Recent Tech Decisions
41 points


  • gulp

    ioi0 Static Site Stack (SSS)

    Gulp is used to configure build pipeline, from jekyll build command to minification, cleaning and optimization of static assets (js,css, img).

  • npm

    ioi0 Static Site Stack (SSS)

    Used as a dependency management tool.

  • GitHub

    ioi0 Static Site Stack (SSS)

    The project lives in its own repository. Nice workflow for developer and no need for client to get here. Every time the repository gets pushed a web hook triggers build system at Netlify.

  • Jekyll

    ioi0 Static Site Stack (SSS)

    This static site generator is used with "contentful-import" ruby plugin, which allows to fetch data from Contentfull and generate new web-pages based on it. Easy and fun to use.

  • Netlify

    ioi0 Static Site Stack (SSS)

    Serves the main site through CDN. Provides super easy password protection and third-level domain for staging. Uses web hooks from Contentful and Github to know when to trigger new build and update the site. Perfect.

  • Contentful

    ioi0 Static Site Stack (SSS)

    Contentuful acts as a simple CMS for the end-user. A web hook is configured in a way that every time end-client updates any content on the platform - a new build is triggered.