Avatar of Tom Mumford
Needs advice
Chat by StreamChat by Stream

I am interested in using a chat SDK for a community mobile Flutter app. I am between SendBird and Stream. I currently have 2,000 monthly active users and plan to have close to 5,000 active users chatting on the app. Has anyone used either and had good/bad experiences? Currently, there is no chat functionality, and we would like to have a 1-to-1 user chat, group chat, and large community chat capabilities.

6 upvotes·28.5K views
Replies (1)
Content Marketing Strategist at Stream·
Chat by Stream

Hi, Tom! I'd recommend Stream's Flutter SDK if scalability and performance for a growing number of active users are your focus!

Here's an honest comparison of the two: https://getstream.io/blog/product-comparison-stream-vs-sendbird/

And here are a few case studies on Stream customers who switched from Sendbird: - https://getstream.io/blog/hio-switched-from-sendbird-to-stream/ - https://getstream.io/blog/pluang-uses-stream-chat/

Here are some of the top blogs on building chat with Stream's Flutter SDK that might help you decide: - https://getstream.io/blog/build-a-flutter-social-chat/ - https://getstream.io/blog/creating-a-fast-and-beautiful-chat-with-flutter/

And of course, always feel free to reach out to our sales team to learn more: https://getstream.io/contact/

3 upvotes·1 comment·1.6K views
Alex Sam
Alex Sam
May 30th 2024 at 10:39AM

Hi Tom! It was great answering your query. I'm taking this chance to suggest the best solution for handling your huge user count. By the way, congratulations on hitting the numbers.

For the Flutter Chat SDK, I suggest you consider the following: uptime SLA, latency, extensive file sharing, topic-based chat, and chat history.

These are all essential lists that will save your post and another question!

In my experience, MirroFly SDK(https://www.mirrorfly.com/flutter-chat-sdk.php) will handle your requirements even more with scalable features.

They offer both on-premise and cloud platforms for deployment. Sounds good, right?!

Hope this helps, Tom.
