Avatar of Noe Osorio

Noe Osorio

Software Engineer
Software Engineer ·

Node Js have worked incredible great for me on every project I had. It is fast enough to support big and small apps, you do not have to worry about performance, because it is very capable of building a big REST API.

One advantage is that the learning curve is lower when you have used javascript on web browser as frontend, so, it is easy to migrate from Frontend to Backend with node.

Node Package Manager (NPM) has an incredible amount of packages from many developers, so you can use them on your project as you need them.

Code is easy to support, way different than Java Legacy code.

9 upvotes·99.8K views
Software Engineer ·
Works on Frontend and Backend

With the same principles of programing you can learn how to build functional apps on frontend with many frameworks or just Vanilla JS and create REST API's with Node JS.

Javascript is in everything we use, from web to mobile. So you just have to learn once a programming language and then use it where you need it the most.

5 upvotes·3.1K views