is that it is targeting only the Vue framework. If that is not a problem for the project, or as in this case it is actually one of the specifications, then I would certainly recommend Vuetify.

The Vuetify components are more rich and complete, the documentation is great (especially compared to the Bootstrap documentation, plus a new version of Vuetify docs is imminent now), the support and community are considerably better and more responsive, and there are very active updates (pretty much weekly).

I'm an owner of a paid Bootstrap theme and there was effectively zero support, it was weak, and I'm sad to say that I think Bootstrap is something that looks better in a demo than in practice.

Vuetify components are more modern-looking, and directly designed for use in Vue applications. I am biased in the sense that I have looked at both (bootstrap-vue as well) and my work with Bootstrap over a year old now, but at that time I chose to go with Vue and Vuetify and every day that decision feels more rewarding. I do not regret it at all, and I highly recommend Vuetify on Vue. It's also a really great fit with Laravel.

6 upvotes·1 comment·1.4K views
Paul Whittemore
Paul Whittemore
June 24th 2020 at 1:46PM

I missed the fact that you were already using Bootstrap in the existing project. My comments above were really intended for a new project and fresh choices.

If you are trying to add Vue to an existing Laravel+Bootstrap project then there is little to be done in terms of the CSS layer to add Vue. Taking advantage of Vue will help you arrange the client code more effectively but it can be done incrementally and you do not need to immediately change from Bootstrap to Bootstrap-Vue, but adding it will give you new component options.

There are separate questions here:

- do you want to adopt a new framework (e.g. Vue)?

- do you want an updated CSS library (Vuetify or Tailwind CSS would be my #1 and #2 there, Bootstrap 5 is also on the horizon)

- do you want to use this moment to pause and schedule some time now for longer-term evolutionary work?

If the answers to the first two are Yes and No, respectively, then Bootstrap-Vue for sure. you can take your time migrating to Bootstrap-Vue, taking advantage of the components it offers, knowing that they are using the same Bootstrap CSS underneath. Although I would probably use this as a good time to schedule a complete review and update of the code, first to Vue, then to Bootstrap-Vue, in separate phases, to reduce technical debt going forward. And if you're going to do that, replacing HTML that uses Bootstrap CSS with new Bootstrap-Vue components, then you can still stop to also consider which CSS package you want to be using a year or two or five from now (the third question).

If you are pressed for time and Vue is a given, there is only one answer here: do the migration to Vue, then update the HTML to use Bootstrap-Vue components as appropriate. And make your own Vue components with Bootstrap styling to fill the gaps in Bootstrap-Vue.

If you are not pressed for time, or as a side project (professional development), I would take some time to play around with the alternatives, get familiar with Vuetify (Vue-specific), Tailwind CSS (framework-independent), or even newer ones like Inkline. See what each brings and whether that is important to this project or not. My guess is that if you have existing code, none of the alternatives bring enough to warrant a switch, even Vuetify. For new projects, yes, but probably not with existing code that is just getting a refresh.

Bootstrap Vue

If you're already working with bootstrap, then it would be straightforward to move onto vue bootstrap. I'm using it in one of my projects and it's been a pleasant surprise. Easy to use, smartly designed, intuitive. I started using bootstrap back in 2012 and I grew tired of it so I moved forward to material design. After years of fighting against MaterializeCss, Bootstrap Vue feels slick. Vuetify is nice, it has awesome components and everything, but I wouldn't go back to it. Bootstrap Vue is my new favorite and they create new components every week.

Honorable shoutout to ElementUI, which is amazing too, albeit a little tied to the presets of 2019 which are getting stale.

I've tried VueStrap Vueify and CoreUI too but they weren't a full blown solution. The latter is lacking in documentation too.

5 upvotes·1K views
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Needs advice

I want to develop a dynamic frontend quickly. I have worked with Bootstrap but not React. Should I go with Bootstrap or React? Which one will help get an MVP up and running quicker?

3 upvotes·123.4K views
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Co-founder & CTO at Newfront Insurance·

Hey Vaibhav, luckily you don't have to pick between these two. @react-bootstrap ( let's you easily use Bootstrap (a CSS UI framework) with React (a JS library). That being said Bootstrap tends to be pretty heavyweight, so it might include a lot more than what's needed for your app. Good luck and happy coding.

5 upvotes·1 comment·436 views
Vaibhav S
Vaibhav S
July 17th 2020 at 3:18AM

Thanks for the answer Gordon!

Needs advice
Tailwind CSSTailwind CSS

I am planning to redesign my entire application, which is currently in Bootstrap. I heard about Tailwind CSS, and I think its really cool to work with. Is it okay if I use Bootstrap and Tailwind together? I can't remove Bootstrap altogether, as my application is using the js dependencies of Bootstrap, which I don't want to disturb.

7 upvotes·722.3K views
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CTO at Ongagement·

Factually talking about systems, we gotta make two bold headlines about each one: Bootstrap has been around for a while, has a vast community and much probably will not be gone in a while. Tailwind in the other hand, is the trendy framework starting from the past year. Referring to UI, I really prefer Tailwind, however I can't ignore the fact that a lot of libraries that emerged felt short in the end after a few years (a point where Bootstrap kept his status).

You are able to use both them together but I advise you — it will be a mess. And you gotta hope that you won't have any kind of conflicts between class naming and other general styling.

My recommendation would be to use one and only one. Perhaps rebuild the UI with a specific framework in mind, otherwise you will start to workaround things of both frameworks to contradict each other - and your team (if you work with one) will hate you.

7 upvotes·1 comment·619.6K views
Syed Khadir
Syed Khadir
July 27th 2020 at 5:25AM

Thanks for the advice, we are planning to use tailwind

Sr. Software Engineer at Forenax Technologies·

You might have heard about bootstrap 5. Bootstrap is now totally jQuery free. i have tried foundation and bulma too. but eventually fall again for bootstrap, as it is most convenient and stable. i use bootstrap with less or sass.

5 upvotes·618K views
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CTO at IT Central Station·

We are currently using a classic Rails stack. We plan to add React for the view part of the website. We are currently using a UI theme called UBOLD, which is built on Bootstrap. Should we move to a different UI theme that is built on Material Design because Bootstrap does not play well with React?

2 upvotes·477 views
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You can use almost anything you want with React, in the end it just renders out html/css. There are currently two major projects wrapping bootstrap in React components. I have personally used reactstrap and created my own components using bootstrap css and both worked fine.

4 upvotes·349 views
Software Engineer at Amazon·

I only know Java and so thinking of building a web application in the following order. I need some help on what alternatives I can choose. Open to replace components, services, or infrastructure.

  • Frontend: AngularJS, Bootstrap
  • Web Framework: Spring Boot
  • Database: Amazon DynamoDB
  • Authentication: Auth0
  • Deployment: Amazon EC2 Container Service
  • Local Testing: Docker
  • Marketing: Mailchimp (Separately Export from Auth0)
  • Website Domain: GoDaddy
  • Routing: Amazon Route 53

PS: Open to exploring options of going completely native ( AWS Lambda, AWS Security but have to learn all)

6 upvotes·968.5K views
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Founder and CEO at Facile Technolab Pvt Ltd·

I would recommend to upgrade your stack and consider Angular.

Also, if you are working with docker, instead of manually managing your EC2 and docker inside it, switch to ECS as its free of cost and hassle free way to deploy and keep running your containers efficiently.

Good luck.

4 upvotes·9.9K views

Instead of Docker , no doubt its great but it has vulnerabilitis and restricitions with dameon and root thread. I would pickup Podman. Also Ambasador is a culmination of Gateway LB and ServiceMesh on istio and Envoy. Great for both East-west and North south microservices communication, policy managment and security with Istio. Spring Boot is not a WebFW. For platform web fw one can use Reactive like SPring WebFlow rather than Spring MVC. For java experience, Spring provides great assets.

I will switch to using Kubernetes whether managed or custom depends on several factors rather than AWS ecs. For LB Amabassador is a great alternative on AWS. One can simply use this on top of ECS clusters. Instead of running in to different frameworks one can simply use one FW at both client and server side for consuming and SSE. I believe one can look at Lot of it depends what you need a full FW or a light librarry like React to be part of V in your MVC. Whether you need a SPA , on Mobile etc... in that case KOTLIN is also another option on Java. Dont go with Android. Best luck. Swapnil S

3 upvotes·8.8K views
Frontend Developer at Freelance·

What is the best and fastest developing UI CSS Framework to couple with Angular Material ? Mostly for making responsive components and writing less sass. I have Bootstrap and Tailwind CSS in mind.

2 upvotes·189.1K views
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Front End Web Developer at Student Edge·

Why do you need Bootstrap / Tailwind in the first place? Angular Material already has responsivity built in out of the box and you can just plug into that?

Needs advice
Reaction CommerceReaction Commerce

I am consulting for a company that wants to move its current CubeCart e-commerce site to another PHP based platform like PrestaShop or Magento. I was interested in alternatives that utilize Node.js as the primary platform. I currently don't know PHP, but I have done full stack dev with Java, Spring, Thymeleaf, etc.. I am just unsure that learning a set of technologies not commonly used makes sense. For example, in PrestaShop, I would need to work with JavaScript better and learn PHP, Twig, and Bootstrap. It seems more cumbersome than a Node JS system, where the language syntax stays the same for the full stack. I am looking for thoughts and advice on the relevance of PHP skillset into the future AND whether the Node based e-commerce open source options can compete with Magento or Prestashop.

12 upvotes·746.1K views
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Web Application Developer at Fortinet·

Where im confused is why you think PHP isn't commonly used. It powers the grand majority of the internet, and as a language designed entirely around making websites (as opposed to general purpose languages like Java that have crammed in an http server to make it work for websites too), its a language that's incredibly easy to jump into, and offers a lot of flexibility and versatility on how to navigate web facing challenges.

Also don't kid yourself about the node "one language" ecosystem. You will find yourself often visually confused as you jump between editor tabs which .js is aimed at the browser, and which .js is aimed at the server, and gets even weirder when using js based templating engines. (This is why in my node projects with a front-end, I use Angular, which uses TypeScript),). JS was never intended to run outside of a browser based VM context, its just yet another language we've jimmyrigged an http compatible socket listener into and given filesystem access.

If you're worried about wasting your time jumping into bed with PHP, don't be. Its not only extremely widely used, but after 20 years its still incredibly relevant, high performing (you will be shocked to see how fast php7 actually is), high paying (yes, six figures), and the language itself has evolved leaps and bounds into a multi-paradigm beast of a toolkit bespoke to solving web challenges.

If you liked Spring, check out Symfony sometime. Its a PHP7 web framework that takes a LOT of inspiration from Spring, and pairs up with Doctrine, a PHP7 ORM that takes a great deal of inspiration from Hibernate. The company that makes Symfony, is also the same people behind Twig, which is so ridiculously good and popular, its been ported to pretty much every language including Java and node.

As for free packaged out of the box storefronts, Magento is a total beast of a package, and isn't for the feint of heart. But it is also THE most complete and ridiculously configurable self hostable e-commerce system you'll ever come across. Many web professionals have made entire careers completely around Magento. I am not one of them, but I have used Magento, PrestaShop, and several others, and I keep coming back to Magento. Outside of hosted shops like Shopify, Magento is, as far as I'm concerned, where you wanna be for a totally custom, plug-in based shop front for a website. The only time I'd recommend different, is if a customers website is powered by WordPress, then WooCommerce is where you wanna be.

8 upvotes·26.7K views
Technical Lead at DPO International·

I prefer to use Magneto because it open source and has a lot of extensions in it so it's so faster for building a website

2 upvotes·8.8K views