What is Istio?
Who uses Istio?
Istio Integrations
Here are some stack decisions, common use cases and reviews by companies and developers who chose Istio in their tech stack.
At my company, we are trying to move away from a monolith into microservices led architecture. We are now stuck with a problem to establish a communication mechanism between microservices. Since, we are planning to use service meshes and something like Dapr/Istio, we are not sure on how to split services between the two. Service meshes offer Traffic Routing or Splitting whereas, Dapr can offer state management and service-service invocation. At the same time both of them provide mLTS, Metrics, Resiliency and tracing. How to choose who should offer what?
As for the new support of service mesh pattern by Kong, I wonder how does it compare to Istio?