Jake Taylor
Recent Tech Decisions
43 points


  • JavaScript

    jakewtaylor main

    JavaScript is used on the frontend when needed.

  • PHP

    jakewtaylor main

    PHP is the language we use on the server. We use PHP >= 7, as it's the fastest and most reliable version, with a few nice additions that older versions didn't have.

  • Laravel

    jakewtaylor main

    Laravel is the PHP framework we use. It speeds up development and simplifies a lot of PHP. Complicated at first but saves time once you're comfortable with it.

  • ES6

    jakewtaylor main

    ES6 is a new-ish, modern form of JavaScript that adds in extra functionality that make code cleaner and easier to work with, such as arrow functions, const and let declarations, array helper methods, object/array destructuring etc.

  • Sass

    jakewtaylor main

    Sass is a CSS preprocessor that adds nice functionality such as nested styles, imports, mixins, variables etc.

  • Babel

    jakewtaylor main

    Babel is used to transpile modern JavaScript (ES6/ES2015/ESNext, all mean the same thing basically) to JavaScript that runs on every browser (mostly).

  • MySQL

    jakewtaylor main

    MySQL is the database system we use.

  • Postman

    jakewtaylor main

    I use Postman for testing API endpoints etc.

  • React

    jakewtaylor main

    I use React as a frontend view framework. It's not always needed, but when the UI for a site has lots of changing parts and/or interactive functionality, React makes it a lot easier to work with.

  • Apache HTTP Server

    jakewtaylor main

    The server we use. Don't really need to worry about this too much.