Avatar of Marek Kapusta-Ognicki

Marek Kapusta-Ognicki

Senior Fullstack Dev/Lead at Dataminers
Senior Fullstack Dev/Lead at Dataminers·

Capacitor is a perfect tool for creating hybrid apps with any of the leading JS framework, so you don't have to worry about switching from JS to anything else. It also has a great ecosystem, as well as the native functions bridge plugins, most of them require zero-to-minimum effort to set them up. Unlike in React Native/Vue Native, you are not limited to specific components or logic, you are also free to choose any fitting UI kit, and the final product looks and behaves exactly the same regardless of the platform.

4 upvotes·24.3K views
Senior Fullstack Dev/Lead at Dataminers·

I believe the wisest decision is to learn UI kits, in general, the philosophy behind them, without overly attachment to any particular one. In the end, Bootstrap, Material UI, Vuetify, Bulma, or anything else, is built following similar patterns. Maybe except for Tailwind, which is quite extravagant case ;)

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