Timothy Chung
19 points


  • #<User:0x00007f6eea6b6560>

    Just finished the article. Great read! How are you guys able to retrieve data instantaneously for the personal API? I understand that you can cache the company API but how are you guys caching the Person API as there will be billions of users online across all social networks.

  • #<User:0x00007f6eea6b5b60>

    Great answer! Thank you for your response. I am a fanboy of Sidekiq and I enjoy its speed and ease of use. What are some places you guys look for personal info. Are they just APIs or do you do some social network scraping? Thanks.

  • #<User:0x00007f6eea6b43a0>

    Great tool.

  • #<User:0x00007f6eea6b3d60>

    Great answer! Thank you for your response. I am a fanboy of Sidekiq and I enjoy its speed and ease of use. What are some places you guys look for personal info. Are they just APIs or do you do some social network scraping? Thanks.